Chapter 401 Tenderness
"I won't let you succeed even if I die!"

Lin Qingbing's palm was already on the snow-white neck, and she was about to cut her own carotid artery.

The figure in the clouds spit out a few words: "There are many ghosts!"

Just as Lin Qingbing was about to kill herself, the world suddenly plunged into pitch blackness, including Patriarch Da Huanxi, who couldn't see the surrounding scenery at all.


The screams were especially piercing in the dark environment, Lin Qingbing couldn't help but took a step back, leaning against Qiao Lingling and Wang Yalian.

This feeling of being unable to see with the eyes is really terrifying.

Patriarch Da Huanxi was in shock, at this moment, he lost all control over the surrounding environment, and he couldn't even sense the space.

"what happened!"

Da Huanxi Patriarch was terrified, he had never encountered such a strange situation.

"Noxian Guillotine!"

At this moment, a loud shout came from above his head.

Da Huanxi Patriarch didn't have time to react, he just felt a heart-piercing pain from the top of his head to the soles of his feet.


Patriarch Da Huanxi felt that his whole body had been torn in two. Before he could understand the situation, another blow of fists roared in front of him.

"Strong punching, penetrating strength, justice for Demacia!"


Da Huanxi's blood spurted wildly. In this dark space, he couldn't even see his own blood clearly. He only felt that his chest was struck by lightning, and a terrifying force invaded his body from the outside, wantonly destroying his body.The heavy object above his head fell, and his figure fell to the ground involuntarily.


The people below only felt that the mountains were shaken for a while, and they didn't know what happened in the darkness. The sound of howling ghosts and wolves filled their ears filled each of them with fear.


The darkness gradually dissipated, and they could already see the scene in front of them.

It seemed to be a figure in white, holding a naked upper body person in his hand.

The darkness completely dissipated, and everyone rubbed their eyes to get used to the sudden light.

"Xiao Yu?"

Lin Qingbing was the first to see the scene in the distance. Who else was standing proudly on the ground besides Xiao Yu?

Wang Yalian and Qiao Lingling also saw this scene clearly, and their hearts were filled with deep shock.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned, and their brains fell into a dead state.

Wasn't Xiao Yu killed by Da Huanxi Patriarch just now?Why is the situation suddenly reversed now, is Da Huanxi Patriarch being lifted up in the air by Xiao Yu?

"what happened?"

Both Qiao Ran and Qiao Bin were trembling in their hearts, feeling like they had fallen from heaven to hell.

There was still a trace of blood on the corner of Xiao Yu's mouth, but compared to Da Huanxi's ancestor, he was much better.

At this moment, Patriarch Da Huanxi's back was torn apart, his face was bloody and his breath was sluggish.The originally burly body has become wretched, and has become a thin old man.

Xiao Yu's combo of blows just now broke his breath, making him lose all his divine power.Without the existence of divine power, Patriarch Da Huanxi is worse than a dying old man.

"With your rubbish, you also want to kill me?"

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed coldly, and his other hand was slowly raised.

Da Huanxi Patriarch opened his eyes at this moment, struggling violently with a look of horror on his face.Now that he has lost all his strength, it is easier for Xiao Yu to kill him than to crush an ant.

"Xiao Yu. I am a member of Sanctuary. If you kill me, they will definitely not let you go!"

Da Huanxi said out of breath.So far, he can only move out his last hole card.


Xiao Yu frowned slightly, he had never heard of this place.

"I don't care where you came from, there is only one end for you today, and that is death!"

Xiao Yu's eyes were indifferent, his tone was cold, and with a flick of his hand, he held Patriarch Da Huanxi's head.Xiao Yu's palm was broad, and with this grasp, he covered Patriarch Da Huanxi's entire head.

"no, do not want!"

Before Da Huanxi Patriarch could finish speaking, Xiao Yu exerted force with his palm, crushing his skull directly.

"Hmph, there is one less trash in the world. After living for so long, you should have had enough!"

Xiao Yu snorted coldly, there was not a trace of blood donation stained on his palm.He threw Patriarch Da Huanxi's body aside and didn't look at it again.

The audience was silent, no one spoke, even Lin Qingbing was stunned.

No one knew what happened in the darkness, they only knew that after the darkness passed, the originally mighty Patriarch Da Huanxi was instantly reduced to a corpse.

"Old Ancestor, is he dead?"

At this time, the trembling voice came from the crowd.

Xiao Yu withdrew his murderous aura, and walked towards where Lin Qingbing and his daughters were.

Every step he took seemed to be stepping on Qiao Ran's heart, he felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest.The biggest reliance of their Meteor Empire, Da Huanxi Patriarch, just died like this?Died at the hands of Xiao Yu, the arrogant mad god?

Xiao Yu walked up to Lin Qingbing and said with a faint smile.

Only then did Lin Qingbing react, and she flew into Xiao Yu's arms.

Xiao Yu was stunned for a moment, but still stretched out his hand and hugged Lin Qingbing.What Lin Qingbing did for Xiao Yu, everything she gave was enough to deserve this hug.

Lin Qingbing burst into tears and hugged Xiao Yu tightly, she really thought Xiao Yu was dead just now.

At this moment, she was so choked up that she couldn't say a word, she just wanted to try her best to enjoy the real body temperature from Xiao Yu.

Everyone watched quietly. No one wanted to disturb this beautiful scene. Of course, no one dared to disturb.

Xiao Yu, the arrogant mad god, is a brand new synonym for terror.

Da Huanxi Patriarch, who had ruled the world for hundreds of years, died so tragically at his hands. Who else in this continent can rival him?
Of course, they didn't know that there was such a "dark prison".

"never mind!"

Xiao Yu gently stroked Lin Qingbing's junior, his eyes became gentle.I don't know when he began to cherish the people around him more and more.

Maybe, he is afraid of being alone, maybe, he doesn't want to be alone.

Ao Zixuan is his past, but Lin Qingbing is his present.

People, you must know how to be content, love is not possession. (I'm putting this sentence down here, just to express my feelings. It doesn't mean that Ao Zixuan will become someone else's. Don't worry, Xuanxuan will always be Xiao Yu's person.)

Only then did Lin Qingbing gently come out of Xiao Yu's arms, looking at Xiao Yu's handsome and miraculous face, she really felt extremely happy.

"Quick wipe!"

Lin Qingbing took out a handkerchief from her pocket, and gently wiped the blood from the corner of Xiao Yu's mouth.

"Sword Girl" Lin Qingbing showed infinite tenderness at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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