Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 360 Give Me Your Hand

Chapter 360 Give Me Your Hand

The light blue light on Xiao Yu's arm became more and more intense. At the beginning, it was only floating back and forth between the palm and the elbow. Slowly, the light blue light began to advance above the elbow. Xiao Yu's fingertips The icy blue mist sprayed more and more, and the ice crystals on the ground in front of him were almost half the height of a person.


After a while, Xiao Yu's entire arm had a light blue light flashing, obviously this arm has been able to fully mobilize the divine power.


Xiao Yu opened his eyes, his complexion recovered a little rosy, his recovered left hand covered his right hand, and blue light shone.


Moisture seeped out of Xiao Yu's right arm continuously, this time it was not from the fingers, but from the arm.

The refining speed this time was significantly faster than before, because Xiao Yu could mobilize much more divine power than before.

Ao Zixuan sat patiently beside Xiao Yu, watching quietly.Every movement of Xiao Yu is ordinary pushing, pressing, pinching, but these ordinary movements have a unique charm on him.Every movement of Xiao Yu's hands and feet seems to coincide with a certain rhythm.

"He really is a special person!"

Ao Zixuan rested her fragrant cheeks in her hands, and suddenly thought of Long Jingxin.

"Ah! Meditate!"

Ao Zixuan secretly thought it was bad.It has been quite a while since Long Jingxin disappeared, if something happened to Long Jingxin
Ao Zixuan didn't dare to think about it anymore, she wanted to tell Xiao Yu about it directly, but saw that Xiao Yu was concentrating on poking on her body, so she gave up the idea.She decided to wait for Xiao Yu to get rid of all the coldness in her body before telling him.

"Calm down, you must be fine!"

Ao Zixuan can only pray silently in her heart now.

The two of them sat together for an hour, the sky was getting dark, and it was approaching dusk.


Xiao Yu's eyes opened suddenly, and lightning flashed, and the ice crystals that had piled up like a hill in front of him were shattered into pieces and flew far away.But Ao Zixuan who was sitting next to him was not affected at all.

Ao Zixuan's beautiful eyes are shining, there is no trace of weakness on Xiao Yu's face at this moment, his whole body is full of powerful strength, and just a little bit of breath makes Ao Zixuan feel irresistible.

Although Xiao Yu cleared all the mysterious ice power out of his body, his expression was not relaxed, but terribly gloomy.

"'Dark Prison', what did you do to my father?"

Xiao Yu didn't feel even the slightest bit of anger because Xiao Haoyun attacked him. He knew that Xiao Haoyun could not be blamed for all of this. Just ask a person who doesn't even know his true identity, how could he do what he did intentionally?
"Xiao Yu, are you alright?"

Ao Zixuan walked up to Xiao Yu, and looked up and down this young man who gave her a special feeling.

Xiao Yu nodded and stood up.

"You haven't told me why you turned back?"

Xiao Yu asked.

"This." A blush appeared on Ao Zixuan's pretty face, "When I was running away with Jingxin, I suddenly heard your shout, I Jingxin was worried about you, she wanted to come back and have a look, so I went back with her, who knows."

Xiao Yu raised his brows, only then did he realize something was wrong, if Long Jingxin also came back together, how could there be no one?
"What happened to her?"

Ao Zixuan nodded and said: "Jingxin has been walking in front of me, but on the way back she suddenly disappeared, I didn't see what happened at all."

"Suddenly disappeared?" Xiao Yu asked suspiciously, "Didn't you see anyone or something strange?"

"No!" Ao Zixuan shook her head, "I almost couldn't believe my eyes, she did suddenly disappear before my eyes."

Xiao Yu didn't answer, he squatted down slightly, and pressed one palm on the ground.


A circle of colorful cards appeared under his feet, and every plant and tree within a thousand miles was within his vision.


Xiao Yu frowned slightly, he felt that someone might have taken Long Jingxin away, he looked at Ao Zixuan and asked.

"Can you still remember the direction you came from just now?"

"Well, I definitely remember!" Ao Zixuan nodded firmly, pointing in one direction.

"Listen to me!" Xiao Yu's tone suddenly became very serious, "Let's go step by step now, and we may discover something along the way."

Ao Zixuan was very strange, why Xiao Yu didn't directly use body skills, but walked step by step, but although she was puzzled, she still nodded, she believed that Xiao Yu must have his reason for doing so.

Xiao Yu walked away in the direction pointed by Ao Zixuan, and Ao Zixuan followed closely behind him.

"What kind of person is he? What's his past?"

Ao Zixuan stared at Xiao Yu's broad back, and couldn't help being curious about Xiao Yu's past.In addition to an absolute indifference in Xiao Yu's eyes, he also experienced the vicissitudes of everything in the world. Such eyes appearing in a young man who is less than 20 years old, anyone would find it incredible and be attracted to him unconsciously.

As Xiao Yu walked, he sensed his surroundings. He felt that Long Jingxin's sudden disappearance was not simple.He came here to rescue Ao Zixuan, but since Long Jingxin was also trapped with Ao Zixuan, and he had some unclear relationship with Long Jingxin, he naturally wanted to bring Long Jingxin back together.

Xiao Yu changed from walking slowly at the beginning to striding forward, and his speed changed from slow to fast. Ao Zixuan also changed her speed, and she always followed Xiao Yu closely. The two walked for about two or three minutes. After a few miles away, Xiao Yu suddenly raised his hand and stopped.


Ao Zixuan's beautiful eyes opened slightly, and she also stopped, she felt that Xiao Yu seemed to have noticed something.

Xiao Yu glanced back and forth over this area, and suddenly his eyes froze in one direction.

"Go this way!"

Xiao Yu pointed to the direction he was looking at, Ao Zixuan nodded and followed.

"and many more!"

Xiao Yu turned his head and stretched out a palm.

"Give me your hand!"

Xiao Yu's voice was very calm, but it possessed an unquestionable momentum.Ao Zixuan was stunned, if Xiao Yu had said these words to her before, she must have thought Xiao Yu was a disciple and would have been furious long ago, but now she just felt shy and not angry at all.

"What happened to me?"

Ao Zixuan's pretty face was blushing, but she still stretched out her delicate jade hands by mistake.


Xiao Yu's broad palm held her hand, a wave of heat came over, Ao Zixuan's heart beat wildly, her face was already like a ripe apple.Being held by Xiao Yu's palm, she instantly felt her whole body calm down, and an unprecedented feeling hit her whole body.

(End of this chapter)

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