Chapter 333 Hard fight
"Xiao Yu, I have to admit that your ability to speak out is much higher than your real ability."

Wuyi taunted that he had been brooding over Xiao Yu's attempt to prevent him from taking Bu Zuiyun away. There was no turning back when doing things in the "Dark Prison". Since the first attempt was unsuccessful, he would not do it again. The second time, because of Xiao Yu's obstruction, the body of the celestial charm was not collected completely, which had a great impact on their "dark prison" plan, so that the "holy body" plan cannot be completed now.

"Let's talk nonsense, I just want to know, where did you catch those special physique owners?"

Xiao Yu ignored the senseless ridicule, and in this situation, he still cared about Ao Zixuan.

This most important woman in his life, he will find her no matter what, even if she doesn't remember the past with him at all, he will rescue her without hesitation.He didn't dare to directly ask about the whereabouts of "Ao Zixuan", if so, they would definitely know about Ao Zixuan's relationship with him, and it would definitely be the worst thing to make a fuss about Ao Zixuan and force him to submit.

"You want to know?" Wuqing slowly stretched out his right palm, "If you want to know, go to that place and find them yourself!"


As soon as the words of Wuyi fell, the palm of the hand swung down suddenly, and a long knife with divine power was directly pierced across the sky. The huge knife energy tore through the sky and cut the ground in half.

The saber air fell directly on his head, and the fierce air force made Xiao Yu's clothes rattle.His long hair fluttered with the wind, and his figure was extremely small compared to the gigantic saber aura, like a flat boat in the sea, which would be submerged in the waves at any time.


Xiao Yu yelled, a terrifying aura bloomed from his body, the ground was cracked inch by inch, pieces of gravel splashed, as if he had experienced a huge destructive explosion.

With a swipe of Xiao Yu's palm, a huge sword with supernatural power appeared in his hand. The sword was crystal-clear and brilliant, and strange runes flowed on it. It was not so much a sword as it was a broken sword that was glued to it by a powerful force again. Broken blades joined together.

"Blast Slash!"

With a loud shout, Xiao Yu slashed out with the long sword in his hand.


A huge fan-shaped wind blade swept out, from bottom to top, like a shock wave rushing straight out.


The saber air collided with the wind blade, and there was a bang.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of explosions continued to be heard in the air, the space shook, and the sky trembled.Two completely different powerful forces clashed fiercely in the air.


Lightning flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes, and the wind blade pierced through the saber energy, covering the ruthless, righteous and moral three people again.

Raven's Gale Slash, the Blade of Exile, already had the ability to penetrate. After colliding with the saber energy, its power did not weaken at all, and it still slashed at the three people who were ruthless, righteous and moral.


Although the ruthless, righteous and immoral three were surprised, they did not panic at all. The three of them united together, forming seals with their hands, and the mighty divine power condensed tens of thousands of divine power barriers in the air.

Gale Zhan rushed straight up, pierced through multiple barriers, and quickly attacked the three of them.


Wu Qing's eyes were wide open, and he watched this scene in disbelief. He had never seen such a strange attack, and he could break through directly ignoring their defenses.He made the most correct choice at the first time, roared, and retreated violently.

Wuyi and Wude reacted at the same time, and followed Wuqing almost at the same time to retreat.The figures of the three flashed in the void, and the huge wind blade followed closely behind them. The space trembled, and the earth also turned up layers of rocky waves. If you look at the present, I am afraid that everyone will think that the end of the world is coming.

The wind blade swept across the sky for more than ten thousand feet, covering the sky and blocking out the sun. Xiao Yu's sword slashed out, and it seemed to break the sky and the earth.The three people who are ruthless, righteous and immoral also run away desperately, they don't want to be affected by this weird attack.

After fleeing more than ten thousand feet, the attack range of the wind blade finally reached its limit and stopped.


The three of them had just stopped, and before they had time to turn around, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the sky again.

The three of them looked overhead, Xiao Yu had already appeared high in the sky, and a huge fist had already descended from the sky.

"Let's fight together! We must not allow him to grow any longer today, we must contain him here!"

With a ruthless roar, he threw out a palm first, and the huge palm print blasted upwards, colliding with his fist.


The sky was divided into two parts by two attacks, just like giants' palms and fists colliding with each other, the attacks of both of them carried indescribable power, breaking mountains and cracking ground.

Wuqing let out a muffled snort, and his figure dropped a little. He faced Xiao Yu head-on for the first time. Although he had expected Xiao Yu's strength, he was still really shocked now.

From that fist mark, he felt extremely solid divine power, even more powerful than him.

Xiao Yu in the sky was also shaken, and he couldn't gain the upper hand without any pressure in a battle of divine power with a master who was above level [-] of the Broken God Realm.

When three people fight against him alone, he must gain the upper hand. If the three of them form a rhythmic joint attack, he will be at an absolute disadvantage.


The moment Wuyi and Wude ruthlessly caught Xiao Yu's attack, they had already shot in two different directions, on Xiao Yu's left and right sides.


"Smasher Palm!"

The shouts of the two resounded through the sky, and two huge palm prints struck from left and right. Before the palm force arrived, the space was already compressed beyond the limit, making a crisp sound like glass shattering.

Xiao Yu focused his eyes, turned his body upside down, and stepped on the void with one foot, causing a circle of ripples immediately.He soars upward with relentless force.

But the two palm prints are too huge, Xiao Yu can't get out of this range at all.

"Powerful Punch!"

With a loud shout, he punched out both left and right fists, the violent energy in his hands swept across, and the white air mass suddenly expanded and collided with the two palm prints.


Xiao Yu immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, and the huge impact made the blood in his body churn.

"The joint attack of these two people is really difficult to receive!"

Feeling the constant pressure from both sides, Xiao Yu thought to himself.He had suffered some minor injuries, but now he was attacked again by two super masters, and the internal organs in his body were injured more and more.

The Wuyi Wude also spat out a mouthful of blood, how could Xiao Yu's powerful punch be easy to catch?
"Bang bang bang!"

Violent explosions continued, and the attacks of the three people dissipated in the sky.

Xiao Yu's pressure dropped suddenly, and he was about to take a step back to escape their encirclement, when he suddenly felt the power behind him violently.

"The dragon roars!"

A ruthless figure appeared behind Xiao Yu, he let out a loud shout and opened his mouth wide.

A circle of sound waves visible to the naked eye spewed out from his mouth, and the cloud was directly torn into fragments, sweeping towards Xiao Yu.


Xiao Yu snorted coldly, folded his hands in front of his body, the sound waves hit his body head-on, the powerful force pressed him to the ground, his ears were completely filled with messy noises.


Xiao Yu's figure hit the ground, and his figure instantly disappeared above the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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