Chapter 363

Xiao Yu stood up, his face darkened instantly.

"what happened?"

Ao Zixuan saw a big change in Xiao Yu's face, and knew that he must have discovered something.

"Found her, let's go!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he grabbed Ao Zixuan's slender waist and stretched out his figure, he was already thousands of feet away.Within a few flashes, the two had arrived at the stone platform.

Two red clouds rose on Ao Zixuan's face again, Xiao Yu played tricks on her again without her consent, that strong masculine aura fascinated her.

She looked in front of her and suddenly exclaimed.


As soon as Xiao Yu put Ao Zixuan down, she rushed up excitedly.She saw Long Jingxin lying on the jade platform, and worried if something was wrong with her.

However, Xiao Yu grabbed her and cast his eyes on the old man in blue who was sitting cross-legged like a rock.

"This man is not simple!"

From the old man in green shirt, Xiao Yu felt a dangerous aura. His current strength was comparable to that of an expert at the peak of the Broken God Realm. This old man could give him a dangerous feeling, obviously his strength was extremely terrifying.

The old man in blue also opened his eyes wide, staring at Xiao Yu who was not far away, and his intuition told him that it was this person who was peeping at him just now.But what made him strange was why Xiao Yu was able to spy on him but he couldn't detect Xiao Yu's existence?

He saw Xiao Yu coming with Ao Zixuan, judging from the speed just now, he knew that Xiao Yu was a master whose strength had reached the Broken God Realm, which surprised him quite a bit.He has lived for more than a hundred years, so his eyesight is naturally very vicious, he can tell at a glance that Xiao Yu is not too old.

"I don't know who the senior is? Junior Xiao Yu, the person on the jade platform is my friend, I want to take her away."

Xiao Yu cupped his fists at the old man in blue, his tone neither humble nor overbearing.Of course, if it was normal, he would not be so polite even if a master of the god-shattering realm stood in front of him, but today it was because Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin were both present, he didn't want to make a bad thing out of it.The old man has not yet been able to distinguish whether it is an enemy or a friend, so he naturally needs to leave room for his words.But he himself didn't want to talk nonsense, so he went straight to the point and explained his purpose.

"Oh? Are you her friend?"

The old man in blue was expressionless, and his slightly hoarse voice sounded particularly awkward.

"Not bad!"

Xiao Yu replied.He used his body to block Ao Zixuan, obviously wary of the old man in blue.

Long Jingxin was ten feet away in front of him. Normally, he would have easily taken Long Jingxin away, but now it was different, the old man in blue in front of him was by no means an ordinary person.Being able to open up a space is already a manifestation of the strength of the god-breaking realm. This old man in green clothes is most likely the creator of this space. Xiao Yu asked himself in front of a master of this level. Dare, but not fully sure.

Ao Zixuan also felt that the atmosphere was not right, he stood behind Xiao Yu, secretly on guard.It was the first time she had seen Xiao Yu so cautious. Obviously, this old man was definitely not simple, even more terrifying than the ice masked man they met on the plain.

"You are very good!" said the old man in green shirt, "Among the younger generation, this is the first time I have seen someone like you."

However, Xiao Yu ignored this compliment, he had already taken these things lightly these days.What he cares about now is how to take Long Jingxin away.

"Senior, I wonder if you agree with my idea?"

Xiao Yu asked again.

"Since you are her friends, I won't embarrass you, you go, she can't let you take her away."

The old man in green shirt waved his hand and said to Xiao Yu.His tone didn't change much, it was still so calm, as if it was only a matter of an instant to drive Xiao Yu and the two away.

"Then senior doesn't want us to take her away?"

Xiao Yu raised his brows, his face sank, and his tone was already somewhat unkind.

"Oh?" The old man in blue said calmly, "You seem a little dissatisfied?"

"A little dissatisfied?" Xiao Yu grinned and said, "No, I'm not a little dissatisfied, but very dissatisfied."

The old man in green clothes narrowed his eyes slightly, the meaning was self-evident, but Xiao Yu didn't take a step back, and looked at him head-on, the smell of gunpowder between the two became stronger.

The identity of the old man in blue was unknown, and he acted strangely. If Long Jingxin were to stay here, Xiao Yu would not be at ease.Ao Zixuan's evaluation of Xiao Yu is getting higher and higher in her heart, this kind of man who values ​​love and righteousness is the real upright man.

"Young man, madness is certainly a good thing, but you must do what you can. I know you are a master of the God-shattering realm. At this age, stepping into the God-shattering realm is indeed very good, and it can even be said to be unique, but this world is very Big, too proud is not a good thing, let her stay here, there is my reason, I still say that, you go away!"

The tone of the old man in blue was much more relaxed, and he was not as angry and scolding as Ao Zixuan imagined.

"Hey!" Xiao Yu laughed, what the old man in green shirt said was indeed very reasonable, he admitted it, but now is not the time for him to be taught.

"What if I say, I must take her away?"

Xiao Yu took a step forward, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a confident arc.

"Then you are too ignorant!"

The old man in blue shook his head slightly, as if feeling pity for Xiao Yu's ignorance.

"Really? Then I want to see, what qualifications do you have to say such a thing?"

Just as Xiao Yu finished speaking, his body trembled.


The old man in blue snorted coldly, and shook his palm against the place where Xiao Yu was.


Xiao Yu was startled, the space he was in suddenly froze, and his figure also stopped.

"This is."

It was the first time that Xiao Yu encountered such a strange thing. The space and even the energy around him were completely blocked, as if time had stopped.

Ao Zixuan was also terrified, she couldn't even blink her eyes now.

After the old man in green shirt finished this, he sighed in his heart, and wanted to kick Xiao Yu and the two out of the space.


Suddenly, a loud shout resounded all around, and he was surprised to see that Xiao Yu shattered the frozen space, while Ao Zixuan was not harmed at all by his side.

"this boy"

The blue-clothed old man frowned slightly, he didn't expect Xiao Yu to be able to break his space freeze.

"Is this the means to break the god realm?"

Xiao Yu stood where he was, and said coldly.

The blue-clothed old man was stunned, Xiao Yu actually knew that he was in the God-shattering Realm, and still confronted him like this?There are only two possibilities, one is that Xiao Yu is crazy, and the other is that Xiao Yu has absolute confidence in his own strength.

"Interesting, interesting!"

The old man in blue clapped his hands and laughed lightly, his eyes full of approval when he looked at Xiao Yu.

"Since we want to fight, let's fight in the sky. What do you think?"

Xiao Yu clenched his fist, and a surge of fighting intent erupted from him. Even if he was in the God-shattering Realm, why would he be afraid?
(End of this chapter)

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