Chapter 372
"I've given you a chance to make a move!"

Xiao Yu stretched out a finger, his indifferent tone seemed to dismiss the beggar.

Zhan Wang and Li Guang had long since lost their former vigor, and Xiao Yu's move really gave them a blow to the head.They didn't even need to do anything, they already knew that Xiao Yu was someone they couldn't beat, and they really could only look up to such a person.

"Well, Xiao Yu, no, Xiao Daxia, before, we were wrong. We are apologizing like you, but I wonder if we can stop making us kneel? After all, there are so many people, hey, look!"

Li Guang immediately changed his face, becoming extremely flattering.His voice was very low. The three of them were in the sky, so the people below couldn't hear them clearly.

"Oh?" Xiao Yu frowned, and looked at him with a half-smile, "Does it mean that you guys want to renege on your previous bet?"

Li Guang's heart skipped a beat, but he still smiled apologetically and said, "Here, Hero Xiao, I hope you have a large number of adults. We really didn't know you were the master of Fort Rising Sun before."

"You're wrong!" Xiao Yu's expression returned to indifference again, "I'm not the master of Fort Rising Sun, I'm just a soldier under him."

Although what Xiao Yu said was exaggerated, it was true.The owner of Fort Rising Sun is Xiao Xuri, and Xiao Yu is his junior, so naturally he can be regarded as his soldier.


Li Guang and Zhan Wang were taken aback for a moment, but they all just laughed dryly, thinking that Xiao Yu was joking.

"Since this is the case, then we apologize. As for kneeling... I wonder if Xiao Xia can be spared?"

The two people's flattering appearance now is completely different from before.Xiao Yu sneered in his heart, when he first heard the name of King of War, he thought he was someone special, but seeing him now, he was really disappointed.

"Then I have a question for you two!"

Xiao Yu grinned and asked: "If I lose, will you be extra merciful and don't want me to kneel down?"

Both Li Guang and Zhan Wang were startled, but their reaction was fast enough, and they immediately replied: "Hero Xiao is joking, even if Hero Xiao loses, how dare we make you kneel down?"

Xiao Yu looked at Zhan Wang's smiling face with incomparable contempt.

"No wonder Long Jingxin's mother chose Long Xiaotian back then. If she chose this battle king, she would be blind!"

Xiao Yu secretly thought in his heart, but on his face he had a look of sudden realization, and replied: "Oh, I didn't expect that there are so many of you two, I'm really disrespectful!"

How could Li Guang and Zhan Wang fail to hear Xiao Yu's mocking tone, but at the moment they could only smile apologetically, pretending not to understand, and it must be said that the two's skins were indeed unusually thick.

"Since you already feel that you are not my opponent, then I don't want to embarrass you."

When Xiao Yu said this, Zhan Wang and Li Guang both showed surprise expressions. As long as they don't kneel down, their face will be reserved. Although an apology will also hurt face, it is no big deal in comparison .

They were about to thank them, but Xiao Yu's tone changed, and he said in a deep voice: "As long as you take my punch and you can still stand in this sky after receiving it, then this matter will be over, and you don't need to apologize, but If you can’t take it, hmph, it’s business as usual.”

Xiao Yu yelled out his last words, and everyone below could hear them clearly.

"What's the matter? What is Xiao Yu talking about? What is business as usual?"

Long Jingxin said strangely.

As soon as Ao Zixuan's beautiful eyes opened, he was smart and immediately figured out the reason.

"I think Zhan Wang and Li Guang knew that they were no match for Xiao Yu, so they took the initiative to ask Xiao Yu for peace, but with Xiao Yu's character, I'm afraid they would not agree!"

Long Jingxin nodded, feeling that Ao Zixuan's analysis was reasonable. Ao Zixuan looked at Xiao Yu in the sky with her beautiful eyes, but she didn't pay attention to Long Zhantian's surprised look at her.

"Zixuan, why do you know him so well?"

Long Zhantian felt very uncomfortable, but he couldn't know what happened. He began to doubt whether his decision to ask Xiao Yu to save people was right or wrong. Xiao Yu did save everyone, but Ao Zixuan But it is not the same as before, and his attitude towards Xiao Yu has changed a lot.

Zhan Wang and Li Guang looked at each other and felt that this was feasible. Although they knew that they were not Xiao Yu's opponents, it would not be difficult for them to take Xiao Yu's punch.

If one punch can take away all the previous things, that would be the best.

"Okay, then follow what Xiao Xia said!"

Both Li Guang and the King of War were lucky enough to use all their divine power, planning to meet Xiao Yu's attack.Although they were confident that they could receive Xiao Yu's punch, they also knew that this punch could not be received casually, and it was inevitable to use all their strengths.

"Okay, then you two will pick it up!"

Xiao Yu didn't talk nonsense, he pulled his arm and raised his fist.

To everyone's surprise, Xiao Yu's body did not have any energy fluctuations. You must know that a master of the Broken God Realm can generate huge power with his hands and feet, which is enough to stir up the energy of the world, but Xiao Yu's punch seems to be Surprisingly bland.


Xiao Yu had already punched out, and it hit the space in front of him, making a soft sound.

Both Li Guang and Zhan Wang were stunned, they thought at the same time, could it be that Xiao Yu's punch was not aimed at them?


With such thoughts in mind, the two of them suddenly changed their expressions, and two bloody arrows shot out from their mouths.The two of them flew down amidst the countless shocking and inexplicable gazes below. Judging from their appearance, they seemed to have lost consciousness.


The two hit the ground, and no one came to pick them up, allowing them to smash the ground into two big holes.

Xiao Yu stood in the sky, like an invincible god of war, looking down on the common people.

"Two trash!"

Xiao Yu shook his head lightly, and slowly descended from the air.

"What the hell happened?"

Countless disciples were at a loss, seeing Xiao Yu's powerless punch, Zhan Wang and Li Guang immediately vomited blood and were defeated.

Long Jingxin and Ao Zixuan opened their mouths, unable to say anything, and they had never seen Xiao Yu use such a method.

Xiao Maifei, Xiao Xuri and others in Rising Sun Castle were shocked at first, and then cheered. Although they didn't know what happened, it was obvious that Xiao Yu had won.

"Space Shifting Strength?"

Among the people present, Long Xiu was the most knowledgeable. After seeing Xiao Yu attack, his whole body trembled, and his old face showed an unbelievable expression for the first time. Compared with the time when Xiao Yu killed Li Yuan alone, Zhao Tianxing, The yin and yang eyes are even more intense.

"This kid is really amazing and talented, and he has already stepped into the advanced stage of the Broken God Realm!"

Long Xiu sighed softly in his heart, looking forward to Xiao Yu's future achievements.

(End of this chapter)

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