Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 366 Secret of the Dark Prison

Chapter 366 Secret of the Dark Prison
Several people talked for a long time, Xiao Yu finally got to the point.

"Senior, you dragged Long Jingxin into this space, what should be your purpose?"

Xiao Yu's words were just a casual question. Generally speaking, this kind of thing is other people's secrets. Even if they didn't mention a word, he wouldn't find it strange at all. As long as Long Bo showed a hint of displeasure, Xiao Yu would stop immediately. this topic.

There was no displeasure on Long Bo's face, he nodded, pointed to the jade platform and said: "In my space, this glazed cold jade bed is a treasure, it can change people's physique, reborn, I just want to You should calm down and let this girl improve her physique, which will be of great benefit to her future cultivation."

"I see!"

Xiao Yu understands that changing her physique is an extremely mysterious matter. Long Jingxin's talent is excellent, and now she can improve her physique. In the future, she will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and her strength will increase rapidly. In the short term, it seems that she can't see much Great effect, but in the long run, Long Jingxin has the qualifications to break into the god-breaking realm. As long as he is given time, the Long family will definitely add another general, and even Long Jingxin may step into the even more powerful realm. Fantastic Yuanshen Realm.

Ao Zixuan only had blessings for Long Jingxin in her heart, not the slightest bit of envy.Her nature is like this, otherwise Xiao Yu would not love her so much.

"By the way, grandpa!" Long Jingxin said suddenly, "Sister Zixuan, can you also go to the glass cold jade bed to improve your physique like me?"

Ao Zixuan was slightly startled, she looked at Long Jingxin in astonishment, she did not expect that Long Jingxin would not forget to seek benefits for her at this time.

"I'm afraid this won't work!" Long Bo shook his head and said, "Meditation, your physique is the body of Xuanyin, so you can withstand the bone-chilling coldness of the glazed cold jade bed, which is good for you, but Zixuan girl's physique is Lei Guang The body, she can't bear the cold air, it's not good for her."

"The body of Xuanyin, the body of lightning?"

Xiao Yu raised his brows and looked at Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin. He only knew that the two had special physiques, but he didn't know what their physiques were.

"I am the body of lightning?"

Ao Zixuan was also taken aback for a moment, this was the first time she heard this word.

"That's right, otherwise why would 'Dark Prison' arrest you?"

Long Bo sighed and said.

Xiao Yu was shocked in his heart, this Long Bo had lived at least for more than 150 years, he knew that "Dark Prison" was not surprising, but judging from his tone, it seemed that there was something unknown about "Dark Prison".

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu tentatively asked: "Senior, do you know about 'Dark Prison'?"

"Oh, more than just knowing!" Long Bo's next sentence made Xiao Yu and the others stay where they were.

"I used to be a member of 'Dark Prison'!"


The three of Xiao Yu exclaimed in unison, even Xiao Yu, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, was shocked. He did not expect Long Jingxin's great-grandfather to have such a relationship with "Dark Prison".

"Hey, looking at your surprised looks, it seems that you know very little about the 'Dark Prison'!"

Long Bo laughed.

"Senior, can you tell me in detail? I really want to know the specific situation of the 'Dark Prison'!"

Xiao Yu was excited, if he could learn many secrets of "Dark Prison" from Long Bo, it would be much easier for him to deal with "Dark Prison".

"I've already escaped from the 'Dark Prison', so it's okay to tell you!"

Long Bo suddenly asked: "Have you heard of Tianrenmen?"

Xiao Yu looked at Long Jingxin and Ao Zixuan, all three of them looked blank, obviously they had never heard of it.

Long Bo was not surprised, and continued: "The Heavenly Blade Sect was founded 600 years ago. I don't even know who founded it. I only know that this sect is very powerful. It surpasses other first-class sects in the mainland. It is considered first-class." The well-deserved overlord among the forces, the mainland was originally very peaceful, but 300 years ago, a monstrous figure emerged from the Heavenly Blade Sect."

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, he knew that the person Long Bo mentioned must have a lot to do with the "dark prison".

"This person is extremely talented. At the age of [-], he has already reached the Broken God Realm. He has challenged geniuses from all sides without defeat. But he is ambitious and wants to make himself a unique existence in the entire continent. He wants to become a well-deserved emperor. Secretly recruited troops, accumulated strength, and established an organization, which is the 'Dark Prison'."

Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin listened quietly, they felt that there must be something more exciting in this story.Xiao Yu looked at Long Bo, but didn't speak, and motioned him to continue.

Long Bo continued: "At the beginning of the establishment of 'Dark Prison', although the number of masters was considerable, they could not be compared with the number of masters in the entire continent. Therefore, he has been forbearing and looking for a solution. It is God's blessing that he really What made him find an ancient book left over from the ancient times. The ancient book recorded how to quickly improve the strength of people. He borrowed this method to forcibly improve the strength of many people in the organization. After more than ten years, the people in the organization The number of masters has really reached a point where they can compete with the entire continent."

"There is such a thing!"

Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin both exclaimed in unison.

"Not bad!" Long Bo continued, "It is precisely because of this that he has the strength to fight against the entire continent. When the war broke out, many first-class forces were swept to the ground without any preparations. The 'dark prison' showed The power of terror makes people shudder. The head of Tianrenmen at that time did not know that the apprentice he had cultivated so hard was so insane. He was a righteous person with the world in his heart. Lead the entire Heavenly Blade Sect to contend with it, and many first-class forces have also joined this queue."

"Although there are many masters in the 'Dark Prison', most of them have forcibly improved their strength through crooked ways, so the realm is naturally not stable enough. With the joint efforts of all the first-class forces in the mainland, the 'Dark Prison' was finally defeated. After fighting with the 'Dark Prison' 'The last battle of Tian Ren Sect contributed the most, and they were also hit the hardest. A sect that stood at the pinnacle of the mainland also withdrew from the stage of history in that battle, and has been reduced to dust ever since."

When Long Bo said this, he stopped, his face was sad, and there was infinite respect, obviously he had a good impression of Tianjianmen.

"The head of the Heavenly Blade Sect is really righteous!" Xiao Yu's tone was full of admiration, "If the Heavenly Blade Sect combined with the power of 'Dark Prison', it could have easily swept away any first-class forces and aspired to the mainland, but The head of the sect didn't do that, but chose righteousness to kill relatives and deal with his disciples who had evil intentions, what he did this time is extremely admirable."

Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin also nodded repeatedly, feeling sorry for what happened to Tianrenmen in the end.

"Senior, all of this doesn't seem to be over, does it?"

Xiao Yu cast his eyes on Long Bo, he knew that what happened next was the key point.

(End of this chapter)

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