Chapter 402 Leave
"Alright, let's explain what's going on here!"

Xiao Yu nodded and smiled at Lin Qingbing, who stood aside sensiblely.

Xiao Yu walked through the crowd, and those women all looked at him with splendor, but none of them dared to get close to him, and stepped aside one after another.

Xiao Yu's domineering appearance really left an extremely deep and unforgettable imprint in their hearts.

Seeing Xiao Yu walking towards the high platform, Qiao Ran turned over and fell off the high platform in fright. He rolled around on the ground, knelt and crawled in front of Xiao Yu like a pug dog.

"Lord Aotian Kuangshen, what orders do you have?"

The flattering smile on Qiao Ran's face is simply disgusting. The emperor of this country does not have the majesty of an emperor at all, just like a bug that will disappear at any time.

Xiao Yu was condescending, looking down at the most powerful person in the Meteor Empire, his indifferent eyes made Qiao Ran glow on his back, cold sweat dripped down his face, dripping on the ground, if Xiao Yu waved his palm lightly at this moment, even if he had ten Life can only be lost.

"Get up and talk!"

Xiao Yu's tone was calm, but with an irresistible power.Qiao Ran bounced up with a jerk, and stood in front of Xiao Yu with his waist bent, nodding and bowing, so funny.

"From today onwards, let the Wang family return to the capital of the Meteor Empire, and give them back the status that the Wang family should have. Is there a problem?"

Xiao Yu's tone seemed to be discussing, but Qiao Ran knew that this was an opportunity he gave himself.

"Yes, yes, no problem, no problem!"

Qiao Ran nodded repeatedly, how dare he say no.

Wang Dong's face was full of joy, Xiao Yu's words decided the fate of the Wang family.He knew very well that even if Qiao Ran had the guts to speak for such a heavyweight, he would not dare to be vague.

"very good!"

Xiao Yu swept his eyes and looked at the third prince, Qiao Bin. His whole body was shocked, and even his soul seemed to be leaving his body, and he fell limp to the ground in fright.

"Master Aotian Kuangshen, I have no eyes, I offended you before, I deserve to die, I deserve to die!"

Qiao Bin slapped his face while talking, the snot mixed with tears, he was really embarrassed.

"It's none of your business! Remember in the future, don't do something that makes me feel ashamed. You can see clearly the fate of this great happy ancestor!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he walked towards Lin Qingbing without looking back.

"Xiao Yu, thank you!"

Wang Yalian took a step forward and was about to kneel down in front of Xiao Yu, but was held by Xiao Yu with one hand.

"This is just a gift from me to a friend!"

Xiao Yu grinned, his smile was so sunny, and he didn't have the cold appearance when he killed people before.

"My work in the Meteor Empire is over. See you soon!" Xiao Yu turned around and said to Lin Qingbing, "Qingbing, let's go!"

"it is good!"

Lin Qingbing nodded and smiled at Wang Yalian and Qiao Lingling, and followed Xiao Yu's footsteps.She walked by Xiao Yu's side, leaning her delicate chin on Xiao Yu's shoulder, and the two of them walked along the road.

Everyone was stunned by this beautiful picture, and those women slandered fiercely in their hearts, why wasn't she the woman who was leaning on Aotian Kuangshen's side?

"He, is he leaving?"

Wang Yalian really wanted to call Xiao Yu to stop, but she couldn't speak at all.Although the distance between Xiao Yu and her was only a few tens of steps, it seemed as if a whole century had passed, so far away.

"Wait a moment!"

Wang Yalian didn't dare to speak, but someone was braver than her.

Xiao Yu was startled, he didn't react immediately when he heard this voice, he didn't know what this person told him to do.

Lin Qingbing looked back at Qiao Lingling with great interest, to see what she wanted to say.She knew very well that Xiao Yu's excellence was enough to drive more than [-]% of the women on the road crazy, it was only natural that Qiao Lingling had some thoughts.

"Master Aotian Kuangshen, I..."

Just as Qiao Lingling opened her mouth, Xiao Yu immediately remembered something, and her complexion changed slightly.

"Qingbing, let's go!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he pulled Lin Qingbing in a flash, and he appeared thousands of feet away, and in another flash, the person had disappeared.

Qiao Lingling stayed where she was, before she finished speaking, Xiao Yu ran away and disappeared.

She looked at Wang Yalian in astonishment, and Wang Yalian chuckled softly.

Of course she knew why Xiao Yu left.

"Xiao Yu, there will definitely be a chance to meet again. Next time we meet, I will not be Wang Yalian now!"

Wang Yalian looked towards the direction Xiao Yu left, with a firm light in her eyes.

Qiao Lingling's complexion kept changing, she didn't know what she was thinking, but judging from the trembling of her hand holding the sword, she was not at peace.

"Xiao Yu, why are you running so fast!"

Lin Qingbing lay in Xiao Yu's arms, gently rubbing Xiao Yu's nose.

"Did you do something to be sorry for others?"

Xiao Yu shook his head and smiled wryly: "That Qiao Lingling made an oath that if anyone kills Patriarch Da Huanxi, she will be that person's handmaid unconditionally. I just thought of this suddenly, so I left quickly."


Lin Qingbing laughed until her flowers trembled, Xiao Yu was slightly distracted by that beautiful smile.

"Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu, the famous and arrogant mad god, would turn around and run away after being frightened by a little girl!"

Xiao Yu didn't know how to reply, so he could only shake his head helplessly. He really didn't know much about women.

"Xiao Yu, there is something that you haven't confessed to me yet!"

Lin Qingbing fell to the ground, and they were already walking at this moment.

"what's up?"

Xiao Yu wondered.

"As for Zixuan, I met her once, but she acted like she didn't recognize you at all, and she never mentioned you. What's going on?"

Lin Qingbing frowned slightly, and instinctively told her that there must be something she didn't know about it.In the past, when she and Ao Zixuan were in the capital of the Fire Cloud Empire, Ao Zixuan would never leave Xiao Yu's words, but Ao Zixuan who met at Liufengmen after that was a completely different person.

Xiao Yu's gaze paused, and he felt his chest constricted. This is the last thing he wants to mention now.

The words "Ao Zixuan" caught his ears, he closed most of his heart that had been opened to Lin Qingbing, and his tenderness disappeared a lot, he only felt that his chest was bored.

"Xiao Yu, what's going on?"

Lin Qingbing naturally saw Xiao Yu's strangeness, he walked up to Xiao Yu and looked into his eyes.She must understand this matter.

Although Xiao Yu never spoke, she knew very well that the most important woman in Xiao Yu's heart was Ao Zixuan, this was a woman's terrible intuition.She never thought about competing with Ao Zixuan, she only hoped to have a place in Xiao Yu's heart, but she couldn't ignore Ao Zixuan's changes.

(End of this chapter)

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