Chapter 359 Self-defeating

With Xiao Yu's current state, Ao Zixuan has already caught up to him with just one exertion.Xiao Yu, who lost his divine power, has no difference except that his body is countless times stronger than that of ordinary people.

"I don't want to say the same thing a third time!"

Xiao Yu raised his brows and glanced away, the coldness in it made Ao Zixuan startled, but she didn't take half a step back.

"Xiao Yu, no matter what you say, I will not leave!"

Ao Zixuan took two steps forward and supported Xiao Yu.


Xiao Yu gave a low drink, and threw Ao Zixuan away again.He really doesn't want to get too close to Ao Zixuan now, this is a torment for him, he must try his best to control his feelings, and for Ao Zixuan, it will be a fatal danger .

Xiao Yu didn't expect that Ao Zixuan raised his hands and supported him again, Xiao Yu tried to shake him twice, each time after shaking off, Ao Zixuan stuck to him again.

He turned his head to look at Ao Zixuan, and saw that she was biting her lip, her eyes were already a little foggy, but her hands were still supporting Xiao Yu stubbornly.

Xiao Yu's heart trembled, a trace of unbearable expression appeared on his face, he forced himself to turn his head away, not daring to look at Ao Zixuan's face again.


Xiao Yu sighed softly in his heart, but he was also very strange. First, why did Ao Zixuan come back?Second, why did Ao Zixuan treat him so well?After losing her memory, didn't Ao Zixuan always hate him?

"Xuanao Zixuan, I hope you understand that I can't give you any protection now, you have seen my appearance, the most urgent thing is that you leave here immediately and go back to Liufengmen, at least there, someone will protect you you."

Xiao Yu really had no choice but to express his true thoughts, hoping that Ao Zixuan could understand what he meant and leave quickly.

As everyone knows, just after he finished speaking, he heard Ao Zixuan's dissatisfied shout.

"Xiao Yu, who do you think I am? I am not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, let alone an ungrateful person. You saved me. Now you need help. How could I leave you alone?"

Ao Zixuan's flower language was extremely angry, and there was even a bit of crying, she was really wronged, she thought Xiao Yu regarded her as a despicable villain.

"Ingratitude?" Xiao Yu didn't care about Ao Zixuan's grievances, instead he chanted this word, laughing at himself, "Is it for repaying a kindness?"

A bit of bitterness dissipated in Xiao Yu's heart, he finally understood that Ao Zixuan treated him so well in order to repay his life-saving grace.But the real thoughts in Ao Zixuan's heart, is this really the case?
"Huh!" Xiao Yu forced himself to calm down, and his eyes that had already had a slight ripple returned to calm again.

"I don't need your help, and you can't help me. If you really want to help me, then hurry back to Liufengmen and let your sect master bring someone here."

Xiao Yu shook off Ao Zixuan again and walked forward.

"No!" Ao Zixuan ran in front of Xiao Yu, stretched out her arms, and stopped him, "If you want to go, we will go together, I will not let you stay here alone."

Xiao Yu was speechless for a moment, and sighed inwardly, this Ao Zixuan really didn't listen to what she said.Be determined to stay by your side.

"Ao Zixuan, you"

Xiao Yu wanted to say something more, when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen and the joints of his limbs, the pain directly transmitted to his brain, making his eyes instantly congested and turned blood red.


Xiao Yu knelt down on the ground, and sprayed a stream of white mist from his mouth. The white mist sprinkled on the ground, instantly freezing the ground into ice.


Xiao Yu only felt his eyes go dark, and he fell to one side.

"Ah, Xiao Yu!"

Ao Zixuan turned pale with shock, and supported Xiao Yu who was about to fall.Under this touch, she was startled, Xiao Yu's body was a little colder than before.

It was as if she was holding a large ice cube, and the cold air seemed to continue to spread, making her hands and feet feel cold.

"What happened to him?"

Ao Zixuan frowned slightly, she split a stream of vitality into Xiao Yu's body, and wanted to investigate, but unexpectedly, the moment her vitality entered Xiao Yu's arm, it was frozen to pieces by an extremely powerful chill Jing, the cold air is still relentless, entangled with Ao Zixuan's vitality upwards, trying to freeze Ao Zixuan together.


Ao Zixuan turned pale in shock, and hastily cut off the practice with that vitality, and the terrifying coldness also fell silent, without any movement.

"What a terrible cold, what happened inside his body?"

Ao Zixuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, she had never seen such a terrifying cold, that kind of posture that could freeze everything made her scalp tingle just thinking about it.

"Could it be." Ao Zixuan guessed, "Xiao Yu's body is full of such cold air?"

It has to be said that Ao Zixuan's guess was indeed very accurate, but it was useless, she could not solve the coldness in Xiao Yu's body at all.

"Don't think about it, take him away first!"

Ao Zixuan had already forgotten that Long Jingxin was still missing, and her heart was completely tied to Xiao Yu's body.She bent down and wanted to carry Xiao Yu on her back, but at this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly opened his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Yu gently pushed Ao Zixuan away, "I, Xiao Yu, am not so downcast that I need someone else to memorize it."

He stood up, and his complexion seemed to have recovered a bit. Although he was still a little pale, he was no longer as terminally ill as before.

"Xiao Yu, you."

Ao Zixuan looked at Xiao Yu a little strangely, she fainted and then woke up, she was really frightened.

However, Xiao Yu didn't answer him, and sat cross-legged on the ground, a little blue light flashed on the left arm where Ao Zixuan had input vitality for him just now.

Xiao Yu's left arm trembled slightly, traces of icy blue mist slowly gushed out from his fingertips, turned into ice crystals and fell on the ground.

Ao Zixuan sat beside Xiao Yu, watching this scene curiously, not daring to disturb her.

Xiao Yu's fingertips trembled slightly, and several small ice-blue mist sprayed out from it, and there were more ice crystals on the ground.

"He's healing? To force those cold air out?"

Ao Zixuan immediately understood what Xiao Yu was doing, and she couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, if Xiao Yu could force out the cold air in her body, why didn't she do it before?
But she didn't know that it wasn't that Xiao Yu didn't want to do this, but that he couldn't do it. Before that, Xiao Yu couldn't mobilize even a single bit of divine power.

But she helped a lot inadvertently. Just now, she used her vitality to probe Xiao Yu's body, and drew some cold air from the tendons of Xiao Yu's arms to deal with her vitality. That is, taking advantage of this gap, some of Xiao Yu's tendons got After a temporary relief, Xiao Yu's body automatically started to counterattack.

(End of this chapter)

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