Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 397 Divine Power Confrontation

Chapter 397 Divine Power Confrontation
Xiao Yu grabbed the huge vortex and swung it suddenly, Da Huanxi Patriarch could only jump up into the air to avoid the blow.The terrifying suction force emanating from the vortex made Da Huanxi's ancestor a lot slower.

Originally, the Dahuanxi vortex belonged to the ancestor of Dahuanxi. He spent countless efforts to refine it successfully, and it was regarded as his real magic weapon.

Experts above the eighth level of the Broken God Realm can refine their own magical weapons, and in this way, they can double their combat effectiveness.

The power of the magic weapon plus the domain is hundreds of times stronger than the power of the domain alone.

But Da Huanxi Patriarch made a fatal mistake - letting Xiao Yu get close to his Da Huanxi vortex.This vortex of joy looks extremely illusory, but in fact it is a real object, and Xiao Yu has already noticed it when he touched its edge.

Since it is an object, it can be held in the hand.In the beginning, Xiao Yu really couldn't resist the suction force from the Da Huanxi vortex, that was because the divine power of Da Huanxi Patriarch was on it.

So Xiao Yu chose to use the pillar of flames to attack Da Huanxi Patriarch, making him temporarily lose control of Da Huanxi's vortex, and then when the suction weakened, Xiao Yu took control of it, and the divine power penetrated into it, killing the remaining Da Huanxi Patriarch. All divine power has been eroded away.

The current vortex of great joy is already Xiao Yu's property.

Da Huanxi patriarch broke out in cold sweat, he never expected Xiao Yu to be able to judge the situation in such a short period of time, and launched a very beautiful counterattack against himself.

Although his great joy vortex is extremely powerful and can smash everything, but the disadvantage is that it needs a lot of divine power to bless, and the person who blesses it must keep his body still.It was this shortcoming that became his fatal wound.

"Hmph, it seems that this thing is only relatively powerful, as long as you attack its weak point, you will have nothing to do!"

Xiao Yu grinned, grasping the huge vortex with both hands, with a mocking expression on his face.


The crowd below were all stunned. At first they saw Xiao Yu was at a disadvantage, but in an instant, the situation was reversed.

"He won't lose!"

Lin Qingbing smiled sweetly, Qiao Lingling and Wang Yalian were a little stunned.This kind of woman is not only attractive to men, but also generally the same to women.

"Only a stunning beauty like this sister can be worthy of him!"

Wang Yalian sighed secretly.Only now did she know why she couldn't help but be attracted to Xiao Yu when she met him for the first time. How could the world-famous Aotian Kuangshen have no charm?
"You give me back!"

Patriarch Da Huanxi was frightened and angry, and it was a great shame and humiliation that the magic weapon he had refined was taken away.You must know that all masters' magic weapons are usually transformed into divine power and hidden in their bodies. When it is necessary to fight, as long as the mind moves, it will be transformed from divine power into substance. I really want to cry but have no tears.

Xiao Yu waved the huge vortex in his hand lightly, and the powerful suction slowly pulled Patriarch Da Huanxi towards the center.

Da Huanxi's ancestor's expression changed drastically. Of course, he knew the magic weapon he had refined himself best. Only a true master of the God-shattering realm could resist that terrifying suction. He was at the peak of the God-shattering realm, but It is still one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the God-shattering Realm.

Xiao Yu grinned as he looked at the Patriarch Da Huanxi who was constantly struggling in the suction.

A cold light shot out from Da Huanxi Patriarch's eyes, and when he poked his palm, a light mark appeared at Xiao Yu's feet.

"Huanxiyin, go!"

Xiao Yu looked at the light seal and felt a familiar smell.

"Is it Qiao Xin, the former First Prince?"

Xiao Yu immediately thought of Qiao Xin, who had used a similar martial skill when fighting Wang Dong before.But he didn't know that the printed copy of Huanxi was given to Qiao Xin by Professor Da Huanxi.

Although it is the same kind of martial skill, but released in the hands of Da Huanxi Patriarch, it is many times stronger.


A huge light mark struck from the bottom of Xiao Yu's feet, and the light mark reached the end. Xiao Yu already felt a powerful force coming through the space.


Xiao Yu's figure flashed, and he deviated from this place with a huge vortex. The light seal shot straight up from behind Xiao Yu, and burst suddenly in the sky.


A huge crack suddenly appeared in the sky, which shows how powerful this move is.


Da Huanxi Patriarch took advantage of this gap to move forward instead of retreating, and flied towards Xiao Yu, to be precise, towards the vortex in Xiao Yu's hand.


As soon as he stretched out his hand, he had already grasped the edge of the vortex, and exerted force suddenly.


Xiao Yu focused his eyes and exerted force at the same time.

The huge vortex was pulled horizontally in the sky by the two, and countless objects were sucked into it.Xiao Yu and Da Huanxi Patriarch were alone at one end of the vortex, with majestic divine power sweeping out, both wanted to gain control of the vortex.

"Bang bang bang!"

Shocking loud noises continuously came from the edge of the vortex, which was caused by the fighting between the divine powers of Xiao Yu and Da Huanxi Patriarch.The edge of the vortex was originally light gray, but at this moment, its edge turned a gorgeous purple red.

"Hmph! Let me go!"

Patriarch Da Huanxi struggled to snatch it, the veins on his arms were coiled, he had already used his maximum strength.

"If you have the ability, you can take it!"

Xiao Yu sneered again and again, his arm muscles swelled, and the divine power in his body turned from pulling to pushing. He wanted to force the divine power of Da Huanxi Patriarch out of the vortex.

This vortex is too weird, he must not let Patriarch Da Huanxi control it again.

"Hmph, Xiao Yu, you are too deceitful!"

Patriarch Da Huanxi also snorted coldly when he sensed the suddenly violent resistance power, and the divine power in his body gushed out like a tide, forming a confrontation with Xiao Yu's divine power.

The two divine powers came and went, fighting extremely fiercely, and the position of the two of them had been severely distorted by the high temperature, like a scorching sun hanging horizontally high in the sky.

"Bang bang bang!"

The dull sound continued to spread, and the energy in the sky became extremely chaotic.A terrifying energy storm swirls above the heads of the two of them.

It is the most stupid fighting method, but it is the most intense fighting method.

At this time, the comparison is not about martial arts and combat skills, but the degree of gaze of divine power.

"Is it better than divine power?"

Xiao Yu sneered in his heart, if it was to compare the quality of divine power, he would never lose to anyone below the Poyuan Realm, even Patriarch Da Huanxi, who has been in the mainland for hundreds of years.

"Is this kid a monster? Why is the divine power so solid?"

Da Huanxi Patriarch's heart trembled wildly, fine beads of sweat had already oozed from his forehead, he felt his divine power being pushed out of the vortex bit by bit.

(End of this chapter)

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