Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 383 Misty Island, Merlion

Chapter 383 Misty Island, Merlion

The Wang family team consisted of 18 people, including Xiao Yu, a total of [-] people.Two carriages walked side by side, shuttling on the official road.

Xiao Yu and Wang Yalian chatted casually in the carriage, adding some color to this boring journey.

"It takes three days to go to the imperial capital by taking the official road. In order to shorten the journey, we should take a shortcut and pass through the famous Misty Island of the Meteor Empire. This will shorten the journey by half."

In the carriage, Wang Yalian said to Xiao Yu.

"Really?" Xiao Yu said with a smile, "Then I have a chance to see this so-called Misty Island."

"Xiao Yu, Misty Island is not a scenic spot!" Wang Yalian hurriedly explained, "Actually, Misty Island is not an island, it is a long oval road in the middle of a large lake, because from a distance, it looks like It is an island, and it is full of gray mist, so it is named Misty Island. Everyone in Meteor Empire knows that Misty Island is very dangerous."

"Very dangerous?" Xiao Yu asked strangely, "If that's the case, why do you still go to Misty Island?"

When Xiao Yu said this, Wang Yalian thought he was afraid, but she didn't think there was anything wrong with it. After all, ordinary people would be a little scared when they heard danger.

"Actually, this danger is relatively speaking." Wang Yalian replied, "My father, my father and the sixteen clansmen accompanying me are all martial practitioners, so even if we encounter danger, we can easily resolve it."

Xiao Yu nodded. He naturally knew that Wang Yalian herself was a master at the eighth level of the Shattering Yuan Realm, while her father Wang Dong was at the second level of the Shattering Yuan Realm. The lineup is indeed enough to deal with the dangers of a small island.

The convoy traveled for a day, and it was already dark. Finally, they came to a vast lake. Xiao Yu lifted the tent and looked out. He saw a big road across the middle of the lake. The road grew from small to large, extending to the other side of the lake one side.

"This is Misty Island, as long as you pass through here, you can reach the imperial capital in half a day."

Wang Yalian also came out and sat outside the carriage with Xiao Yu.

"Lianlian, Mr. Xiao, the fog here is very thick, the horse may be affected a little, you two have to sit still!"

Wang Dong poked his head out from another carriage, and said to Xiao Yu and the two of them.

"I know dad!"

Wang Yalian smiled slightly at Wang Dong, and together with Xiao Yu enjoyed the beautiful scenery by the lake in the evening.

The Misty Island is indeed quite strange. The thick fog persists for a long time, and the visibility is extremely low.Even with Xiao Yu's eyesight, he can only see things that are hundreds of feet away in the Misty Island.

"The mist should come from the ground, and the ground is connected to the bottom of the lake, so it has something to do with the bottom of the lake."

Xiao Yu sensed it and penetrated the ground, but he didn't notice anything strange.Instead, in the lake, he sensed some larger objects.

"It seems that there are a lot of things in this lake!"

Only now did Xiao Yu understand why there is danger in this misty island.

The mist on the Misty Island disperses towards the lake, and the hazy beauty of the sparkling water has a special taste.The convoy has been traveling for nearly half an hour, and is already in the center of the lake at this moment.

The moonlight cast a slightly different radiance through the mist than usual, and Xiao Yu had already noticed that these servants of the Wang family looked tense and dignified.

Everyone here seems to know the horror of the Misty Island.


Suddenly, there was a sound of rushing water, and the horses of the Wang family servants neighed miserably, as if they had been seriously frightened.

The servants of the Wang family looked at their surroundings with great vigilance as if they were facing an enemy.

Wang Dong also got down from the carriage, and said to Wang Yalian and Xiao Yu, "Lianlian, you stay with Mr. Xiao to protect his safety. Daddy can take care of these 'little fish and shrimps' by himself!"

"Don't worry, Dad!"

Wang Yalian nodded, and moved closer to Xiao Yu.Xiao Yu didn't speak, just leaned casually on the carriage, looking around curiously.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

There was more and more sound of rushing water around, as if some kind of large object was rolling on the surface of the water.

"Be careful, it's the Merlion."

Wang Dong, as a great master of breaking the Yuan Realm, his sensing ability is naturally much stronger than others, so he immediately reminded.In his perception, there are already many monsters with lion heads and fish bodies approaching the road in the lakes on both sides of the road.

"The Merlion? I've never heard of it!"

Xiao Yu thought to himself.He had already sensed a considerable number of this kind of creature in the lake before, but he didn't know its name. He had never seen or heard of this kind of creature, and this was the first time he heard of "merlion" the name.

"Xiao Yu, you have to get closer to me. Although these Merlion are not too terrifying, if they are dragged into the water, they will definitely be fatal."

Wang Yalian's voice was serious, not as soft as before.

"it is good!"

Xiao Yu sat down beside Wang Yalian, but his eyes were flickering and flickering with a strange light.


The sound of something coming out of the water resounded from the left side of the road, and then a series of identical sounds resounded from both sides of the road.


Through the fog, dozens of black figures the size of a person can be seen coming through the fog. They are in mid-air, their bodies twisted into a strange arc, and they fall towards the bottom.


The sixteen servants of the Wang family all pulled out their weapons and slashed at the shadows.


One of the servants had already swung the knife in his hand, and there was a sound of gold and iron clanging, and a hole appeared in the long knife.He himself took two steps back, his mouth tingling.


The monster with the head of a lion and the tail of a fish landed on the ground, its body constantly swaying, and it moved forward like a snake, with its sharp teeth constantly opening and closing. It had been looking forward to fresh flesh and blood for a long time.

"Clap clap clap!"

The sound of the monster landing was constantly remembered, and suddenly the hiss of animals crawling came from the ground.

"There are a lot of them!"

Wang Yalian's pretty face was dignified, but she stayed by Xiao Yu's side without moving.She believed that the rest of the people would be able to cope.


Wang Dong's slightly obese figure flashed, took the long knife thrown by a servant, and slashed it down in front of him.


The gigantic sword light extending thousands of feet extended out, only a muffled sound was heard, and the "hissing" sound in front of it all returned to silence.

Wang Dong slashed his saber, and slashed at the back again, and more than a dozen Merlion were cut into meat paste.How can these Merlion, whose strength is only at the first or second level of the Shattering Yuan Realm, resist the berserk attack of Wang Dong at the Shattering Yuan Realm?
There was reverence in Wang Yalian's eyes, and she murmured, "I don't know when I will be able to reach Dad's strength."

Xiao Yu did not speak, the crisis was not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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