Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 382 Departing from the Imperial Capital

Chapter 382 Departing from the Imperial Capital
"Xiao Yu, it is precisely because of this that I want you to accompany me for the last time!" Wang Yalian's tone was a little excited, "I might as well tell you that you are the first man who makes me fall in love. You are not a martial artist, but I really want to be with you."

Xiao Yu was stunned for a moment. He had seen Wang Yalian's blunt confession once before, and now he didn't know how to answer it.

In fact, Wang Yalian has always been quiet and elegant, very reserved, but after meeting Xiao Yu, she couldn't restrain herself.

After Wang Yalian finished speaking, her pretty face flushed, but her beautiful eyes met Xiao Yu's eyes without blinking.She felt that there was no hope in her life, and she didn't regret it at all when she said the words at this time.

Xiao Yu was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, his deep and dark eyes shone with an inexplicable light in the dark night.

"Yalian!" Xiao Yu stretched out her hand and patted Wang Yalian's shoulder lightly, "I understand what you said, but you don't need to be so pessimistic, maybe things will turn around, I will accompany you this way Come on, don't worry too much."

Wang Yalian's heart trembled, for some reason, when Xiao Yu said these words, her heart settled down, and she was no longer as frightened as before.Xiao Yu's words made her feel at ease.


Wang Yalian nodded, taking advantage of the situation to get closer to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu subconsciously wanted to distance herself, but when she thought of Wang Yalian's pitiful expression before, she sighed in her heart and didn't move.

The two stood side by side on the bridge, admiring the beautiful scenery in the water.

"Xiao Yu, do you know what is my biggest wish?"

Wang Yalian said suddenly.

"What is it?"

Xiao Yu spoke carefully in every word, for fear that Wang Yalian would lead the topic back to her interest in him.

Xiao Yu only has Ao Zixuan in his heart, and at most other women are his confidante. As for Wang Yalian, he may not even be considered a confidante now.

"Do you know the most famous young man on the mainland?"

Wang Yalian looked at Xiao Yu, pretending to be mysterious.

"The most famous young man?"

Xiao Yu suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Aotian Kuangshen, have you heard of it?"

There was a fanaticism in Wang Yalian's eyes, it was idol worship.

"The Proud and Mad God Xiao Yu?"

Xiao Yu just felt very speechless, as if talking with Wang Yalian, almost the topic would be brought to him.

"Have you heard of him?"

A gleam of joy appeared on Wang Yalian's face, she didn't expect Xiao Yu, who doesn't know martial arts, to have heard of it.

"Well, I've heard of it!"

Xiao Yu's face was a little weird, so he could only reply like this.

"My biggest wish is to see him with my own eyes!" Wang Yalian said excitedly, "He is so young, and he doesn't belong to any first-class force. He has no background and no resources, yet he can live among the top-ranking masters in the mainland at such a young age." It’s really admirable.”


Xiao Yu touched his nose, not knowing how to reply.After all, it's inappropriate for people to praise themselves in front of their faces.

"But for a big man like him, it's almost impossible to meet him, so this is my dream!"

Wang Yalian sighed quietly. She was full of confidence in life, but suddenly felt that time was not enough, and there were too many things to do.What Xiao Yu said before made her feel a little calmer, but now she has returned to the previous panic again.

Da Huanxi Patriarch's reputation is too fierce, and there is a living example by her side, so she can't help but not be afraid.

Xiao Yu smiled, but did not speak. Wang Yalian's dream had been fulfilled invisibly.

"It's getting late, let's go back and rest, we will leave for the imperial capital tomorrow morning."

Wang Yalian shook her head, put all distracting thoughts out of her mind, and walked towards Wang's house together with Xiao Yu.

The night was cold, Xiao Yu was lying on the bed alone, thinking of Ao Zixuan, Lin Qingbing, Liu Piaoxu and Yang Xiruo who were far away from the Lanhuamen, Long Jingxin also flashed in his mind And pass.

He has never revealed that he is the Aotian Mad God, Wang Yalian has already preconceived that Xiao Yu is an ordinary person who does not know martial arts from the beginning, and has never thought about it at all.In her heart, people like Xiao Yu are superior, and they will definitely not talk to her face to face and calmly. She has seen many people who think highly of themselves, and these people are extremely arrogant. How can they be like Xiao Yu? So approachable?

Xiao Yu also felt very lucky, if Wang Yalian had asked him directly on the bridge just now, if you are a mad god, he would really not know what to do.

"Since she regards seeing me as a dreamland, let's give her another surprise at the last moment!"

Xiao Yu closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The next day, just as the sky was shining brightly, Xiao Yu opened his eyes.He wiped his face with the clean water in the room and walked out of the room.

Wang Yalian was standing not far away, just as she was about to look for Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu had already come out of the guest room.

"Xiao Yu, we are leaving!"

Xiao Yu nodded and followed Wang Yalian out of Wang's house.

Wang Yalian went here, Wang Dong arranged a motorcade to accompany him, and he himself followed, while the rest of the elders of the Wang family stayed to handle the affairs of the Wang family.

Wang Dong himself felt that this was Wang Yalian's last free time, so he naturally wanted to be by her side.The original dissatisfaction with Wang Yalian's invitation to Xiao Yu to go with her also disappeared.

The daughter is about to fall into the tiger's mouth and into the wolf's den, so what's the harm in letting her be self-willed again?

"Father, let's go!"

Wang Yalian knew what Wang Dong was thinking, she sighed quietly, and got into a carriage.The carriage shed is very large, and seven or eight people can be seated casually inside. Xiao Yu was naturally pulled into the carriage by Wang Yalian.

Wang Dong was sitting in another carriage, he could feel his daughter Wang Yalian's special attitude towards Xiao Yu, so naturally he would not bother them.

This was also the last thing he did for Wang Yalian.

All the elders of the Wang family came to see him off, the elder of the Wang family had tears in his eyes, it wasn't that he didn't love Wang Yalian, it was because between the interests of the family and Wang Yalian, he had to choose the former.

Since the Wang family was expelled from the capital, their status has been shaken again and again. The Meteor Empire is the foundation of the Wang family. If they cannot maintain their position in the Meteor Empire, then they will be sorry for the ancestors of the Wang family.

"set off!"

Following Wang Dong's shout, the team officially set off.

"Da Huanxi Patriarch! Your death is not far away!"

Xiao Yu, who was sitting in the carriage, was already filled with killing intent.

(End of this chapter)

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