Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 365 The Sad Ao Zixuan

Chapter 365 The Sad Ao Zixuan
"Grandpa, Xiao Yu, what are you doing?"

Long Jingxin looked at the two in a daze, and after a while, she suddenly said pleasantly: "Ah, Xiao Yu, it's great that you're fine, I'm so worried about you!"

A few black lines appeared on the face of the old man in the green shirt, and he pretended to blame: "You girl, if you have a lover, you don't want to be a grandpa? Are you not afraid that he will tear my old bones apart?"

A blush welled up on Long Jingxin's pretty face, and she said coquettishly to the old man in blue: "Grandfather, you are so powerful, who can tear you apart?"

A smile appeared on the old man's face, and he patted Long Jingxin's head lightly, his eyes were full of kindness.

Xiao Yu and Ao Zixuan were all stunned, this old man in green shirt was actually Long Jingxin's great-grandfather?

Xiao Yu's expression was extremely strange, he actually wanted to activate the Nightmare's big move to seriously injure Long Jingxin's great-grandfather?He thought to himself, fortunately Long Jingxin woke up in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Long Jingxin got down from the jade platform, ran to Xiao Yu's side, and hugged Xiao Yu's arm.

"Xiao Yu, he is my great-grandfather, why did you fight with him?"

This is like the tone of a little girlfriend asking a little lover.

"I didn't know he was your great-grandfather. I can't let you be detained by a stranger and leave alone, right?"

Xiao Yu withdrew his aura, and everything returned to calm, and the tense atmosphere between him and the old man in blue disappeared.

Seeing Xiao Yu and Long Jingxin talking and laughing, Ao Zixuan felt extremely sad. She didn't know what she was thinking, but felt uncomfortable.

"Grandpa, you really are, why don't you tell the truth?"

Long Jingxin looked at the old man in blue and blamed him.

"Hey!" The old man in green shirt laughed, "If he said so, would he still fight me so desperately? I want to see how capable this No. 1 young generation in mainland China is."

Hearing this, Xiao Yu could only laugh dryly. Facing the enemy, he could despise and trample on him at will, but the old man in the green shirt was Long Jingxin's great-grandfather, which meant that he was still Long Xiu's elder, and Xiao Maifei was Long Xiu's apprentice. I am the grandson of Xiao Maifei. In terms of seniority, he doesn't know how far behind this old man in blue.

"Hmph, grandpa, if you hurt her, I won't pull out your beard!"

Long Jingxin raised her almond eyebrows slightly, very unhappy.

"Ahem!" The old man in green shirt coughed dryly, and said in embarrassment, "You little lover, I can't hurt him."

Long Jingxin heard the old man in green clothes say "Little Lover" again, she immediately blushed, but she didn't refute, she really liked people saying that about her and Xiao Yu.At the same time she was secretly happy, but her heart was shocked. The old man in green shirt was a real master of breaking the gods. He actually said that he couldn't hurt Xiao Yu?

Xiao Yu was overwhelmed by the grandparent and grandson, and didn't know what to say.At this moment, Ao Zixuan walked over to her advantage.

"Jingxin, it's great that you're fine, we're easy to find!"

Ao Zixuan held Long Jingxin's hand and said with concern.

"Ah, Miss Zixuan!"

It was only then that Long Jingxin noticed the existence of Ao Zixuan. When she opened her eyes just now, she only saw Xiao Yu and the old man in the green shirt. Zixuan.

"Grandpa, let me introduce you!"

Long Jingxin whispered to Ao Zixuan before introducing to the old man in blue.

"This is Xiao Yu, you should already know, this is Ao Zixuan, she is the fiancée of eldest brother!"

As soon as Long Jingxin uttered the words "fiancee", Ao Zixuan's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu's complexion changed slightly, the emotions in his heart were forcibly suppressed by him, and he forced himself not to look at Ao Zixuan.

However, the old man in the green shirt keenly caught the changes in the expressions of the two of them, and thought to himself: "Things are really complicated for young people nowadays."

On the face, he smiled and nodded, which was regarded as acquaintance.Xiao Yu and Ao Zixuan are both his juniors, so there is no need to be too polite with them.

"Xiao Yu, sister Zixuan, this is my great-grandfather, Long Bo!"

Long Jingxin pointed at the old man in blue and said with a smile.

"I have seen the old man Long!"

Ao Zixuan cupped her fists at Long Bo and said respectfully.

Xiao Yu just cupped his fists slightly and called out to senior.

Long Bo didn't have any dissatisfaction. He knew that the strong had their own arrogance. Unless it was to their relatives and elders, how many people would be willing to bow down to others?Xiao Yu's actions instead aroused his approval.

Long Bo entertained the three of them to sit down, and took some wine and cooked food from a cave next to the woods. It was a simple banquet.

Xiao Yu, Ao Zixuan, and Long Jingxin sat cross-legged, chatting while eating.

"Do you know why this girl came here?"

Long Bo pointed at Long Jingxin and asked.

"I think the senior did it deliberately?"

Xiao Yu replied.He had already checked it before, and there were spatial fluctuations there. At first he thought that Long Jingxin must have strayed into it, but later when he and Ao Zixuan entered the space channel, he realized that the space channel could not be entered at will.He also activated the power of space to enter it. With Long Jingxin's strength, she cannot mobilize the power of space, so it is impossible for her to enter it on her own initiative. The only possibility is that someone deliberately sucked her in.

"That's right, I also accidentally discovered the blood of the Long family in this girl's body, and I just attracted her into this space I opened up."

Long Bo nodded.

"Yes!" Long Jingxin continued, "I came to a strange space for no reason, and my grandfather appeared directly in front of me. At first I was very wary, but later my grandfather told me his real identity , I just let go of my guard."

Xiao Yu didn't ask Long Jingxin why she confirmed that Long Bo was her great-grandfather. Sometimes it only takes a feeling to recognize her relatives, and nothing can replace that strange feeling of being connected by blood.He could also feel that Long Bo had no malice towards Long Jingxin.

"As soon as this girl heard about my identity, she didn't care about anything and just begged me to go out and find you!",

Long Bo grinned and joked.

"Grandpa, you still say it!" Long Jingxin blushed, "You don't want to go, and you don't let me go out. If something happens to Xiao Yu, I will never forgive you."

Although Long Jingxin's words were somewhat coquettish, Long Bo's firm tone surprised him. He had no doubt that if something happened to Xiao Yu, she would definitely ignore him for the rest of her life.

Xiao Yu smiled faintly, picked up the wine glass in front of him and drank slowly, without speaking.

Ao Zixuan felt sad for a while.

"Jing Xin has the courage to speak out about her love, but what about me? I am already Zhan Tian's fiancée, and for some things, I have lost my qualifications."

(End of this chapter)

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