Chapter 335 Ice, Fire, Wind

The energy storm around Xiao Yu became more and more urgent, and the two whirlwinds gradually merged into one. His whole body was full of strong blue light, and the eyeballs in his eyes even had a little bit of blue light.

The energy between the heaven and the earth completely rioted at this moment, the sky quickly dimmed, and billowing thunder fell from the sky, passing through Xiao Yu, splitting the ground within ten thousand feet around him into a piece of scorched earth.

The ruthless, righteous and immoral three felt great pressure. Xiao Yu's current aura was much stronger than the three of them, and it implied the power of the world. If they met, they might not get the slightest benefit, but This is the end of the matter, and they have no way out.


With a ruthless shout, he stretched out his hands, and the powerful divine power gushed out from his palms, tearing the surrounding space violently and distorting it. In the next moment, traces of roads and trails cracked in these spaces, and countless winds came out of them. The airflow instantly became very fast, and suddenly, there was a lot of wind.Sand and rocks were flying on the ground, and clouds were churning in the sky.

"The howling wind!"

With a move of the ruthless palm, these extremely fast winds converged with each other, forming countless huge tornadoes around his body.

Although these tornadoes seemed less powerful and smaller than the energy storms around Xiao Yu, their number could not be underestimated.

"This is his domain?"

Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed, but he didn't make a move. He knew that Wuyi and Wude would definitely not remain silent.

Sure enough, Wude flew up and turned this world into a world of magma again. This is his domain, lava burning the sky, Xiao Yu has already experienced it before.

The rest was Wuyi, his body suddenly dropped to the ground, Xiao Yu's eyeballs also moved with his movement, and kept locking on him.

He touched the ground with one hand, and pressed his entire palm on the ground.


The crisp sound resounded suddenly, and the ground began to freeze at a speed visible to the naked eye. With Wuyi as the center, the ice was spreading in all directions. In just an instant, the land within a radius of [-] feet was completely frozen.

Wuyi stood on the ice surface, another palm was printed on it again, the ice surface changed again, and ice cones protruded from the ice surface, densely covering the entire ice surface.Wuyi turned upside down, stepped on an ice cone with one foot, pointed at the sky with one hand, and faced Xiao Yu directly.

"My icy land will be used to entertain you today!"

Sensing three completely different powers, Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes. He mobilized the existing power to the extreme, ready to go, and could give the opponent a thunderous blow at any time.

"Xiao Yu, the three of us are also known as the three guardians of ice, fire, and wind in the 'Dark Prison'. If the three of us work together, we will have the power of the three different attributes of ice, fire, and wind to attack the enemy together. We can also fight with the masters of the eighth or even ninth level of the realm, but I want to see if you can reach that level!"

With a ruthless grin, the three of them fully opened their domains, which made his previously shaken heart calm down again.He didn't believe that Xiao Yu could still fight three against one when the three of them were all going all out.They weren't Li Yuan, Zhao Tianxing or the common God-shattering powerhouses like Yin Yangyan.

"So what? You won't know until you fight!"

Xiao Yu shouted loudly, the palm of his hand burst into light, and a huge disc of divine power appeared in front of him, standing in the air.

"Earthquake debris, go!"

With a wave of Xiao Yu's palm, the huge disk of divine power rolled out quickly, and rolled towards Wuqing in the sky.

Wherever it passed, the space collapsed, and the flow of gas became much slower.With a ruthless swing of his palm, one of the tornadoes spinning around him quickly escaped and headed towards the divine power disk.


When the two collided, the swift and fierce tornado couldn't resist the divine power disc, and quickly disintegrated. The divine power disc continued to roll towards the ruthless.

It is said to be rolling, but in fact it is no different from flying, its speed is really too fast.


Wu Qing was startled, his hands danced quickly, one after another tornado swept out from his side, and collided with the disc of divine power issued by Xiao Yu.


The sharp hissing sound was endless. Although the single power of the tornado was inferior to the huge divine power disk, there were a huge number of them. With the overlapping, the divine power disk was gradually impacted slowly.Countless tornadoes kept hitting, and after the ones in front dissipated, the ones behind continued to top.

Ruthless completely used the tornado as a throwing weapon, and kept hitting the divine power disc at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.


Finally, the disc of divine power was overwhelmed and shattered.Wuqing showed joy, but the next moment, his expression froze on his face.The moment the disc of divine power shattered, Xiao Yu's figure appeared behind the disc, and his fists blasted towards this side with the energy storm.

The tornado driven by Ruthless was used to fully deal with the divine power disc released by Xiao Yu just now, but now the number has been greatly reduced.The speed and power of Xiao Yu's punch far surpassed Cai's Divine Power Disc just now.

With one ruthless palm move, all the remaining tornadoes appeared in front of him in an instant, forming a giant tornado of more than [-] feet in an instant.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Xiao Yu's fist struck the tornado, and violent explosions continued to radiate from the surface of the tornado.The tornado spun extremely fast, and scattered Xiao Yu's punching force, just like a huge spinning top, its surface was constantly bombarded by fierce punching force.

The two forces confronted each other high in the sky, refusing to give in at all.A divine light flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes, his right arm suddenly grew a little thicker, the veins on his arm coiled up, and the divine power in his body gushed out like a tide.


The strength of the fist suddenly increased, and Wuqing's heart trembled. The giant tornado he transformed was punched out of a hole, as if a part of a spinning top was missing.

Xiao Yu's fist power pierced through it and went straight to Wuqing.

At this moment, Wuqing can only retreat, but Xiao Yu's punch is faster, and he is about to catch up with Wuqing in a blink of an eye.If this punch landed, Wuqing would have suffered serious injuries on the spot.

"Magma Shield!"

With a loud shout, the fiery red magma in the sky suddenly rioted, and streams of magma spurted out, blocking Wuqing before Xiao Yu punched Wuqing hard.


There was a loud noise, magma splashed everywhere, and Xiao Yu's fist hit it firmly, the space trembled and shattered into countless small pieces, and the violent shock wave spread in the sky with the hot energy.

With a ruthless breath, he knew that he was saved, but an unspeakable astonishment and extreme fear welled up in his heart again.Xiao Yu was indeed an opponent that he didn't want to face alone. He had no doubt that if he faced Xiao Yu alone, he would have already lost.

Xiao Yu's arm trembled slightly, and he stood where he was, his cold eyes swept towards the gloomy Wude, who was the one who made the move just now and helped Wuqing block Xiao Yu's attack.

"Xiao Yu, this is not a fight between you alone, don't forget, there are three of us!"

(End of this chapter)

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