Chapter 416
She was moved, completely moved.

He was seriously injured when he fought against the peak master of the Broken God Realm, his body was as cold as ice, and he was almost unable to move.The painful expression on his face made her feel extremely distressed. If she could, she would rather bear it by herself.

"Are you OK?"

She asked him, wanting to reach out to support him who was crumbling.

"You don't need to worry about it!"

He pushed her hand away arbitrarily, and would rather walk with a limp than accept any help from her. At this moment, she really wanted to cry.In the past, she thought that this man she "didn't know" cared about her very much, and she also dismissed him, even a little disgusted, but when she saw him again later, when he completely regarded her as a passerby, the pain The heart-wrenching feeling was still fresh in her memory.

Tears rolled in her eyes, she stood there in a daze, at a loss, he never looked at her, still gritted his teeth, staring at the severe pain and walked forward.

Finally, he staggered and fell to the ground.

But he didn't give up, and stood up forcefully, the blood vessels on his forehead burst due to his exertion.Seeing the convulsions all over her body, she was secretly startled.

"No, I can't leave him, he needs me, and now he needs me!"

She said to herself in her heart, ran to his side quickly, and helped him up.

"I said, I don't need you, so go away!"

He looked at her angrily, trying to put on a fierce expression, but at that moment, all her previous grievances melted away.Because she saw worry in the depths of his eyes, he was afraid that the "dark prison" would return, but now he could no longer protect her.

"He still cares about me, he still cares about me!"

She was very happy, and the hand holding him was getting closer and closer, so tight that she couldn't let go.

"No, I won't go, you need me now, I will never go!"

She looked at him stubbornly, and there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes, but after seeing her determination, his lips twitched, and finally he didn't say anything to let her go.

She has never seen him so desolate before. In her eyes, he has always been the aloof, fearless top expert in bloody battles, the arrogant and mad god who can make the enemy fearful. Not as good as an ordinary person.

She wanted to help him, but she didn't know how to help him. Unexpectedly, she did it after a while of mistakes.The ice in his body was completely melted, and he regained his great strength and his confident look.

In order to find Long Jingxin, he held her hand and led her to walk on the vast plain. She liked that feeling very much and felt warm in her heart.

That rascal's kiss made her even more fascinated and completely sank.She didn't care about his hooliganism, but she was a little happy instead.But when she was happy, she began to seriously think about the relationship between the two of them. She was different from ordinary women. She already had a fiance.

For a traditional woman like her, this is very important.She knew that once she returned to Liufengmen, she would have to face her fiancé Long Zhantian again, and the intimacy with Xiao Yu would most likely end here.So she hopes that the time on this plain can be longer, and longer.

It's a pity that there is always a banquet in the world, and the good times will always pass, but she still returned to Liufengmen.

It was also on the second day that Long Zhantian sent a signal to propose to her.In her heart, Long Zhantian was in the front and Xiao Yu was in the back. It was Long Zhantian who became her fiancé first. Because of this, she could only suppress the love in her heart and become her fiancé Long Zhantian. When she proposed marriage, she agreed.

She didn't know what kind of mood and thoughts she had, she only knew that being caught in the middle made her very painful and at a loss.

She was sure that she loved Xiao Yu, but Long Zhantian was also her fiancé in name. She chose Long Zhantian in the end, because she felt that she was already engaged and married Not Xiao Yu anymore.

The night before they got married, she met him again, and they drank at the same table.She also broke out her last emotions that night.

She actually said to him directly: "Tomorrow is my wedding day, after that, I will be me, and you will be you, I hope you will not appear in my life again, can you promise me? "

He was silent for a moment, then nodded in agreement.It's hard to imagine what kind of feeling he had in his heart at that time.

This tortuous past completely resurfaced in Ao Zixuan's mind.

"Xiao Yu!"

A heart-piercing cry tore through the sky.Everyone present could feel the grief in Ao Zixuan's heart, and an unspeakable atmosphere enveloped the audience.

Tears welled up in her eyes, Ao Zixuan sat slumped on the ground, crying frantically.

"Why, didn't you say you would never leave me? Just because I forgot you, you don't want me? Why?"

Ao Zixuan cried so hard that everyone present felt sore, they were shocked by this scene and couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Zixuan, do you think he will give up on you if he can? With his personality, even if he robs you, he won't let you marry someone else. How could he let you go?"

Lin Qingbing sighed quietly, and said with difficulty: "Zixuan, he is afraid that if you think of him, the neurotoxin of that elixir will come out again and disturb your brain nerves, which may range from unconsciousness to severe death. Bao! He reluctantly gave up just now for your safety."


Ao Zixuan, who was crying, froze for a moment, and was stunned.

The moment she thought about it, she didn't understand why Xiao Yu would give up on her just because of this.But what Lin Qingbing said made her feel even colder.

Xiao Yu's resolute expression when he told her to send her back to Liufengmen flashed in her mind. Originally, Xiao Yu should have been unwilling in every possible way, but he still needed to pretend that he didn't care, or even abandon her.

She knew that it was very difficult. It would be so fatal for a man to let go of a person she loved to death and send him to another man.

But all of this was borne by him alone, his heart ached, he felt uncomfortable, and he tasted the bone-chilling suffering.But he never complained, never affected her life, it was all because of her, because Xiao Yu cared about her and cherished her life.

"It's all for me, it's all for me, how can I do this, why do I do this, why."

Ao Zixuan's face was full of tears, her heartbroken expression made anyone present couldn't bear to see it.

"Xiao Yu, where are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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