361 kiss

"He treats me"

Ao Zixuan couldn't help thinking wildly.She thought of the scene when Xiao Yu said that she was not popular, that she had no looks and no strength, and demoted her to nothing, and a smear of pride surged in her heart.

When Xiao Yu kidnapped her back then, after she woke up, she said that she was not worthy of being her woman, but now Xiao Yu took the initiative to shake her hand. This huge contrast made her secretly happy.

"No!" Ao Zixuan was startled suddenly, "How could I be like this, I'm Zhan Tian's fiancée, how could I miss other men? What kind of woman have I become? I'm not a flirtatious, unruly woman. "

Ao Zixuan wanted to pull out her hand subconsciously, but her hand didn't obey, and she just let Xiao Yu hold it.She scolded herself why she was so shameless.In fact, how did she know that the only man she identified in her subconscious mind was Xiao Yu. No matter whether she remembered Xiao Yu or not, Xiao Yu was still lingering deep in her memory. Her mood fluctuated, and Xiao Yu was like a magnet, attracting her closer.

"Don't think too much, this place is weird, I'm just in case!"

Xiao Yu's voice was indifferent, he did it on purpose, he knew Ao Zixuan, he knew that she was a virtuous woman, such things would trouble her.Little did he know that Ao Zixuan's current mood was more entangled than he imagined.


Only then did Ao Zixuan come to her senses, she was relieved, but she still couldn't hide her disappointment.

"It turns out that he shook my hand just to protect my safety!"

Ao Zixuan smiled wryly in her heart, and put all the distracting thoughts in her mind aside.


Xiao Yu pulled Ao Zixuan, one in front of the other, and walked slowly forward.Xiao Yu already felt a strange spatial fluctuation in a certain position in this direction.

This kind of strange fluctuation is similar to when they use the space shuttle, but it has a strange atmosphere, even if it is a master of the ninth level of the broken God Realm who uses the space shuttle, Xiao Yu can sense it immediately, immediately Then he could know the exact position, but the spatial fluctuations he sensed are extremely obscure, if he hadn't just focused on observing, he might not be able to discover it now.

He wasn't sure whether Long Jingxin's disappearance was related to the space fluctuation here, but as long as there was a clue, he couldn't let it go.He is now almost fearless of any opponent in the God Broken Realm, even if it is a dragon's lake or a tiger's den, he will go for it, and here is the self-confidence with strong strength.

Ao Zixuan let Xiao Yu pull her, like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law, but even Long Zhantian couldn't see her like this.

Xiao Yu held Ao Zixuan's hand, his mood fluctuated a bit, he hadn't held Ao Zixuan's hand for a long time, the soft touch, familiar palm lines, everything made Xiao Yu enjoy it very much.But how long can this enjoyment last?
"Forget it, let me catch it a little longer!"

Xiao Yu said to himself in his heart, he knew very well that once he left here, he had to stay away from Ao Zixuan again.

"Xiao Yu, here"

Ao Zixuan looked around, but didn't find anything special, so she couldn't help asking.

"There is a place here that has spatial fluctuations, but I can't confirm the direction yet!"

Xiao Yu replied.His voice was rare, less indifferent and more tender.

"Space fluctuations?"

Ao Zixuan believed in Xiao Yu's words, but she didn't know what it had to do with Long Jingxin's disappearance.

The two walked about [-] steps, Xiao Yu stopped suddenly, Ao Zixuan's attention was all around, and suddenly bumped into Xiao Yu's back.

Xiao Yu felt two soft touches, and was slightly startled.Ao Zixuan's pretty face was blushing, and she was a little annoyed: "Why don't you just stop without saying a word!"

Ao Zixuan felt that it was inappropriate to say this, her tone seemed to be flirting between lovers, and her face turned redder immediately.

Xiao Yu turned around and looked at her with a half smile but not a smile, Ao Zixuan couldn't resist those burning eyes.

Ao Zixuan lowered her head in a panic, trying to avoid Xiao Yu's gaze, but Xiao Yu reached out with his other hand, lifted her chin, and slowly made her raise her head.

If others were so frivolous to her, Ao Zixuan would have slapped her out angrily long ago, but the one in front of her was Xiao Yu, she didn't know why, but she couldn't get angry at all, she just felt that she was too shy, and there was a hint of joy .


Just when Ao Zixuan was at a loss, suddenly her eyes blurred, her lips were sealed, and in front of her eyes was Xiao Yu's handsome face that was close at hand.The tips of their noses were stuck together, and their eyes met.

Xiao Yu kissed Ao Zixuan's bright red lips, he didn't linger for long, it was almost instant.Ao Zixuan froze in place, her mind went blank, she didn't know what to say or do.

Xiao Yu looked at her delicate and unparalleled pretty face, took a deep breath, and forcibly suppressed the fluctuation in his heart.Now he really wants to hold Ao Zixuan in his arms and love and caress freely, just now he almost couldn't restrain himself.

But the horror of Unfeeling Wangxing Pill flashed in his mind again, and he immediately dismissed the thought, for this kiss from Ao Zixuan, he couldn't help it.

"you you."

After a long time, Ao Zixuan came back to her senses, Cong Congyu pointed at Xiao Yu, you were speechless for a long time, even your neck was flushed with a beautiful bright red.

"You were so beautiful just now, I couldn't help it, so I kissed you!" Xiao Yu's face remained unchanged, and he said seriously, "If you think I offended you, then you can kill me, and I will never fight back."

Xiao Yu took out the ice crystal dagger made by Xiao Haoyun from his bosom, and handed it to Ao Zixuan.

Feeling ashamed and angry, Ao Zixuan grabbed the dagger, but she couldn't get it out no matter what.

Xiao Yu just stood there calmly, with his chest sticking out slightly, as if he was resigned to slaughter.


Ao Zixuan was still unable to make a move against Xiao Yu, she snorted dissatisfiedly, and threw the ice crystal dagger into the distance.


Xiao Yu grabbed it with his palm, and the ice crystal dagger was pulled back by a suction force and fell into his hand.

He put the ice crystal dagger into his arms, grinned and said: "Since you don't kill me, it means that this matter has been exposed."

After he finished speaking, he didn't care about Ao Zixuan's expression, he pulled Ao Zixuan and took a sudden step.


The fear in front of them twisted strangely, and the figures of the two disappeared instantly.


Ao Zixuan only felt a blur in front of her eyes, and there were strange scenes everywhere. She was terrified in her heart, and subconsciously clenched Xiao Yu's hand.

"Don't worry, it's alright!"

When Xiao Yu's voice came, Ao Zixuan let go of her raised heart again, she knew that with Xiao Yu around, nothing would happen to her.

(End of this chapter)

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