Chapter 373
"Elder Supreme, what's going on?"

Long Xiaotian recovered from his stupor and looked at Long Xiu, hoping he could explain.

"It's space shifting power!" Long Xiu replied, "Xiao Yu's punch didn't have any power, but it concealed all the power in the space, and it fell silently into the gap between Zhan Wang and Li Guang. in front of you."

"Is there still such a method?"

Long Xiaotian was startled, a little unbelievable. After all, space is an extremely mysterious thing. Even a strong person in the God Breaking Realm can hardly get a glimpse of its power. The understanding of space is limited to using space shuttle, but this He had never heard of such weird offensive methods, let alone seen them.

"Space shifting strength requires very harsh conditions!" Long Xiu sighed, "First of all, you must have absolute power. If you don't have strong power, it is impossible to break through the space and hide the power in it. At least you and I None of them can do this, and only masters above the eighth level of the God-shattering realm can barely do it. But the vast majority of masters at the eighth-level of the God-shattering realm are unable to use the space shifting force, because to use this move, they need absolute control over the space power. It means to have a perfect fit with the space, and to be able to control the frequency of the space. The two are indispensable. Xiao Yu was able to use this legendary method at a young age. It's amazing."

After Long Xiu finished speaking, he sighed again: "I just now believe what the ancestors of the Long family told me in the early years, that people are not born equal."

The two were talking, but Xiao Yu had already landed on the square.He walked towards the two potholes step by step, the indifferent light in his eyes made the disciples of Deyuan Zhanmen feel cold.

Ao Zixuan knew that Xiao Yu was not going to let the two of them go, and there was a trace of unbearable in her eyes.

Xiao Yu was about to walk to the side of the big cave, just passing by Ao Zixuan, he caught Ao Zixuan's gaze.

"This girl is really kind-hearted!"

His footsteps stopped, and he did not walk towards the place where Li Guang and Zhan Wang landed.

"Grandpa, uncle!" Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Maifei and Xiao Xuri, and said loudly, "I wanted them to kneel down and apologize, but now that I beat them so badly, why don't we just forget about it?"

As soon as Xiao Yu said this, except for Long Xiu and the few people who knew the inside story, everyone was dizzy from the shock.

The people from Fort Rising Sun are actually Xiao Yu's relatives?The old man who took a bath with Long Xiu turned out to be Xiao Yu's grandfather?
Now everyone mourned Zhan Wang and Li Guang in silence. You don't have to be so accurate in courting death, right?It was bad luck for Zhan Wang to find someone, and he actually found Xiao Yu, the evil star's grandfather.

The bigwigs of those first-class forces all secretly decided in their hearts that if they want to establish a good relationship with Fort Rising Sun, they must not be slightly offended.joke?With Xiao Yu, an expert like Xiao Yu who can easily kill the third level of the God Broken Realm in seconds, who dares to underestimate Fort Rising Sun?

Both Xiao Maifei and Xiao Xuri smiled wryly. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu kicked the ball to them, but they are all experienced people. Naturally, they knew that Xiao Yu was trying to find a way to go. His meaning was already obvious. Alright, let Zhan Wang and Li Guang go.

"Our Sun Fort is not aggressive, if that's the case, let's just let it go!"

Xiao Yu cast a glance over, Xiao Xuri understood immediately, and quickly opened his mouth to speak.

When Yuan Zhanmen's disciples heard this, they all heaved a sigh of relief, especially the elders of Yuan Zhanmen's ninth level of Concentration Realm, who almost knelt down to beg for mercy.

If Yuan Zhanmen lost Zhanwang and Li Guang, they would immediately become a second-rate force.

Ao Zixuan's heart trembled violently, and an extremely comfortable feeling spread throughout her body.She could see clearly Xiao Yu's icy eyes when he just came down, but Xiao Yu glanced at her halfway, and then gave up pursuing the battle king Li Guang, how could she not know?

"Is he because of me?"

Ao Zixuan's heart is like a deer bumping wildly, a sense of happiness that she has never had before arises spontaneously, at this moment, Ao Zixuan feels that all the scenery in the world is beautiful.

"Zixuan, what's wrong with you?"

Long Zhantian's voice rang in her ears, and Ao Zixuan was startled.

"I'm fine, fine!"

Ao Zixuan shook her head quickly, but her heart was beating violently. Seeing Long Zhantian's concerned eyes, he suddenly felt guilty.She was sure that she was really in love with Xiao Yu, the person she hated at first.But she is Long Zhantian's fiancée, how can she say something that violates women's ethics?
"It's fine!"

Long Zhantian didn't ask any more questions, and stood aside, but his brows frowned even deeper.

"Hero Xiao, Hero Xiao!"

All the disciples of Liufengmen cheered, shouting their respectful titles to Xiao Yu.

The disciples of the other sects all looked at Xiao Yu in shock, envy and envy, most of them were envious.As for the female disciples, all of them were pretty and blushed, and there was a slow affection in the eyes. For a man as strange as Xiao Yu, which young woman could not be tempted?

Xiao Yu didn't care about those gazes at all, and stood beside Xiao Maifei. Xiao Maifei sat on the chair, but he didn't think there was anything wrong. Xiao Yu was his grandson, even if he was powerful, it was his grandson.

"Hero Xiao's strength is unparalleled in the world, and he is worthy of the name of the proud and mad god!"

A middle-aged man with a long sword on his back and a more elegant face walked up to Xiao Yu, clasped his fists and said.

"Yu'er, this is the suzerain of Jianzong!"

Xiao Yu didn't know this person, so Xiao Maifei stood up and introduced him.The suzerain of Jianzong got up, and Xiao Maifei naturally wouldn't sit still.

"Your Excellency is overrated!"

Xiao Yu clasped his fists back and saluted, and said calmly, without any waves in his tone.

However, Lu Yuan, the patriarch of the Sword Sect, didn't feel any dissatisfaction. Instead, he was secretly pleased that Xiao Yu was able to return the gift to him, which proved that Xiao Yu was not an arrogant and incapable person.If their eleven forces formed an alliance, Xiao Yu would definitely be the number one combat force in the alliance, so he would naturally want to make good friends.

The succubus came up and smiled politely at Xiao Yu, that smile was full of a different kind of charm.

"Hero Xiao, do you still remember me?"

Xiao Yu said with a smile: "Master Mei is joking, my memory is pretty good."

"Hero Xiao is really humorous!" The succubus covered his mouth and chuckled, beckoning to the crowd nearby, "Yun'er, come here quickly, your benefactor is here!"

Xiao Yu turned his head to look, and Bu Zuiyun was walking happily.

"Ziyun has seen Hero Xiao!"

Bu Zuiyun bowed slightly to Xiao Yu, his perfect lines were fully revealed, and his soft and charming voice stirred the hearts of the young male disciples around him, and he really couldn't help but want to switch places with Xiao Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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