Chapter 395 Friends?

"Whoever touches me, Xiao Yu, will die!",

Xiao Yu's indifferent words spread slowly in this world, and the domineering arrogance that looked down on the world shocked people into a trance.

Wang Yalian's heart was shaken, Xiao Yu before gave her the feeling of indifference and elegance, but now Xiao Yu revealed an indescribable arrogance.

The two temperaments are completely different, but both appear in the same person.

"Which one is he?"

Hearing Xiao Yu's words, all the people present were pale. Da Huanxi Patriarch had already taken the initiative to ask for peace, but Xiao Yu was still so aggressive. They all suspected that they had heard it wrong.

After all, Patriarch Da Huanxi is a veteran super master, and his strength has reached the peak of the Broken God Realm. It can be said that it is difficult to find an opponent in the entire continent.Although Xiao Yu's reputation has grown, he has always been a bit younger. They all felt that Xiao Yu could not be compared with Da Huanxi Patriarch.

"Aotian Kuangshen is too ignorant!"

Many people thought to themselves, but they couldn't say it out loud.

"Junior, don't think that I am giving you face because I am afraid of you!"

Da Huanxi Patriarch snorted coldly and narrowed his eyes slightly.It was the first time he saw a guy who spoke so loudly in front of him.

"Afraid of me?" Xiao Yu grinned, "I don't care if I'm afraid of me, but today."

When Xiao Yu said this, he suddenly let go of his momentum, and the whole world trembled and crawled.

"It's your time of death!"

Just like the birth of an ancient fierce beast, the terrifying coercion traversed the sky, and the people below felt that they were going to collapse on the spot just by feeling it.

"very scary!"

Countless people swallowed a mouthful of saliva, the feeling given to them by Da Huanxi's aura before was heavy and irresistible.However, Xiao Yu's aura made them feel that the entire sky was a restricted area, and as long as they touched it a little, it would disappear.

In terms of domineering, Xiao Yu was obviously superior, and now they all began to secretly doubt in their hearts, would Da Huanxi Patriarch really be stronger than Aotian Kuangshen?

"This boy, what a powerful coercion!" Patriarch Da Huanxi's heart was shocked, "He is clearly at the second level of the God Breaking Realm, but why is his strength no less than mine?"

Lin Qingbing's heart tightened, and then she relaxed again. Regardless of whether Xiao Yu could defeat Patriarch Dahuanxi or not, she was willing to go forward and retreat with Xiao Yu. As long as it was his decision, she would support it to the end without any complaints.

Qiao Lingling was extremely excited, as she thought, Xiao Yu was going to declare war on Patriarch Da Huanxi.

Xiao Yu glanced over indifferently, and his tone became colder: "Da Huan Xi Patriarch, from today on, there will be no such person on this continent anymore."

Da Huanxi's ancestor shuddered, and smiled angrily: "Boy, I have let you take people away, and you are still so aggressive. If this is the case, that's just right, I haven't killed a strong person in the broken god realm for many years. , Today I will let the whole continent know what will happen to me if I offend my Da Huanxi Patriarch."

As soon as the words fell, Patriarch Da Huanxi stomped the sole of his foot, and a storm of energy formed around his body, sweeping away.The entire sky has become a battlefield between Xiao Yu and Patriarch Da Huanxi.

"Then let me see what will happen if I offend an old bastard like you!"

Xiao Yu didn't give Da Huanxi any face, and said sarcastically.

Lin Qingbing, Wang Yalian, and Qiao Lingling below couldn't help laughing out loud. Over the years, Xiao Yu was the only one who dared to call Da Huanxi Patriarch that way.

"you wanna die!"

Ancestor Da Huanxi's face was ferocious and distorted, and his eyes were full of fierceness.

"Happy Punch!"

With his explosive shout, the power between the heaven and the earth surged wildly again, gathering to a place about Zhang Xu in front of him.A colorful fist print changed from small to large, covering the entire sky in an instant.

The people below all changed color, and the size of this fist print was several times larger than the palms that Da Huanxi Patriarch grabbed Qiao Lingling and the others before. This is truly blocking the sky.

They were shrouded in this shadow, feeling a sense of powerlessness from the bottom of their hearts.If this fist fell on them, no one here would be spared, they would all be crushed into a pulp, leaving no bones left.

"Powerful Punch!"

Xiao Yu extended one hand obliquely downward, and the light blue air wave continued to spread.


As he punched out, terrifying power poured out, and the fierce gale flowed across like a river.


Da Huanxi Patriarch snorted coldly, and threw out the same fist, the huge fist print and Xiao Yu's fist forcefully shook together.


There was a terrifying loud noise from the sky. Where the two people collided, a mushroom cloud shot straight up into the sky. The space between the two was squeezed and crushed by the powerful force. The rumbling sound from the depths of the space shocked everyone. Everyone shuddered.

The fight between the top masters of the Broken God Realm is just so terrifying.

As the shock wave spilled down, both Xiao Yu and Da Huanxi Patriarch's expressions changed, and they both waved their palms at the same time, completely offsetting the aftermath of the energy rushing to the ground.

Xiao Yu and Patriarch Da Huanxi looked at each other, and they both saw a strange look in each other's eyes.

Xiao Yu wanted the aftermath of the energy not to hurt Lin Qingbing, Wang Yalian and others, while Da Huanxi Patriarch wanted the people below to see him defeat Xiao Yu with his own hands and consolidate his supremacy on the mainland.

"It seems that our ideas are somewhat similar!"

Patriarch Da Huanxi put his palm behind his back, looking unfathomable, but no one noticed that his palm was trembling slightly.

Xiao Yu said coldly: "Since that's the case, let's go to a higher altitude to decide the outcome!"

"Hmph, as you wish!"

Da Huanxi Patriarch sneered, stretched his figure, and had already soared into the sky.

Xiao Yu stomped the sole of his foot, brought up a strong airflow, and shot it into the sky hundreds of thousands of feet above.

They widened the distance of the battlefield so that it would not affect the crowd watching the battle below.

"This sister!"

Wang Yalian could no longer bear the curiosity in her heart, and said to Lin Qingbing.

"you and him"

Lin Qingbing smiled slightly and said, "Does my sister want to know what relationship I have with him?"

Wang Yalian blushed and nodded in embarrassment.

"Actually, I don't know what relationship I have with him!"

Lin Qingbing sighed and said faintly.


Wang Yalian was a little strange, Xiao Yu came all the way for Lin Qingbing, why it seems that their relationship is not clear?

"Aren't you lovers?"

Wang Yalian said strangely.

Lin Qingbing shook her head: "We are not lovers, at least he never said so, we are more like friends."


Wang Yalian muttered these two words and stayed on the spot.

"Xiao Yu, we have stayed together these days, am I your friend?"


There was a more violent explosion in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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