Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 5 The Fiery Ape's Counterattack

Chapter 5 The Fiery Ape's Counterattack
"This is the barrier of the Yuan Condensation Realm!" Xiao Yu mobilized the vitality in his body to rush up, but found that the amount of vitality was far from enough, and the barrier only moved slightly.


Xiao Yu withdrew from the meditation state, and now he fully understands where the problem lies. To break through to the Yuan Condensation Realm, he must form a strong Yuan Qi in his body, that is, to let his Yuan Qi skyrocket in an instant, so that To break through the barrier.

"Do you want to let the vitality skyrocket?" Xiao Yu was thinking, "The sudden increase of the vitality in my body brought by the first-level spirit beast is not enough. It seems that now I have to find the second-level spirit beast to be useful."

"Hey! Then look for a second-level monster!"

Xiao Yu grinned, and suddenly put one hand on the ground, and a circle of colorful cards poured out around him.

"Card ultimate move: Destiny!"

During this period of time, Xiao Yu has roughly figured out the characteristics of hero skills. The vitality in his body is equivalent to his blue bar. When using a skill, the vitality in his body will not be consumed at all, but if he uses a skill that consumes mana, the vitality in his body will be consumed accordingly, and the amount consumed by different skills is different. The vitality of the card can only be used once, and the range is only one mile.

"This is?"

Any living thing within a radius of one mile was within Xiao Yu's perception. He didn't find a second-level spirit beast, but he found a more terrifying existence.

"A third-level spirit beast, a fiery ape."

Xiao Yu was greatly astonished, and found a third-level spirit beast outside the spirit beast mountain range.

"If I can kill a third-level spirit beast, I will definitely be able to break through to the Yuan Condensation Realm, and it is very likely that I can break through to the second or third level of the Yuan Condensation Realm in one fell swoop."

Xiao Yu's thoughts turned.Every adult third-level monster is equivalent to a strong man of the Yuan Shattering Realm, and an adult fiery ape is equivalent to a master of the second-level Shattering Yuan Realm. With his current strength, he would have never dared to kill it. , but the current situation is different, the fiery ape is being besieged and killed by three people.

"Go and see first, if I can make up a blow to kill the fiery ape at the critical moment, wouldn't that be a huge profit?"

After Xiao Yu made up his mind, his figure suddenly got into the center of the colorful cards, and the cards disappeared together with Xiao Yu.


In the next second, a circle of colorful cards appeared in another place, and Xiao Yu got out from the middle.


There was the sound of metal and iron clashing around, Xiao Yu hid in the woods and looked towards an open space not far away.A red ape as tall as a room was roaring towards the sky.


That was the third-level spirit beast Fiery Ape, and it was surrounded by three people, two men and one woman.The three of them are all about sixteen or seventeen years old, and each of them is handsome and beautiful, especially the girl, who is slim and beautiful. Although her expression is cold, the two sweet dimples on her face are very attractive. She is dressed in a plain She held a sword in one hand and lightly squeezed the sword formula with the other. She had a beautiful posture and a delicate face, just like a fairy.But what Xiao Yu cared about was not their looks, but the aura emanating from them, which was an aura far beyond his current state, and compared to the fiery ape, the three of them were only weaker by a line.

"First level of the Broken Yuan Realm?"

Xiao Yu's expression froze. The strength of these three people is actually in the first level of the broken yuan state. The strength of the hot ape is a line higher than them, and they have the powerful body of the spirit beast. If any of these three people are alone against the hot ape The chances of winning, but if the three join forces, there is indeed a chance to kill.

"Xiaoxue, we are in charge of containment, and you are the main attack."

After the boy in the blue shirt finished speaking to the girl, he immediately waved his fists, and the two strong winds of the fist punched towards the fiery ape with strong vitality.

The fiery ape's hair stood on end, which was a sign that it was in a fighting state. When the fiery ape stepped forward, the ground was shaken. It had no intention of retreating in the face of two strong fist winds. Huge fists came head-on, mixed with a stream of crimson flames gushing out.


The blue-shirted boy was knocked back a few feet in this confrontation, leaving a trace of bright red blood running down the corner of his mouth.

Before Fiery Ape could be complacent, there was a strong wind behind him, and another boy in purple shirt kept shaking his spear, pulling out several spear flares, each of which pierced several vital points behind Fiery Ape.


The fiery ape didn't turn its head back, and swung its strong right arm backwards, the air became hot, and as it swung its arm, a crimson flame was drawn. This flame was full of violent fluctuations, and even several spears They were all broken up domineeringly, and in just a split second, the purple-shirted boy backed away with his spear.But these two foreshadowings are just for the lore above.


A shout came from the sky, and the girl in the plain skirt held a sword in both hands, and slammed down on the head of the fiery ape in the most arrogant way of using a sword.Xiao Yu was also slightly surprised that the girl who looked like a dream and fairy was so wild when using a sword.

Most of the attention of the fiery ape was attracted by the two teenagers in blue shirts and purple shirts, but it didn't escape the girl's sword skill.


The long sword hit the top of the fiery ape's head, and the fiery ape screamed in pain, a crack several feet long was split on the top of the head, and blood gushed out, instantly rendering the fiery ape's hair even more gorgeous.


Fierce Ape clutched the top of his head and took a few steps back. The wound on his head was deep enough to show the bones, and even the wriggling brain inside.

"Ding ding!"

The long sword in the plain skirt girl's hand was broken in two, and the skull of the fiery ape was really hard, and the force of the shock made her hands slightly numb.

The three stood together, looked at each other and nodded.


The three of them didn't intend to give the fiery ape any chance to breathe, and three figures suddenly rushed out, bringing up three strong air currents.

"Devil God Spear, Sky Splitting Palm, Overlord Fist."

A punch, a gun, and a palm hit the fiery ape at the same time. The terrifying wind swept through, bringing up a burst of strong smoke and dust, and the fallen leaves were flying all over the sky, which seemed to be very powerful.Xiao Yu was also shocked, if the Fiery Ape died under this round of combined attack, then he would lose the opportunity to gain experience, so he could only find another way.


At this moment, the Fiery Ape, who was covering his head with his hands, suddenly retracted his hands, beating his chest violently, and screaming to the sky.At the same time, clusters of crimson flames erupted from its body, which were more than ten times larger than before, completely covering its whole body. From Xiao Yu's point of view, it was like a small sun falling on the sky. In the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, the surrounding temperature suddenly became hot.

(End of this chapter)

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