Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 37 Goodbye Liu Piaoxu

Chapter 37 Goodbye Liu Piaoxu

The Duanyun Station is a post station invested by the Duanyun faction in the Great Rift Valley. The Duanyun faction of the Huoyun Empire is considered a top force. Xiao Yu is not clear about the intention of establishing a post station in the Great Rift Valley.But this time the meeting place of the three teams is exactly this Duanyun station.

"Come on, let's go in and see!"

The furnishings in Duanyun Inn are very simple, but they are extremely tidy, and there is a sense of elegance in the quietness. There is a middle-aged man who looks like a shopkeeper standing at the front desk.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, go to the backyard!"

The shopkeeper didn't even raise his eyes, and said to Lin Feiyun who was leading the way, his tone was also extremely flat.

"Uh, may I ask you..."

What else did Lin Feiyun want to ask, but the shopkeeper waved his hand impatiently and said, "I've already said to go to the backyard, so there's no need to ask more questions."

"What's your attitude, we are..."

Li Yingyu, as one of the top ten fighters of the younger generation of the branch sect, has never been so despised by anyone, let alone the shopkeeper of a post station.

Before Li Yingyu could finish her sentence, Xiao Yu had already stepped in front of her. He shook his head at Li Yingyu, and Li Yingyu could only swallow the rest of the words forcefully.

Lin Feiyun glanced at Xiao Yu, understood his meaning, and said to everyone: "Let's go, to the backyard."

Although the rest of the people were extremely displeased with the shopkeeper's arrogance, they obeyed Lin Feiyun's words and walked towards the backyard together, but Xiao Yu didn't leave. He stood there staring at the middle-aged shopkeeper with a dark heart.

"Although this person's aura seems to be extremely weak, it carries a strong sense of oppression. The surrounding mosquitoes can't get close to him three feet away. Being able to possess this aura is absolutely outstanding. It is worthy of being one of the top forces in the Huoyun Empire, as expected, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, even a small inn shopkeeper has such unfathomable strength."

Xiao Yu was watching the shopkeeper, but at this moment the shopkeeper also raised his head to look at Xiao Yu, with a strange flash in his eyes.Now only Xiao Yu and the shopkeeper are at the counter, and everyone else has gone to the backyard, and no one is aware of the atmosphere here.Xiao Yu met his eyes, and immediately felt an invisible sense of oppression coming from the other's eyes, and Xiao Yu's surroundings seemed to become a vacuum.


Xiao Yu knew that the strength of the person in front of him was terrifying, but he was by no means a soft persimmon to be squeezed by others. He snorted coldly, stepped on the ground, and Xiao Yu stepped on the wooden board on the ground to make a depression, and at the same time, a burst of gold exploded from his body. Mang collided with the pressure released from the opposite side.


With a soft sound, Xiao Yu shook his body, took a step back, and sank half an inch on the wooden board. The middle-aged shopkeeper suddenly regained all his momentum, and an expression appeared on his indifferent face, which was approval.

"At the peak of the Broken Yuan Realm, I never imagined that there would be someone like you among the younger generations of Tianwu City's branch sects. Your strength is comparable to the top few in the general sect's combat power rankings, but I am very disappointed. Curious, why no one has introduced you to the head sect?"

The middle-aged shopkeeper asked with a smile.

"Unexpectedly, this person has reached the Yuan Yuan Realm!"

In the confrontation with the middle-aged shopkeeper just now, Xiao Yu already knew that the opponent's strength was definitely better than his own, but he did not answer the middle-aged shopkeeper's question, and turned his head indifferently to the backyard.Although the middle-aged shopkeeper is a master at breaking the Yuan Realm, he doesn't show any face to the other party. He is most displeased with the behavior of tempting him with arrogance as soon as he comes up.

"Eleven people? That's weird, isn't there supposed to be only ten people from the branch sects of Tianwu City?"

The middle-aged shopkeeper looked at Xiao Yu's disappearing back and murmured.

Xiao Yu walked into the backyard and found two groups of people standing facing each other, one group was naturally Lin Feiyun and his party, while the other group was also wearing the same uniform of Duanyun sect, the leader was actually a woman. "I didn't expect it to be her!"

Xiao Yu didn't look surprised when he saw this woman, all he had was surprise.His eyes moved slightly, and he subconsciously stepped back.


The woman noticed Xiao Yu the moment Xiao Yu lifted the curtain. She was stunned for a while, and she didn't come back until Xiao Yu retreated to the front hall. There was an extremely complicated emotion intertwined in her eyes. , accompanied by a faint trace of anger.

"Why is he here?"

The woman squinted her eyes slightly, and also expressed doubts about meeting Xiao Yu here.

"Miss Liu, I didn't expect you to become number one in the combat power rankings in just two and a half years since you entered the branch sect. I really admire your talent and strength!"

Lin Feiyun clasped his fists at the woman in front of him and said, his eyes also shot out a look of admiration, he had met this woman a few times, and he already had some meaning, now seeing him again, he felt even more astonished.For him, conquering the woman in front of him is what he wants to do most.

"Brother Lin won the prize, Piaoxu is just luckier!"

"Miss Liu, you are too modest!"

Lin Feiyun's evaluation of Liu Piaoxu was a bit higher in his heart. A girl who is powerful and not arrogant is of course very likable.Little did they know how arrogant and arrogant Liu Piaoxu was before, it wasn't until after the battle with Xiao Yu that she restrained her previous temper, gradually changed her attitude towards people and things, let alone underestimate anyone A person, Xiao Yu is her bloody lesson.

"By the way! Do you know that person just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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