Chapter 38
Liu Piaoxu tried to keep her tone calm, and pretended to ask casually.When she saw Xiao Yu just now, she had an inexplicable feeling in her heart. Xiao Yu was the first man of her age who defeated her since she practiced martial arts, and was also the first man of her age who was framed by her. She said that she hated Xiao Yu , that can't be said, she framed Xiao Yu first, Xiao Yu just complained for herself, it should be done, but she was still quite angry with Xiao Yu in her heart, after all, Xiao Yu let her clothes be burned in public, and her whole body It was burnt as ugly as black charcoal, which is undoubtedly very embarrassing for a girl. Fortunately, her whole body was burnt black at that time, and everyone couldn't see it clearly. Otherwise, she would never be so calm now, and she had already chased after her. Go out and fight Xiao Yu.

"Oh, you said Brother Xiao, he is a member of our sect, and this time he is also a member of our team!"

Lin Feiyun replied.

"Is he a member of your sect?"

Liu Piaoxu was taken aback, and thought to himself: "Did he enter the branch sect of Tianwu City after he disappeared?"

Lin Feiyun looked at Liu Piaoxu's expression in surprise, and asked, "Miss Liu knows Brother Xiao?"

"Ah?" Liu Piaoxu nodded unnaturally when he heard this question, "He used to be in the same division with me."


Everyone in Lin Feiyun was stunned. Xiao Yu and Liu Piaoxu both came from the same disciplinary hall?This news made them more interested in the sub-zongtang that Liu Piaoxu mentioned. Which sub-zongtang brought out such outstanding two disciples?
Xiao Yu naturally heard the conversation between Liu Piaoxu and Lin Feiyun behind the curtain. He thought Liu Piaoxu would say that he didn't know him, but Liu Piaoxu's answer was beyond his expectation.He thought of retreating just now because he didn't want to cause conflicts between the two parties because of Liu Piaoxu's emotions. This time entering the Death Canyon is very dangerous, and he must work together to get the greatest safety.

Xiao Yu lifted the curtain again and walked into the backyard, all twenty eyes were fixed on him.He didn't speak, and walked straight to the team of Tianwu City branch sect, Liu Piaoxu's gaze was locked on him.After three years, Liu Piaoxu really wanted to know where Xiao Yu was now, and she even wanted to compare with Xiao Yu again, to avenge her shame.But Xiao Yu didn't look at her at all, as if she didn't exist.

Liu Piaoxu's complexion was a bit unkind, she had just said in front of everyone that she knew Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu's behavior now was to slap her nakedly in the face, but she was no longer as impetuous as she was three years ago, After calming down a little, he said to Xiao Yu, "Xiao Yu, long time no see!"

Only then did Xiao Yu raise his eyelids slightly to look at her, nodded slightly, and didn't say a word.

"Hey, Piaoxu is talking to you, what's your attitude!"

Seeing Xiao Yu's indifferent attitude, a man in Tsing Yi next to Liu Piaoxu couldn't hold back any longer, and shouted at Xiao Yu, he ranked second in the ranking of the branch hall, second only to Liu Piaoxu , and at the same time Liu Piaoxu's most powerful suitor, naturally he wanted to protect the flowers.

Lin Feiyun's face was rather embarrassed, and he knew a thing or two about Xiao Yu's temper along the way, and he never thought that he could be so indifferent when facing Liu Piaoxu, who was once in the same clan.Li Yingyu laughed secretly in her heart, she was also ignored by Xiao Yu at the beginning, but now a woman who is much better than her is ignored by Xiao Yu, she is naturally extremely relieved.

Although Liu Piaoxu was slightly angry in her heart, she didn't show it, but the man in Tsing Yi beside her made her frown.

"Xu Tao, don't hurt your temper."

"Hey, Piaoxu is right!"

Seeing what Liu Piaoxu said, the man named Xu Tao had no choice but to give up.But he had already remembered Xiao Yu in his heart.

Liu Piaoxu looked at Xiao Yu's stern face, and was touched in his heart. Xiao Yu was not like this three years ago, but now Xiao Yu's face is a little more determined and a little less immature.

"It seems that he has experienced a lot in the past few years!"

Liu Piaoxu finally withdrew his gaze, and said to Lin Feiyun: "Brother Lin, we must be well-prepared when we enter the Death Canyon this time, and we must not miss the important event of the sect. I just thought about it. I think it's getting late now, so it's better tonight." Let's just rest at the post station for one night, and we happen to prepare some food and medicine, so how about entering Death Valley early tomorrow morning?"

What Liu Piaoxu said was very reasonable, how could Lin Feiyun refute it, the winning streak should be, the other people in the branch sect of Tianwu City felt that they had lost face, and when Lin Feiyun met Liu Piaoxu, he simply changed Like a person, he became submissive.

"Then let's go eat first, let's tell the shopkeeper!"

After Liu Piaoxu finished speaking, he walked towards the main hall first, followed by 20 people behind him one after another, Xiao Yu was still walking at the end, he looked around, his eyes fixed on the stables in the backyard.


Xiao Yu frowned slightly, and walked out of the backyard.

"Shopkeeper, get us some food, everyone is hungry on the way!"

Liu Piaoxu gave instructions to the middle-aged shopkeeper. The middle-aged shopkeeper glanced at everyone indifferently, nodded and went to the kitchen. During this time, several men from the sub-zong hall where Liu Piaoxu lived struck up a conversation with Yang Xiruo, and Li Yingyu was no exception. Several men also approached her, and everyone was familiar with each other. After all, the next step was to serve the sect together. Time to contribute.

Xiao Yu walked into the main hall, he glanced at the counter, and found that the middle-aged shopkeeper was not there, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.Lin Feiyun was about to ask Xiao Yu to come and sit with him, but Xiao Yu squatted down at this moment, he squatted next to a dining table, his eyes were at the level of the table, and he was carefully observing the table.

"Brother Xiao, this is you!"

Lin Feiyun was about to ask, but Xiao Yu stopped him with a wave of his hand. Liu Piaoxu also saw Xiao Yu's strange behavior, and she was also very puzzled.


Xiao Yu glanced at the other tables, then squatted down next to another table, still observing the table in the same way, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the people at that table, one of them was Xu Tao who had just scolded Xiao Yu .

"what are you doing?"

Xu Tao had a bad tone and said coldly.

Xiao Yu ignored him, and whispered to himself, "This one is there!"

"Hey, I'm talking to you!"

Xu Tao was extremely annoyed by Xiao Yu's silence. As the No. [-] figure in the branch sect of Diling City, he had never been so underestimated.Xiao Yu was about to get up to look at the next table, but Xu Tao suddenly made a move and punched Xiao Yu's lower abdomen. Xiao Yu's eyes flashed coldly, but a jade hand suddenly stretched out to block Xiao Yu's face, standing firmly. The punch was caught locally.

"Xu Tao, is it what you should do to attack your fellow disciples?"

Liu Piaoxu asked with a cold expression.

Seeing that it was Liu Piaoxu who stopped him, Xu Tao quickly withdrew his fist, his eyes were terribly gloomy, but he didn't say a word.The rest of the people also looked at this side, but the faces of the sect members of Tianwu City were full of jokes, which made Liu Piaoxu stunned. It seemed that no one from the sect of Tianwu City cared about this at all.

"It's really strange, why do they all have such expressions!"

Liu Piaoxu was a little puzzled, but Xiao Yu got up as if nothing had happened and went on to the next dinner table.

(End of this chapter)

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