Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 364 The Great Grandpa

Chapter 364 The Great Grandpa

As Xiao Yu stepped forward, the energy around him surged wildly, forcing Ao Zixuan thousands of feet away. Fortunately, Xiao Yu deliberately controlled this force, so Ao Zixuan was not harmed.

Ao Zixuan was moved in her heart, at this critical moment, Xiao Yu was so obvious to her that she wanted to keep her from being hurt, and avoid being involved in the battle between him and the old man in blue.

She looked at Long Jingxin on the stage, feeling a little worried, if Xiao Yu and the old man in green shirt really fought, what would happen to Long Jingxin who was between them?
The old man's eyelids twitched. He obviously didn't expect Xiao Yu to challenge him so straightforwardly. He hadn't encountered this kind of straightforward engagement for many years.

"Young man, you are really kind!"

The old man in green shirt smiled, revealing a mouthful of snow-white teeth that did not match his appearance.

"Do you have the guts?" Xiao Yu stretched out one hand, and beckoned at the old man in the green shirt with two fingers, "Since you want to keep my friend, then show your skills."

The eyes of the old man in green shirt flickered sharply, Xiao Yu's provocative action seemed to have angered him.

"If I'm not mistaken, your name is Xiao Yu?"

The old man in the blue shirt didn't make a move immediately, he was really interested in Xiao Yu, not only possessing the strength of breaking the gods, but also being so young, he already had his own guess.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I will take her away!"

Xiao Yu pointed at Long Jingxin, the last word fell, and his figure had disappeared in place.

The blue-clothed old man frowned, and punched forward.


A fist stretched out strangely, and it shook hard with his fist, and there was a muffled sound.The body of the old man in the blue shirt shook, his face was horrified.

After Xiao Yu confronted him, he flipped over and landed beside Long Jingxin.The clash between the two did not cause any huge damage, which is really a very strange thing.

The old man in green shirt gradually became solemn, stood up from the stone platform, and punched Xiao Yu. He already clearly felt that the strength of the young man in front of him was not inferior to him in the slightest.

You know, he had already stepped into the supreme realm of God-shattering Realm a year ago. If he came out of the mountain, nine out of ten of the strength in the mainland would be swept away by him. It can be said that he has few opponents, but because of special reasons, he has not been defeated until now. They are still in the space he opened up. Today, by chance, he found Long Jingxin, a girl who is of great use to him.But I never thought that such a powerful existence would be provoked.

"Hey, I really want to see how strong this kid is."

The blue-clothed old man laughed in his heart, his cloudy old eyes gradually cleared up, locking on Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu tilted his head slightly, and Long Jingxin was right behind her, as long as he stretched out his hand, he could touch it.

Finally, Xiao Yu stretched out his hand.


With a cold snort, the blue-clothed old man pointed his palm at Xiao Yu and shook it from a distance.

The space froze again, and Xiao Yu's movements stopped.


The figure of the old man in green shirt flashed to Xiao Yu's side like a ghost, pointing at Xiao Yu's chest.

His attack did not carry any terrifying power, nor did it cause any damage, but it made Xiao Yu's hair stand on end.

"Break it for me!"

Xiao Yu shouted in his heart, the divine power in his body surged wildly, and the frozen space was directly shattered by it.

The finger of the old man in green shirt had already reached his chest.


Xiao Yu's hand pointed at the old man's finger at a faster speed than the old man's.

His index finger hit the lower end of the old man's index finger, knocking the old man's finger away, and he himself was shaken all over, and flew back with a muffled grunt.


Xiao Yu turned upside down in the air, stepped on the ground, and stabilized his figure. The place where he stepped was pressed out by him with a two-inch deep footprint.

The old man in green shirt showed the power with one finger, Xiao Yu resisted with all his strength, and was knocked thousands of feet into the air.This unpretentious finger is so terrifying?
Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his heart gradually became serious. He was 100% sure at this moment that the old man in green shirt in front of him was definitely a peak master whose strength had reached the state of breaking gods.

Although his attack had no effect on the surrounding environment, it was precisely because of this that the old man's attack was able to concentrate all its power on one point, causing maximum damage to the opponent.Based on this point alone, Xiao Yu felt ashamed. Even if he had the strength to rival the peak of the Broken God Realm, he still couldn't control his attack so that it wouldn't destroy every plant and tree.

The old man in front of him was definitely an unprecedented terrifying figure.He must have his own purpose in catching Long Jingxin, which made Xiao Yu even more worried.

People like the green-clothed old man seldom put the lives of low-level warriors in their eyes. Although Long Jingxin was not considered a low-level warrior, and already had the strength to break through the peak of the Yuan Realm, in the eyes of the green-clothed old man, he could only be considered a low-level warrior. An ant, in case he treats Long Jingxin as a guinea pig for some kind of drug experiment, who can tell clearly?
Little did he know that the horror in the blue-clothed old man's heart was even stronger at this moment. He didn't expect Xiao Yu to be able to dodge his blow. I'm afraid even a master of the ninth level of the Broken God Realm would not be able to catch his move just now. In an instant, it will be seriously injured.

Xiao Yu was able to shatter the solidified space first, and then block his finger first. Based on this alone, he will definitely not be in the ordinary God-shattering state.

"I never imagined that I have not set foot on the mainland for a hundred years, and there is a number one person like you, Xiao Yu, good, good!"

Standing beside Long Jingxin, the old man in green shirt once again spoke highly of Xiao Yu, his old eyes were full of relief.

When Ao Zixuan saw Xiao Yu being knocked into the air just now, she felt a chill in her heart. She really wanted to ask Xiao Yu if he had suffered any injuries, but she couldn't get out of her mouth. She was worried that her words would make Xiao Yu distracted.

"It seems that you are really planning to stick to it to the end?" Xiao Yu moved his finger bones, and crisp sounds sounded one after another, "Then I won't keep my hand."

There is no exaggeration in Xiao Yu's words, just now he just wanted to fight a guerrilla war with the old man in blue, taking the opportunity to take Long Jingxin and Ao Zixuan away together, as for the speed, he is confident that even the old man in blue can't catch up with him .But the space freezing ability of the old man in blue was too tricky. If he wanted to take Long Jingxin away, he had to fight with all his strength to defeat this person.

"Field, Open, Ghost"

Xiao Yu was about to open the domain of Eternal Nightmare, fighting with all his might, when suddenly a low moan made him stop.

"Grandpa, Xiao Yu, what are you doing?"

The voice was actually made by Long Jingxin. At some point, she had opened her eyes and sat up.

(End of this chapter)

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