Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 4 Meditation, enlightenment

Chapter 4 Meditation, enlightenment


Xiao Yu was completely stunned this time. He had a bold guess. The higher the level of the animal he killed, the more vitality bonus he would get. This is the same as in the game. Killing a large wild animal Monsters will get more experience than killing small monsters.

"Fuck! God, I'm sorry, I blamed you wrongly, you are so wise and mighty, handsome and mighty, thank you for your gift."

One of Xiao Yu's hearts almost jumped out of excitement. People need to practice to strengthen the vitality in the body. He only needs to kill more animals to increase the vitality in the body. The speed is many times faster than that of cultivation. It is really difficult for this golden finger to open. match.

"Killing animals can give you such a great vitality blessing. I don't know what effect it will have if you kill a higher-level spirit beast." Xiao Yu couldn't help thinking, "If you kill people, how much bonus will there be?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu shook his head violently and forcibly suppressed this thought. He didn't want to become an unscrupulous person, let alone a murderer.

"You must improve your strength as soon as possible!"

Xiao Yu thought for a while, with his current cultivation base, he could hunt some wild beasts and first-level spirit beasts, which would increase his vitality to a few floors higher.But he still has a question in his mind. If he didn't kill the animal, would he get the bonus of vitality?

"Little Red!"

Xiao Yu yelled, and Xiao Hong came to him as expected.

"Master Xiao Yu, do you have any orders?"

Xiao Yu spread out his palms, and a fly with its wings torn off jumped out.

"Xiaohong, trample it to death."

Xiao Hong was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Xiao Yu was going to do, but she did it anyway.Xiao Yu didn't get any vitality bonus.

"It seems that you really have to kill yourself to get the vitality bonus."

Xiao Yu nodded secretly.He began to calculate in his mind.

"With my current strength, I can hunt some large wild beasts and some first-level spirit beasts. If I'm lucky, I can also encounter some second- and third-level seriously injured spirit beasts. Killing them can make my strength improve by leaps and bounds."

Xiao Yu made up his mind, he had already determined his destination.

"Xiaohong, tell Uncle Yang for me, I will go out for a while, and I will definitely be back in half a month."

Before Xiao Hong could figure out the situation, Xiao Yu had already disappeared.

Xiao Yu lives in Yang Shucheng's house, although Yang Shucheng is a sect master, but his own house is extremely simple, Xiao Yu just opened the back door and left easily.In fact, he also has his own residence, which is a mansion that Xiao Yu's father specially left for him in Fanyun Town, but because Xiao Yu was seriously injured, Yang Shucheng arranged to take care of him in his own home, for fear that he would come back again. accident.

"The Spirit Beast Mountain Range five hundred miles away from Fanyun Town is the treasure land for me to improve my strength."

Xiao Yu didn't stop at all, and immediately set off for the Spirit Beast Mountain Range. He had only one thought in his mind now, and that was to improve his strength quickly.As an orthodox Chinese, even though he is in a foreign world, he will never let others slaughter him. He must get back all the shame he has put on himself, and Uncle Yang still needs his own assistance. My benefactor, I can't let him lose his position as the head of the branch sect, and if the great elder is allowed to take the position of the head of the branch sect, he will definitely not agree.A person who has broken his limbs can't continue to be unrestrained.

After walking for five hundred miles, the sky was already dawning. Xiao Yu's dual passives of Mundo and Galen had been activated all the time. Not only did he not feel the slightest fatigue, but he was always at his peak state.

"Spirit Beast Mountain Range! Here I come!"

Xiao Yu looked up at the towering mountains, and then at the gloomy forest in front of him, and he resolutely walked in.

"What?" Yang Shucheng turned pale in shock after receiving Xiaohong's report, "Xiaoyu left by herself? Why didn't you stop him?"

Xiaohong said aggrievedly: "He's too fast, I can't stop him!"

"Huh!" Yang Shucheng took a deep breath, and continued, "Okay, go down first!"

After Xiaohong stepped back, Yang Shucheng slapped the wooden seat to pieces.

"Xiao Yu, you must not have any accidents, otherwise how can I be worthy of your father?"

In a glamorous mansion in Fanyun Town, an old man with white beard and hair was sitting in the hall, laughing sinisterly from time to time.


The heavy wooden door inlaid with gold was opened, and a girl with a graceful temperament and a slender figure walked in. Her delicate face was extremely delicate, her mouth was smiling, her red lips were tender and charming, she was a real beauty.She is the number one genius in the sect hall, Liu Piaoxu.This old man with white beard and hair is her grandfather, Liu Mubai, the Great Elder of the Fenzong Hall.

"Grandpa, when will the envoys from the branch sect come?"

Liu Piaoxu asked with a smile.

"Hmph!" Liu Mubai sneered, "After half a month, that junior Yang Shucheng will step aside, let him enjoy this period of time."

A smile flickered on the corner of Liu Piaoxu's mouth. Grandpa has always been strategizing, and this time the position of branch hall master seems to be inevitable. Once grandpa becomes the branch hall master, there will be no old man Yang Shucheng to obstruct him , then she will have the best and most complete training resources in the entire branch sect, coupled with her own talent, she will definitely be able to get the attention of the branch sect. Flying, Haikuan relying on fish jumping, if you are lucky, you may be able to enter the main sect.

Thinking of this, Liu Piaoxu trembled with excitement. As long as it is a martial artist, who doesn't want to be a strong one, covering the sky with one hand?


In the spirit beast mountain range, a figure flashed out from the grass, his fist was wrapped in a colorless air mass, and he hit a snake-shaped spirit beast in front of him heavily.This is a shining snake, a first-class spirit beast.

"It's still at the peak of the Ninth Layer of Qi Refining, what's going on!"

Xiao Yu looked at the body of the Shining Snake lying on the ground, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.It has been ten days since he came to the Spirit Beast Mountain Range. These days, he has been hunting first-level spirit beasts and wild beasts in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range. His strength has also risen in a straight line, from the fifth level of Qi Refining to the ninth level of Qi Refining , but he found that after his strength reached the ninth level of Qi refining, he could no longer make any progress. He continued to hunt and kill spirit beasts, except to make his vitality more solid, without any breakthrough. Xiao Yu is now in a slump again.

"I seem to have heard Uncle Yang mentioned before that what is needed to break through the great realm is to understand the Dao, but I don't feel it at all!"

Xiao Yu shook his head and sat on the ground, his body glowed, and his energy began to recover automatically.

"Enlightenment! Enlightenment!"

Xiao Yu kept repeating these two words in his mouth, thinking about how to get some insight.

"Huh?" Xiao Yu's expression changed, "Enlightenment is also called meditation. I don't know if the meditation skills of the Sword Master are useful."

As soon as he thought of it, Xiao Yu stood up, took a bamboo pole casually, and held it upright in front of him with both hands.His whole body was shrouded in a layer of light green mist, and his feet flew off the ground unexpectedly, staying in the air.

"Meditate, understand the Dao, recover from injuries, and reduce some damage!"

A stream of information passed through Xiao Yu's mind, and he was overjoyed that meditation actually had the function of comprehending the Dao, and he calmed down and was completely immersed in the state of meditation.He clearly felt that there was a seemingly invisible barrier in his body, which hindered the expansion of vitality in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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