Chapter 6 Scare
"Self-exploding fire!"

The faces of the three of them changed drastically. The fiery ape automatically triggered the fire source in its body. Cause serious damage, and enemies who come into contact with his real fire source will completely lose their vitality within a day, that is to say, they will all become ordinary people within a day.Fiery Ape is now desperately trying to pull the three of them as a backing, this ferocity makes them palpitate.

The martial skills of the three of them have already shot eight points, and now it is too late to stop the momentum, so they can only mobilize the vitality in their bodies to form a layer of protection on the surface of the body, and in an instant they come into contact with the fire source of the fiery ape's real name, three powerful ones Martial arts also hit the fiery ape.


The fiery ape let out a miserable howl, and was hit by three powerful martial arts to fly more than ten feet. A stream of red blood spurted from its mouth and sprinkled all over the sky. The huge wound on its head was even more bloody. It looked very miserable, but it Still standing tenaciously, the physique of the spirit beast is really extraordinary.On the other hand, the three of them were in a terrible state of distress. How could the fiery ape's real name, Huo Yuan, be Yi Yu? The moment they came into contact with each other, the protective layer on the surface of the three of them could no longer withstand the terrifying violent force and shattered. The three of them vomited blood and flew back. The breath instantly languished.


Seeing the three people in such a state of distress, the Fiery Ape was very happy, beat its chest and howled loudly. Although it was at the end of its strength, it could still kill the three human beings who had lost their strength.

The three wanted to mobilize the vitality in their bodies to continue fighting, but they were shocked to find that the vitality in their bodies was completely out of their control, and they were all in a dormant state.

"not good!"

The fiery ape stomped his feet, and quickly rushed towards the girl in the plain skirt. The coldness on the girl's face turned into panic. This was the first time for her to face death.What surprised Xiao Yu happened at this moment, the two teenagers took advantage of this gap and ran away without any intention of helping the plain skirt girl.

The girl in the plain skirt obviously didn't expect the two of them to react like this, and her expression became stiff for a moment.At this moment, the fiery ape suddenly changed direction and chased after the two fleeing teenagers.Compared to speed, these two human beings who had lost their vitality obviously couldn't compare with the Fiery Ape, and the Fiery Ape had caught up to the two of them almost instantly.


The fiery ape let out a roar, grabbed one with one hand, and squeezed it suddenly, the two screamed, their internal organs burst from being pinched, and they died on the spot.The smell of blood became extremely strong in the air.

"Fuck! So cruel!"

Xiao Yu couldn't help but gasped, the name of this fiery ape really had something to do with his temper.

Because the plain skirt girl's martial arts are the most lethal, she is also the one who was injured the most. The fire backlash she received was very serious, and now she can't move at all.After killing the two, the Fiery Ape still held the mutilated flesh of the two dead in his hands, and looked at the girl in the plain skirt ferociously, with hatred in his eyes. After all, it was because of this human being that it was seriously injured and was forced to explode its real name. The source of fire, before it dies, it must crush and bite the human being in front of it.


The fiery ape hands and feet rushed towards the girl in the plain skirt. The girl closed her eyes. She had accepted her fate at this moment, and it was only at this moment that she really realized what a wonderful thing it was. If she was given another chance, she would Certainly not to participate in this reckless operation, but it seems to be too late now.

"Strength through the body!"

At the very moment, a shout caused the plain skirt girl to open her eyes, and the Fiery Ape stopped not far in front of her, and a guy who looked like a savage was punching the wound on the top of the Fiery Ape's head.


The Fiery Ape let out a low growl of pain, and its huge body fell down slowly, and the "savage" also jumped off from the top of the Fiery Ape.

What surprised her was that the "savage" sat cross-legged immediately after falling to the ground, his whole body exuded solid fluctuations, his aura surged instantly, and all the vitality around him gathered towards him.

"It turned out to be a breakthrough?"

The girl in the plain skirt opened her mouth slightly. This was the first time she had seen such a weird scene. After killing a third-level spirit beast by herself, she sat down and made a breakthrough immediately?
The "wild man" is naturally Xiao Yu who has been watching the battle. He used the skills of the two heroes to link up the wound opened by the girl in the plain skirt. What followed was Wei's body-penetrating force, the force penetrated the skull of the fiery ape and reached the brain, destroying the brain tissue of the fiery ape in an instant.

The moment he killed the fiery ape, a powerful energy flow suddenly flowed into his body, the energy in his body exploded immediately, and the barrier in his body was brutally broken through.


After Xiao Yu landed, he sat cross-legged immediately, concentrating carefully, guiding the soaring vitality in his body to swim through every meridian and strengthen every meridian, ignoring the girl in plain skirt behind him at all.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Yu stood up, feeling the surging power in his body, he roared excitedly, and finally reached the Yuan Condensation Realm.

"Hello! Who are you?"

Xiao Yu was immersed in the great enjoyment brought by breaking through to the Yuan Condensation Realm, but an ethereal voice sounded behind him.The girl in the plain skirt was looking at him with big watery eyes.

"Are you calling me?"

Xiao Yu pointed to himself.

"Yes, it's just you and me here, if I don't call you, who should I call?"

The girl in the plain skirt had a very nice voice, but there was a coldness in it that was repulsive.People say that such an iceberg beauty can arouse a man's desire to conquer the most, but Xiao Yu is the least interested in such a girl.

"I don't call hello!"

Xiao Yu replied casually, his tone full of disdain.He saved her just now, without even saying a word of thanks, he actually opened his mouth to question his identity, which made him very upset.He never understood why a girl should be so arrogant, would a man want such a girl?He didn't know that this girl was not only wanted by men, but also by a lot of men. If there was a queue, it would probably be the longest and widest street in Kyoto.


The girl in the plain skirt was so blocked by Xiao Yu that she was so angry that she couldn't speak. She had never been treated like this by any opposite sex in so many years.

"Although I know I saved you, you don't need to be so excited!"

Xiao Yu broke through to the Yuan Condensation Realm, he was in a good mood, and began to tease her.

"Who is excited, Smug Beauty!"

The girl in the plain skirt blushed. When Xiao Yu appeared just now, she was really excited, but she would never admit it.

"That's optional. When the moon is dark and the wind is high in this place, some monsters that love to eat people often appear. I heard that there is also a second-level spirit beast called Acacia Purple Ape. It likes to catch human girls to do that. Tsk tsk!"

Xiao Yu deliberately wanted to scare the girl who made him extremely uncomfortable, and made the atmosphere more terrifying, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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