Chapter 334 Desperately

With a ruthless snort, his figure dropped from the sky suddenly, and rushed into the hole that Xiao Yu had bludgeoned out of.

Wuyi and Wude were in the sky, their eyes were fixed on the bottom, they knew that Xiao Yu would never lose his fighting power because of Wuqing's blow.

Until now, they have not displayed their domains yet, Xiao Yu is not such an easy person to deal with.

Wu Qing had just entered the pothole for more than ten feet, and suddenly felt a fiery breath rushing towards his face, rushing straight up from the depths of the ground.The originally pitch-black underground suddenly appeared a strong flame, which was extremely dazzling.

"not good!"

Wu Qing was startled, stomped the soles of his feet, and at the same time swung a palm towards the dark ground.


The huge fireball broke through the rock walls around the pit, and collided with the huge palm prints released mercilessly.


A wave of fire swept away from the ground, and all the rocks on the ground were burned into nothingness, and the altitude here dropped again.Wuqing was shocked by the powerful impact and flipped upside down. Wuyi and Wude looked at each other, and their figures flashed downward at the same time.

Xiao Yu's figure appeared above the fire wave, and the gorgeous flames on his palm kept beating.Seeing Wuyi and Wude approaching again, he narrowed his eyes and raised his palms slightly.His left hand was a fist, and he swung at Wuyi, his right hand was a claw, and he grabbed Wude horizontally with flames.

In an instant, a huge fist print with a white air mass and a huge palm print covered with flames appeared in the sky, sweeping across all directions.


Wuyi and Wude were slightly startled, they didn't expect Xiao Yu to still unleash such a fierce attack, the two of them staggered, their hands kept forming seals in front of them, and transformed into dark and strange runes.

"Combined attack!"

With a loud shout, the runes in front of the two continued to grow, gradually forming a big black hand full of strange runes.The big hand pierced through the space and stretched out from two different directions at the same time.

"Bang bang!"

The giant hand of the pitch-black rune forcibly shook Xiao Yu's attack, and almost instantly, Xiao Yu's fist and palm prints were knocked back steadily.


Xiao Yu spat out a mouthful of blood, the powerful force coming from this weird rune hand made the bones in his body creak.

"Combined skill?"

Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed. It was not the first time he had seen a joint martial art, but the combined martial art performed by Wuyi and Wude was the most powerful. It was the first time since he came out of the mountain that he was fighting against someone head-on. In an instant, he fell into a disadvantage.


Seeing that the blow worked, Wuyi and Wude shot a cold light from their eyes.Wuqing, who was repelled by the fireball just now, flew back, and the three of them nodded to each other, and their figures flashed again.

The sound of sonic booms continued to be heard in the sky, and with a thought, Xiao Yu felt that the three people, ruthless, righteous and moral, were attacking him from different directions.


Xiao Yu stepped on the foot, the air wave exploded, and his figure disappeared in place.In an instant, the sky was filled with vigor, muffled sounds came from the void, and invisible impacts shattered the space.

The four people in the sky are fighting fiercely. Every time Xiao Yu flashes, he will punch or palm one of the ruthless, righteous and immoral people. The three of them fight around him, trying to block all his routes.

Xiao Yu was like a trapped wild animal, rampaging in this encirclement, although mighty and mighty, he was still unable to escape.

There were no figures of the four of them in the sky at all, only four phantoms that were invisible to the naked eye flickered back and forth.


With a loud muffled sound, Xiao Yu's figure was knocked back hundreds of feet, and his feet were constantly descending in the sky, creating ripples.

The figures of Ruqing, Wuyi and Wude also appeared, about a thousand feet away from Xiao Yu.


Xiao Yu spat out a mouthful of blood again, and there was a dark black palm print on his chest, as black as ink.The three people who are ruthless, righteous, and moral are not much better. They all have a few footprints on their chests. It looks like they were kicked by Xiao Yu. In this round of scuffle, both sides have their own injuries.

Xiao Yu's face was stern, the strength of these three people was extremely powerful, if any one of them fought alone with him, he would be happy and fearless, but now the three of them are fighting together, and the cooperation of the three of them is intimate, there are almost no loopholes, as if it is One.

"Xiao Yu, you seem to be unable to make waves!"

Ruthless stepped forward, and the tyrannical divine power shot straight into the sky, traversing the sky.Although he was also injured, compared to Xiao Yu, it was much lighter.

"Hey! Are you still talking about fighting our entire 'Dark Prison'? Your current performance is quite different!"

Wuyi grinned, extremely mocking.

"Xiao Yu, do you now understand the meaning of a strong partner?"

Wude rubbed his aching chest, with a satisfied smile on his face, he finally let out the anger of being suppressed and beaten by Xiao Yu before.

"You haven't won me yet, and now you're talking big?"

Xiao Yu's expression didn't change at all, his extremely cold eyes scanned the ruthless, righteous and immoral three people, and his aura began to rise steadily.


The hearts of the ruthless, righteous and morally terrified trio, they never thought that Xiao Yu would be able to behave so horribly after suffering such a serious internal injury.Xiao Yu's aura was even stronger than before.

The clouds in the sky swirled and twirled, forming a huge storm of clouds above Xiao Yu's head, and the ground already covered with cracks rose piece by piece from the ground, circling in the air.

Two energy storms were formed above Xiao Yu's head and under his feet. He was in the middle, like a demon god above the heaven and earth. His whole body was filled with violent energy. Anyone who touched it lightly would be hit like a thunderbolt. .

The ruthless, ignorant, and virtuous trio looked extremely ugly. Xiao Yu's current power had already made them feel a great threat. If the previous Xiao Yu was a lion in the sunset, the current Xiao Yu is a lion. The tiger galloping down the mountain.

"He has already suffered such a serious injury, why is he still so powerful? This is impossible!"

Although the three of them were shocked, they were already on the verge of riding a tiger. They would not give Xiao Yu a chance to escape. Similarly, Xiao Yu would not give any of them a chance to escape. Even if some of them could escape, one of them would definitely be hurt by Xiao Yu Yu's crazy pursuit.

Super experts are not what they are most afraid of, what they fear most is the kind of super experts who have put life and death aside.

The three of them also exuded monstrous momentum, ready to fight Xiao Yu with all their strength, their divine powers were frenzied, and they united into a different-colored divine power in the sky, like a rainbow with only three colors.

Xiao Yu's fists were already clenched and his aura had climbed to the peak. Although these three were strong, if he fought for his life, the world would change color.

(End of this chapter)

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