Chapter 367 The King
"Yes, this matter is indeed not over yet, otherwise how could there be today's matter?"

Long Bo continued: "The 'Dark Prison' disappeared after this battle. This is something that many people know. In fact, this is just an illusion on the surface. It was true that [-]% of the 'Dark Prison''s strength was destroyed back then, but still Some people survived. One of them is the son of that monstrous genius, and he is the current master of the 'Dark Prison'."

"Now the owner of the 'Dark Prison' is that man's son? He really inherited his father's legacy!"

Xiao Yu's words were mostly meant to be ironic, he felt that both father and son were ambitious and greedy for profit.

Naturally, Long Bo could hear Xiao Yu's tone, but he didn't answer, and continued: "When we talk about this person, he is even worse than his father. The most frightening thing is that he knows how to pretend, and Can disguise well. I met him when I was young. At that time, I thought he was a modest gentleman, so I made friends with him. Later, he invited me to join his power, and I nodded my head. Unexpectedly, the power he said It turned out to be a 'dark prison'."

Speaking of this, Long Bo sighed: "It is precisely because of this that I was forced to join the 'Dark Prison' just now, but there is nothing I can do if I want to quit. His strength is much stronger than mine. My family threatened me, and I had no choice but to choose to stay in the 'dark prison'. Not long ago, I just learned that the masters they cultivated encouraged other first-class forces to fight against Liu Fengmen, and I fled in a rage , but his strength is too terrifying, I can only escape to this plain, use my strength to open up a space, and hide in it."

"Ah! Senior, this should be the area where their influence belongs. You hid here, but they didn't find you?"

Ao Zixuan said in shock.

Long Bo didn't speak, but looked at Xiao Yu, he felt that this young man should know why he was hiding here.

Xiao Yu smiled slightly, and said: "Although this plain is within the scope of the 'Dark Prison' forces, the space built by the senior himself may not be able to be discovered even by people who are a few levels higher than him. Between us So I was able to come here because you knew the specific location where meditation disappeared before, and I was able to find it based on this location. May I ask that although the "Dark Prison" has a large number of people, it wants to find a place with space on this vast plain. Where is the fluctuation, how easy is it?"

Xiao Yu paused, and continued, "Of course, the most dangerous place is the safest place, and this is also the key to making the 'Dark Prison' blind."

Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin understood immediately, if so, "Dark Prison" really couldn't think of it.

Long Bo's evaluation of Xiao Yu was a bit higher. Standing in the world, a person not only needs to have extraordinary strength, but also has extraordinary wisdom. Xiao Yu obviously has both, and is the best among them .

He glanced at Long Jingxin, this girl was looking at Xiao Yu tenderly, and said in his heart: "This girl's vision is indeed very good, but unfortunately, it seems that Luohua has intentions, and Liushui is ruthless."

"Senior, I don't know if you know why the 'Dark Prison' wants to arrest people with special physiques?"

Xiao Yu asked.

Long Bo looked serious, and said in a deep voice: "I don't know the specific situation, because the Lord of the 'Dark Prison' is always wary of me, and he won't talk to me about some core matters. It is because they need to collect the strange power contained in the special physique, this plan is called the 'Holy Body Project', as for what they want to collect it for, I don't know."

"Collect the power possessed by the special physique?"

Xiao Yu frowned, as if he had thought of something, but the thought just flashed through his mind and then disappeared.

"Senior, after talking for so long, I still don't know the name of the current master of the 'Dark Prison'?"

Long Bo replied: "This person's name is Fu Cangtian. This is also the name he told me when he met me when he was young. Whether it is his real name or not is unknown."

The four continued to chat until the sky in this space gradually dimmed.


In an amethyst palace, Xiao Haoyun's figure hit the ground, and he immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.

There were four people standing in front of him, three of them were standing under the palace, and only one was standing on the throne of the palace.That person was wearing a purple-gold dragon robe, his eyes were almost evil, and he didn't have any power in his body, but it made Xiao Haoyun fear from the bottom of his heart.When the three people standing below the palace looked at that person, their faces showed incomparable reverence.

"Yun Sha, our 'Holy Eucharist' plan was destroyed by someone, what crime should you say?"

The tone of the person in the purple-gold dragon robe was flat, but there was a huge power in it that made people dare not resist.

Hearing these words, Xiao Haoyun's heart trembled immediately, he endured the injuries in his body, knelt down on the ground, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, it is really because that Xiao Yu is too strong, the ruthless, righteous and moral three people all died In his hands, I have blocked it in time, but I am no match for this son, and I was forced to break through the domain by him, it is not because my subordinates did not try their best!"

If others were allowed to see Xiao Haoyun, the mighty number one general of the Huoyun Empire back then, groveling like this, they would definitely be astonished.

"'Xiao Yu'? Proud and mad god?"

The face of the man in the purple-gold dragon robe sank, obviously he had heard the name for a long time.

"A junior, has grown to such an extent? Hehe, hehe!"

Xiao Haoyun and the three of them broke down in a cold sweat when they heard his tone. Based on their understanding of the king, they naturally knew that when his tone was the calmest, his anger was the strongest.


Under the palace, the first person from the left among the three came out, clasped his fists and said, "I don't think Yunsha can be blamed for this matter, he has fulfilled his duties, and please forgive me, Your Majesty."

The other two also stepped out at the same time, and bowed down to the person in the purple-gold dragon robe, all begging for Xiao Haoyun.

These three people are similar in status to Xiao Haoyun, they are collectively called the Four Great Masters of "Dark Prison".

"Okay, get up!"

When the person in the purple gold dragon robe waved his hand, the four of them were overjoyed, which showed that he had already exposed the matter and would not pursue it any further.Xiao Haoyun finally breathed a sigh of relief, a smile appeared on his face when he thought of the woman who made him worry so much.

"This Xiao Yu, we must find a chance to deal with him. As for the 'Holy Body Project', hey!" A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Wang Shang's mouth, "I have already reserved my hands. Physique owners have already been drained of their strength and accumulated, even if they are rescued, it will not affect our plan."

(End of this chapter)

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