Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 374 The Day of the Alliance

Chapter 374 The Day of the Alliance
Seeing Bu Zuiyun, Xiao Yu remembered the "Holy Body" project that Long Bo had mentioned before, and fell into deep thought.

Seeing Xiao Yu staring at her blankly, Bu Zuiyun didn't speak, feeling ashamed and joyful in his heart, a touch of rosiness appeared on his face, and he said softly, "Thank you again, Daxia Xiao, for saving your life."

Xiao Yu finally came back to his senses, and suddenly said something that made Zui Yun's heart skip a beat and made Long Jing and Ao Zixuan's hearts cold.

"I'm so glad I saved you that day!"

Hearing these words, Bu Zuiyun felt her heart beating wildly.

"Is he showing love?"

Long Jingxin and Ao Zixuan's expressions were extremely ugly, in their hearts Xiao Yu was definitely not someone who could say such things casually.

Succubus is also very excited, if Xiao Yu takes a fancy to Bu Zuiyun, then their Meimen will have a powerful help.

Seeing Bu Zuiyun's shy look, Xiao Yu suddenly felt a slip of the tongue, and hurriedly explained: "Well, what I mean by this is that saving you is equivalent to stopping the plan of the 'dark prison', there is no other meaning. "

"Ah? Is that so?"

Disappointment flashed across Bu Zuiyun's face, and Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin instantly felt the warmth of spring.

"I just said, how could he be like this!"

Long Jingxin smiled secretly, she glanced at Xiao Yu, then at Ao Zixuan beside her, her heart was very troubled.

Xiao Yu had already told her about Ao Zixuan's amnesia, she really wanted to tell Ao Zixuan the truth, but Xiao Yu repeatedly told her that she must never tell Ao Zixuan the truth, otherwise it would kill her. Now, she still buries this matter in her heart.

Looking at Ao Zixuan's pure eyes, she couldn't feel any jealousy, only endless sympathy.Although Ao Zixuan has almost all of Xiao Yu's love, but she can't even remember the person she loves the most, isn't this a kind of irony?

"But, Xiao Yu, is he really happy?"

Long Jingxin shook her head, forcing herself not to think about these things, she would only become more and more confused.

"Young man, I haven't seen you for a while, the name of Xiao Yu, the arrogant and mad god, really resounds throughout the mainland!"

Looking at the disappointed Bu Zuiyun, Xiao Yu was also a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that his words would cause such a misunderstanding.Fortunately, the rescuer has arrived.

Xiao Yu turned his head and saw Hua Li, beside Hua Li was a beautiful woman wearing a beautiful white flower on her head.

For Huali, Xiao Yu naturally remembered, the scene when Liu Piaoxu and Yang Xiruo resolutely decided to follow Huali to practice is still vivid in his memory.

"Old man!"

Xiao Yu cupped his fists at Huali and said politely.Huali is Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu's mentor, he doesn't want to be too arrogant.

"My name is Hua Li, you can call me Granny Hua, of course, with your current strength, even if you call me by my name, I have no objection!"

After all, he is his apprentice's favorite, Hua Li is not very afraid of Xiao Yu.

"Grandma Hua, don't say that!" Xiao Yu waved his hand and asked, "How are those two girls doing at the Orchid Gate?"

The reason why Xiao Yu asked this question was because he knew that Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu didn't come with them, if they were in Liufengmen, there was no way they would not come to see him.

"They are doing well, because their cultivation has not yet reached the point of leaving the customs, so they did not come with them this time."

Hua Li smiled.

"That's good!"

Hearing the news of the two, Xiao Yu felt relieved, what he was most worried about was that Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu would fall into the hands of the "Dark Prison".

"Find some time, it's time to visit them!"

Xiao Yu thought to himself.

"This is the head of our Orchid Sect, Wu Ruolan!"

Hua Li knew that it was almost time to reminisce, so she pointed to the beautiful woman beside her and introduced it to Xiao Yu.

Wu Ruolan smiled slightly at Xiao Yu, clasped her fists together and said, "Hero Xiao is so powerful in the world, seeing you today, the impact on us is really not small!"

"Master Wu is serious!"

Xiao Yu could only return politely.The masters of other forces also came to meet Xiao Yu one by one, and their attitudes were extremely polite. Although Xiao Yu felt a little impatient, he could only return the greetings one by one.

He is not an arbitrary person, this alliance is what he thinks, initiated by Long Zhantian, these forces have no enmity with him, naturally they will not fight against them, nothing else, Long Zhantian's face He still has to give.

After getting acquainted with all these big shots, Xiao Yu came to the team in Fort Rising Sun, chose a seat at random and sat down.He automatically chose to ignore those eyes that had been staring at him like a star.

When he passed by Ao Zixuan, he didn't look at her, and his footsteps didn't pause too much, his heart returned to the coldness before.

From the moment he returned to Liufengmen, he knew that he could no longer get close to Ao Zixuan, not only because Ao Zixuan was Long Zhantian's fiancée, but also because he felt Ao Zixuan's increasingly eager eyes.

From his kiss to Ao Zixuan on the plain, she could tell that she had secretly developed feelings for Xiao Yu without getting angry, how could Xiao Yu, who was far more intelligent than others, not feel it?

"Xuanxuan, I'm sorry!"

Xiao Yu could only sigh secretly in his heart.

"Zixuan, let's go aside, dad is supposed to host the alliance meeting!"

On the other side, Long Zhantian whispered to Ao Zixuan.

Ao Zixuan withdrew her gaze from looking at Xiao Yu, nodded, and walked to the team of Liufengmen with Long Zhantian.But Long Jingxin didn't have so many worries, she rushed to Xiao Yu's side and sat side by side with him, seeing Bu Zuiyun and other women who secretly admired Xiao Yu were extremely envious.

"If I hadn't agreed to Zhan Tian so rashly, how good would it be?"

Ao Zixuan shook her head secretly, but time cannot be turned back.

As for Zhan Wang and Li Guang, they had already been carried down by the elders of Yuan Zhanmen for treatment. The injuries in their bodies were much more serious than they imagined, and the people of Yuan Zhanmen were more afraid of Xiao Yu. layer.

Xiao Maifei still sat in that position, this time his waist was straightened, and he was no longer as unconfident as before.Even if his strength is weak, who would dare to look down on him with such a grandson who is so arrogant?
Seeing that the timing was almost up, Long Xiu winked at Angel Long Xiao.

Long Xiaotian understood and stood up.

"Everyone be quiet!"

Long Xiaotian's voice contained tyrannical divine power, and the entire square fell silent for a while.

"Today is the day when our eleven first-class forces form an alliance. Our common goal is to fight against the 'Dark Prison'."

As soon as Long Xiaotian finished speaking, the top members of the other forces all looked solemn. No one would treat such a big event with a playful smile.

The shadow cast by the "dark prison" on these first-class forces is really too great. Even after 300 years, the name is still lingering in the ears of the older generation.

(End of this chapter)

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