Chapter 415
"You should remember it too, Zixuan!"

Lin Qingbing walked over slowly, her red lips parted slightly.

"Qingbing?" Ao Zixuan said in shock, "Do you even know?"

"Why, why can't I remember anything!"

Ao Zixuan hugged her head and cried, squatting on the ground.At this time, the guests attending the banquet were completely reduced to the audience watching the play, and the protagonists were Ao Zixuan and the others.

"Zixuan, don't you have a knife pattern on your arm? Can you remember where the knife pattern came from?"

Lin Qingbing took a few steps forward and pulled Ao Zixuan up. There was an extremely delicate knife pattern on the wrist of her right arm.

"How the hell did this come about?"

Ao Zixuan tried her best to remember, but the image in her mind was blurred and completely unrecognizable.

"Qingbing, you can forget this, but don't you remember the crescent-shaped scar on Xiao Yu's hand? That was the beginning of your story with him!"

Lin Qingbing gently embraced Ao Zixuan, letting her feel her own body temperature, soothing the hesitation in her heart.


Ao Zixuan was startled, and a vivid crescent moon shape and a stubborn and cheerful little boy immediately appeared in her mind.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Countless images began to circle in her mind, and Ao Zixuan's body shook, and she slumped to the side.

"Hey, are you okay?"

The little boy had a hearty smile on his face, and stretched out his little hand to her.

Holding the two little hands together, the little boy smiled and said, "My name is Xiao Yu, what's your name!"

That was the first time they met, and it was this glance that sealed their fate in this life.

The camera flashed, it was when Xiao Yu was eight years old, Ao Zixuan knew that Xiao Yu's mother had been murdered, and when she saw Xiao Yu was greatly stimulated and his temperament changed, she did not understand.Because she was still young, she didn't know much about things, and she felt some resistance to doing bad things with Xiao Yu.

But even so, she still wanted to accompany Xiao Yu and persuade Xiao Yu.After repeated persuasion to no avail, she was a little disappointed in Xiao Yu, but she never thought of giving up.Until she was ordered by Ao Wuji to stay in the palace and was not allowed to travel, she practiced painstakingly, and finally joined the Tianyun Academy.

It was because of this that the two hadn't seen each other for a long time. When she wanted to see Xiao Yu again, Xiao Yu's father, Xiao Haoyun, was declared dead in battle, and Xiao Yu was also missing.

He kept searching for Xiao Yu's trace with the resources of the Royal Academy and Tianyun Academy, but he still found nothing.During this period of time, I don't know how many young heroes in the Fire Cloud Empire pursued her, including top talents like Xie Jingchen and Xiao Yun, the most promising general in the Fire Cloud Empire.

But no one could walk into her heart, her heart was sealed the moment Xiao Yu left, and could no longer accommodate another person.

Love, sometimes it is so simple, without any warning, without any reason, love is love, when you meet a person, other people will become a will.

It had been three years since she saw him again. At that time, not only his appearance had changed drastically, but his temperament was also completely different from before.Although Xiao Yu in the past did evil things, he would never be so ruthless, and occasionally made fun of him, but when she saw him three years later, there was no warmth on his face, as if he had completely merged into darkness and coldness. in the ice.

Not only that, his strength is terrifyingly strong, even she, who is known as the first genius of Tianyun Academy, can't compare with him. When the peak powerhouse Blood Fiend came out to make trouble a thousand years ago, he was seriously injured and revived. Kill, without any muddle along.

It has to be said that Xiao Yu at that time gave her a kind of shock from the bottom of her heart.When Xiao Yu was depressed, she dreamed that Xiao Yu could work hard, do some serious business, and practice martial arts well, but after seeing Xiao Yu's strength skyrocketed, she regretted it, and she thought it would be better for Xiao Yu to keep his previous appearance , the current him is really too cold, so cold that he has no emotion at all.

When she couldn't help running towards him, she greeted him, "So what if it's me? You are you, and I am me. Our paths are different."

These words were like a sharp knife, mercilessly tearing her soft heart to pieces.But fortunately, her persistence finally moved him, and he finally joined hands with her again.

But everything has changed since the day Ao Wuji brought her soup.She never dreamed that her father would use herself as a bargaining chip for the development of the empire, even at the expense of drugging herself.

After that, she completely forgot about him. When he rushed to Liufengmen to look for her full of interest, what he saw was her standing with other men, smiling sweetly and full of affection.She couldn't imagine what he was in such a mood at that time.

She clearly remembered that his eyes were empty, and he was punched and kicked by several Liufengmen disciples who could not hurt him at all. At that time, she didn't feel much when she saw this scene, but thinking about it now, she felt There were bursts of stinging pain.

She hurt him, and in the cruelest way.Afterwards, in desperation, he took her away. Facing her scolding and scolding, he didn't say a word, but always met her gently and greeted her with a smile.

She began to have indescribable feelings for this man she "didn't know", especially in the barbarian colony of the Fire Cloud Empire, his heartbreaking song made her unable to restrain herself.

Finally, hard work paid off, when he took her back to the domain of the Emperor of War, she remembered everything.

Reluctantly, the side effects of the medicine made her fall asleep again, and when she woke up, she forgot everything and even regarded him as an enemy.

Then, she was brought back to Liufengmen by him for some unknown reason, and sent back to Long Zhantian's side. When that lonely white figure left, she felt a slight pain in her heart, but she didn't know why.

When Liufengmen encountered the massive attack of Chiyangzong and was in danger, it was he who turned the tide and killed all three top masters of the Broken God Realm with one against three.That bloody battle, standing proudly, fascinated her and made her heart tremble.

When she was taken away by the "dark prison" and trapped in an inexplicable space, she had a thought in her heart that he would definitely come to her.This idea is very strange. When she is in danger, the first thing she thinks of is not her fiancé Long Zhantian, but the one who she hated so much.

Her idea was right. He came, tearing apart the space, beheading all three masters who were above the fifth level of the God-shattering realm, and fighting fiercely with a master who was at the top of the God-shattering realm. All the geniuses who came were rescued.

She can be sure that whether it is the previous self or the current self, there is already an indelible shadow of him in her heart.

She remembered, remembered everything, and remembered more clearly than ever.

She loves him, she admires him.She said to herself countless times in her heart that he is her man, the man she loves deeply for the rest of her life, for him, she can give her everything.

(End of this chapter)

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