Chapter 7 Drugs
Sure enough, the expression on the plain skirt girl's face instantly became extremely ugly, and a trace of panic appeared on her delicate and pretty cheeks.

"I still have things to do, I'm leaving first! Goodbye!"

Xiao Yu got the effect he wanted, turned his head in a chic way, and was about to stride away. He didn't plan to care about this girl. It would be fine if she had a better attitude. With the attitude just now, he still chose to say goodbye.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

There was a hint of pleading in the plain skirt girl's voice, she was afraid, no matter what Xiao Yu said was true or not, she dared not walk through the forest alone, now she couldn't use her energy, even if it was an animal Ordinary wild beasts would be difficult for her to deal with, not to mention encountering spirit beasts, what frightened her the most was the Acacia Purple Ape that Xiao Yu mentioned. She felt terrible when a furry spirit beast did that to her.

Xiao Yu didn't turn his head back at all, nor did he stop walking.

"I told you, I don't call you hello!"

The girl in the plain skirt was furious, thinking to herself that you didn't tell me your name!She swore to herself that if she was given a chance, she would definitely teach the boy in front of her a good lesson. The two of them were about the same age, and she was already in the Primordial Broken Realm, so he was only in the Condensed Primal Realm.But under the current situation, she can only choose to bow her head. She is not only arrogant, but also smart. With her current situation, she must rely on Xiao Yu.

"Young hero, this young hero!"

In her desperation, she could only think of this title. She thought that Xiao Yu would turn her head happily, but who knew that Xiao Yu would still make great strides forward.

"I'm not called Shaoxia either!"

The plain skirt girl was about to cry, Xiao Yu simply didn't want to talk to her at all.

"You didn't tell me your name, you didn't tell me what I call you?"

The plain skirt girl said anxiously.

"Uh!" Xiao Yu stopped in his tracks, scratched his head and said, "It seems to be the same, well then, what did you ask me to do?"

Only then did Xiao Yu turn around, but he didn't intend to approach at all, and just stood so far away.

"I don't know what this young man's name is?"

The girl in the plain skirt noticed her words at this time, and tried her best to make Xiao Yu listen comfortably.Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu said something that made her want to vomit blood.

"Actually, it's not important to call this thing. It's the same name. What's important is what you call me for, right?"

The girl in the plain skirt looked at Xiao Yu's dirty but playful face, and felt an urge to crush him. Just now, she kept emphasizing that she was not called this or that, but now it's not important to call her a title. Obviously playing with her.

The plain skirt girl suppressed the anger in her heart and continued: "I want to ask you to do me a favor and send me out of the Spirit Beast Mountain Range!"

"Sorry, I can't help you!"

Originally thought that Xiao Yu would agree, but unexpectedly Xiao Yu refused so simply, he turned around and left again.Xiao Yu is not stupid, and there are often such plots in novels. If he wants to send this girl out, he must have physical contact with her. Beast Mountain Range, all the masters who responded to her came, and if she ordered these masters to kill herself who had touched her, wouldn't that be the end of the game?


The girl in the plain skirt has seen what a weirdo is today. She doesn't know what Xiao Yu is thinking. She only knows that this boy who looks like a savage completely ignores her beauty. powerless.

"Hey! If you promise to send me out, I can give you 'Qiang Yuanzi' as a reward!"

The girl in the plain skirt made a move with her jade hand, and a small purple-black fruit appeared out of thin air in her hand.

"'Qiang Yuanzi'?"

Xiao Yu turned around slowly, the girl in the plain skirt thought he was tempted, and looked at him with a smug face, who knew that he said another word that made the girl in the plain skirt almost faint.

"What is 'Qiang Yuanzi'? I've never heard of it."

"What? Are you really a savage? You haven't even heard of 'Qiang Yuanzi', are you an idiot?"

The girl in the plain skirt couldn't help roaring, it was the first time in so many years that she lost her composure like this, she didn't expect so many "firsts" to be given to a "savage" who didn't know her in this ghost place.

"What are you calling?" Xiao Yu plucked his ears, "I don't know what's wrong? Do I need to know everything in this world?"

"Okay!" The plain skirt girl took a deep breath and introduced patiently, "'Qiangyuanzi' is a medium-level elixir, its effect is to make the meridians in the body of the martial artist more resilient, and the limit of tolerance will be greatly improved.”

"Enhance the toughness of meridians?"

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, he suddenly thought of a problem he had.

In the past ten days or so, he discovered a fatal weakness of himself.At that time, he was at the eighth level of Qi refining. At that time, he met a first-level spirit beast, which should be at the seventh level of Qi refining. At that time, he thought that he could easily kill it without relying on hero skills, so he chose to use pure vitality to kill it. Fighting against Warcraft, who knew that he would lose the most in the fighting, and was repelled after a face-to-face encounter.

This is completely against the common sense, he is one level higher than the opponent, and logically the vitality should be far more powerful than the opponent, but the result is completely opposite, in the end he can only use the hero's skills again to kill him.After that, he tried a few more times, and each time he got the same result, which puzzled him a lot. In the end, he came to the conclusion that he relied on killing wild beasts and spirit beasts to increase his strength. Although the speed is fast, the vitality in the body is not pure enough.And every time he relied on Galen's passivity and Mundo's passivity to heal his injuries, he always had a strange feeling that his body seemed to have some kind of defect, of course not referring to that kind of defect, but a kind of weakness in his body. Obstacle, it was this obstacle that made his vitality extremely impure, but he still didn't know what was wrong with his body, let alone how to solve it.

The plain skirt girl looked at Xiao Yu frowning and thinking, thinking that Xiao Yu didn't know what she meant, so she had to add: "Let me make an analogy, the meridians in our martial arts practitioners are like a container, and the vitality is to be absorbed Generally speaking, a container of the same volume can only hold the same volume of things, but if you want to force something into it, it depends on the toughness of the container, the container can only hold so many things, you have to If you force something into it, it will burst, but if you make the container more resilient, you can not only force things into it, but also keep it from bursting. This is the effect of the 'strong element'."

Xiao Yu naturally also knew this truth, this could indeed allow him to perfectly compress the vitality in his meridians and make it more solid.It can alleviate the problem of impure vitality.

Xiao Yu looked at the purple-black fruit in the girl's hand, and his eyes became hot.

(End of this chapter)

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