Chapter 414 Shocking News

Facing Long Xiaotian's serious face, Long Zhantian didn't flinch in the slightest. He lowered his head slightly and said softly, "Father, I'm sorry!"

Long Xiaotian was about to explode when Long Xiu pulled him aside.

"This is Zhan Tian's wedding. Whatever he wants to do is his freedom!"

Long Xiu said slowly, he didn't know what happened, but he knew that Long Zhantian must have made his own decision.

Long Xiaotian nodded, and stood aside, Long Xiu was his elder, he was always convinced.

Long Zhantian cast a grateful gaze on Long Xiu, and stood on the main seat, almost every guest could see him clearly.

"Everyone, it is my honor, Long Zhantian, and my honor to be able to come here today, and it is an honor for my Liufumen. Thank you for your appreciation!"

Long Zhantian said loudly.As soon as Ao Zixuan heard this, she felt the deep pain in Long Zhantian's heart. She wanted to say something, but her lips twitched twice, but she still didn't say it.

"However, I'm going to disappoint everyone today, I can't marry Ao Zixuan!"


As soon as Long Zhantian's words came out, the audience was in an uproar. Many disciples stood up and looked over here, hoping to know what happened.But looking left and right, they didn't notice anything wrong.

Does Ao Zixuan's heart tremble, she doesn't know why Long Zhantian made this decision suddenly.

Long Xiaotian's eyelids twitched wildly, and he almost couldn't help cursing angrily.Fortunately, Long Xiu stopped him with his eyes in time, but from Long Xiu's eyes, he could also read his astonishment about this matter.Obviously he didn't expect Long Zhantian to do this suddenly.

"Hey, Young Master Long, you are not joking!"

Zhan Ling'er has the hottest personality, she couldn't bear it anymore and stood up.

"I'm not kidding!"

Long Zhantian shook his head, although there was sadness in his eyes, but he was very firm.

"Zhantian, you."

Ao Zixuan wanted to be around Long Zhantian to stop him, but she couldn't move no matter what, or she didn't want to take this step at all deep in her heart.

"Everyone doesn't know!" Long Zhantian said loudly, "Zixuan is a good girl, and in my heart she is the best woman in the world, but she doesn't belong to me, nor should she belong to me!"

Long Zhantian turned his head to look at Ao Zixuan, and said softly: "Zixuan, I am the one who intervenes, no matter before or now, you should belong to him."

After Long Zhantian finished speaking, he silently sat aside, without looking at him again, the happy flower on his chest was crushed by him.When he finished speaking these words, he felt his whole body relax, and the knot in his heart that night seemed to be untied.

"Zhantian, why are you doing this?"

Ao Zixuan finally couldn't bear it any longer, she tore off the cover of her head, looked at Long Zhantian, and wanted to get an answer from him.She had already made up her mind not to think about Xiao Yu anymore, and devoted herself wholeheartedly to the role of Long Zhantian's wife, but she never thought that such a thing would happen on the wedding day.

Most of the people present were stunned. They didn't understand how a good wedding banquet would turn out like this.

"Xuan'er, Young Master Long is right!"

Just when Ao Zixuan was puzzled, a person suddenly stood up.Ao Zixuan looked back, Ao Wuji was looking at her with guilt.

"It's dad, it's dad's fault, it's dad's fault that he made you take a kind of elixir and lost the memory with Xiao Yu!"

Ao Wuji completely collapsed at this moment, tears welling up in his eyes, old tears flowing freely.Long Zhantian gave up getting married and encouraged him to tell the truth.He knew that Ao Zixuan would probably think of Xiao Yu because of this, and his life would be in danger because of this, but he couldn't stand the condemnation of his conscience, and he couldn't face Ao Zixuan's eyes without a trace of suspicion.

"Father, what did you say?"

Ao Zixuan was confused, she didn't understand what Ao Wuji was talking about.

Everyone present was at a loss as to why Xiao Yu was involved all of a sudden.

"Sister Zixuan, you were in love with Xiao Yu long before you came to Liufengmen, but because of the medicine, you forgot about him, do you understand?"

Long Jingxin couldn't sit still anymore, since one person stood up, there would be a second person who knew about it.

Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian looked stunned, they all looked at Xiao Maifei, Xiao Maifei also shook his head slightly, expressing that he didn't know.

When he was in Huoyun Empire, he didn't know about Xiao Yu and Ao Zixuan.

"What? Me and Xiao Yu"

Ao Zixuan's heart shook violently, Long Jingxin's words were enough for her to understand what Ao Wuji said before, but she had no impression at all.

"This Ao Zixuan and Xiao Yu were originally lovers?"

Everyone present caught the breaking news.

Ao Zixuan stood there blankly, what Ao Wuji and Long Jingxin said was really shocking, although she loved Xiao Yu in her heart, she never thought that she and Xiao Yu had too many stories.She didn't have the slightest impression of these things at all, her memory of Xiao Yu only started when he was taken away by Xiao Yu, but she was blank about what happened during the kidnapping.

"Could it be that I really lost my memory?"

Ao Zixuan finally realized something was wrong.She tried her best to recall the things with Xiao Yu in her mind, but it was of no avail. No matter how hard she dug, she couldn't recall more pictures.

"If that's the case, why didn't she keep me? Why didn't she try to make me remember? And just let me go?"

Ao Zixuan believed Long Jingxin and Ao Wuji's words, but she was very angry because she thought Xiao Yu gave up on her so easily.

If so, how deeply will Xiao Yu love her?Maybe it just passed by.

"Sister Zixuan, you misunderstood him!" Long Jing said anxiously, "Because of the special medicinal properties of the elixir, mental toxins have penetrated into your brain, if you think about the things between you and him, you will be unconscious , at worst, his life is at risk. It is for your safety that he suppresses the emotions in his heart. He would rather be injured and suffer than tell you the truth. You know how he felt when he handed you over to his elder brother. Is it painful? Do you still remember the first time he saw you at Liupumen, you don’t remember him at all, do you remember his distraught look?”

Long Jingxin said that she already shed tears, she completely put herself in the same position as Xiao Yu, felt the same, just thinking about it made her feel like a knife was twisting her heart.

Ao Zixuan listened in a daze, and the whole audience was deathly quiet. The news was too shocking and touching.


At this moment, a female voice suddenly came from the entrance of the square.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and a stunning woman who was almost the same as Ao Zixuan was walking slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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