Chapter 396

Xiao Yu tumbling backwards, just now he received Da Huanxi Patriarch's punch again.


Patriarch Da Huanxi also rubbed the soles of his feet violently in the void, and retreated tens of feet.Under this move, the two are still evenly matched.


Xiao Yu grinned, exuding a surging fighting spirit from his body. It had been a long time since he had such a passionate fighting feeling.

Even if he was facing Xiao Haoyun at the beginning, he just let him attack and came to meet him himself. To win, it was only a matter of an instant.

But this Patriarch Da Huanxi is different, he has stayed at the peak of the God Breaking Realm for many years, and his understanding of this realm is by no means comparable to that of others, and he is only one step away from touching the barrier of the God Breaking Realm.

The reason why Xiao Yu was able to gain the upper hand in the confrontation with him before was because of surprise on the one hand, and because of Da Huanxi's love rival on the other hand.

Now Patriarch Da Huanxi regards Xiao Yu as an opponent of the same level, so what Xiao Yu has to face is Patriarch Da Huanxi who has developed all his combat power.

Da Huanxi's ancestor has traversed the mainland for hundreds of years, and has been standing still, so how could he have earned his name in vain?
Xiao Yu was very excited. He is a combative person. Only by confronting such a top expert can he hone his combat power. He wants every cell to have a very strong fighting consciousness.

Da Huanxi Patriarch's surprise was even deeper, Xiao Yu's combat power had far surpassed the peak of the ordinary Broken God Realm.

"This kid must not be underestimated!"

Da Huanxi Patriarch's aura has climbed to the peak.


Xiao Yu moved his finger bones, and the crisp sound continued to come out, and his whole body's bones were rubbing slightly.

This body, which looks like a fighting machine, has been fully stretched out.

"Boy, if we stop making peace now, there is still time!"

Patriarch Da Huanxi frowned slightly, he really didn't want to fight Xiao Yu to the death as a last resort.

"Is it interesting that you still talk nonsense at this time?"

Xiao Yu said disdainfully, stretched out his palm, and gorgeous flames rose from it, and the temperature between the sky and the earth became extremely hot at this moment.


Da Huanxi's ancestor's eyes were fixed, and he felt the extremely violent fluctuations in the gorgeous flame in Xiao Yu's palm. He has lived for hundreds of years, and his knowledge is naturally extremely extensive. He has also seen a lot of flames in the world. There are hundreds of kinds, but he has only seen a few kinds of such terrifying destructive waves like the one in Xiao Yu's hand, and those kinds of flames still exist in those few places.

Da Huanxi Patriarch knew that this matter was absolutely difficult to deal with, so he didn't bother talking anymore, the divine power surged out of his body, shaking the surrounding space into countless pieces, he stepped on the sole of his foot, and a huge vortex appeared under his body , involving all those space debris.

"Great joy vortex!"

Da Huanxi Patriarch let out a low cry, the extreme vortex suddenly rotated in the opposite direction, and a terrifying suction force came out from it.

Wang Yalian and Lin Qingbing frowned, feeling that their bodies were about to fly off the ground, they quickly circulated the vitality in their bodies, and forced themselves to stare at the ground.

Countless people also looked like this, all blushing and releasing their vitality without reservation.

"It's so far apart, but it can still have such a strong suction?"

Liang Jun was horrified. He saw that the surrounding ground gravel and some smaller plants were all rolled into the sky.


Xiao Yu's complexion in the sky changed, and his figure involuntarily slid towards the huge vortex.


He snorted coldly, and the divine power in his body was running powerfully, resisting the unprecedented strong suction.


Xiao Yu was startled, he could barely stop the momentum of sliding towards the vortex with his divine power, and slowed down a little, but his body was still approaching the vortex constantly.

"Such a strong suction?"

Xiao Yu focused his eyes and looked at the center of the vortex. The space within it had been distorted beyond shape, and the objects sucked in were instantly smashed into pieces.

"Hahaha!" Da Huanxi Patriarch laughed crazily, "Xiao Yu, this is the whirlpool of joy I formed with the power of their Yuan Yin when I was happy with women for many years. If you are sucked into it, you will Flying to an unknown place with the space-distorted turbulent flow of time and space, it is absolutely irresistible under the Primordial Breaking Realm, so enjoy it!"

"Xiao Yu!"

Hearing Da Huanxi Patriarch's crazy laughter, Lin Qingbing was terrified and worried about Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu didn't answer, he was pulled away step by step by the terrifying suction force, no matter how he urged his divine power, it was of no avail, the suction force lasted for a long time, and what was even more weird was that there were thousands of The woman laughed and groaned, disturbing his mind.

No matter how strong Xiao Yu is, he will always be a normal man. It is impossible for him to be completely unaffected by that seductive voice that can stir up the most primitive desires.


Xiao Yu forcibly sealed his ears with divine power, making him lose his hearing, but the voice seemed to exist in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

Xiao Yu has been sucked to the edge of the vortex, and he will be pulled into the vortex in just a moment.

"Hahaha, let's go in, boy, I'm so happy that you can't stop my patriarch. When you die, I will take good care of your women so that they can't leave me forever! Hahahaha!"

Da Huanxi Patriarch showed a lewd smile on his face, extremely proud.


Hearing these words, Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly shot out an extremely violent killing intent, and an indomitable fighting intent rose from his body and went straight to the sky.

"you wanna die!"

The killing intent in Xiao Yu's eyes was like a substance, wanting to penetrate everything.With a loud shout, he stepped on the edge of the vortex, and the suction became stronger, pulling him to drown him.

"Pillar of Flame!"

Xiao Yu clasped his palm, and a huge pillar of fire erupted at Patriarch Da Huanxi's feet.


Patriarch Da Huanxi was startled, and immediately turned over and jumped up, his figure flashed more than ten thousand feet, avoiding the burning range of the pillar of fire.

Da Huanxi vortex lost the blessing of Da Huanxi's ancestor, and its suction suddenly seemed to increase several times.


Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with lightning, and when he stretched out his palm, he grabbed the edge of the whirlpool.


Da Huanxi Patriarch was startled, flashed, appeared behind Xiao Yu, and punched out.

Xiao Yu didn't turn his head back, and his other hand held the edge of the vortex of great joy.


Xiao Yu roared loudly, and he directly lifted the huge vortex of more than ten thousand feet, and swung it behind him.

Da Huanxi's eyes were about to burst, he quickly withdrew his fist and dodged away.

He didn't expect that Xiao Yu could resist the suction force of the whirlpool and completely control the whirlpool.

(End of this chapter)

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