Chapter 417 Ice Blue

"It's for me again, and it's for me again!"

Ao Zixuan really hated herself, because of herself, Xiao Yu broke her heart again and again, she carved deep and visible scars on Xiao Yu's heart time after time.She would rather die immediately than make Xiao Yu sad.

At this moment, she didn't care at all whether her life was in danger, all she could think about was finding Xiao Yu.

"Qingbing, Qingbing, where is he? Where is he? Tell me, I want to find him, I want to find him, I want to be with him even if I die, I want to remember him even if I die, I don't want Forget him, I don't want to forget him again, you help me, you help me, tell me quickly!"

Ao Zixuan grabbed Lin Qingbing, the whole person seemed to be crazy, and Long Zhantian's heart was entangled in that way.If Ao Zixuan could be so nervous about him, she would be willing to let him die immediately.It's a pity that Ao Zixuan's state can only appear because of one person, and that is Xiao Yu.He fights against the sky, and will always be just an outsider.

"Zixuan, go, he is on the top of the mountain, he should still be sleeping now. He told me that he will leave in the evening, you should go now, there should be still time!"

Lin Qingbing gently stroked Ao Zixuan's beautiful hair. This good friend of hers was also a person with a hard life, which really made her feel distressed.She is also a woman, her love for Xiao Yu is no less than that of Ao Zixuan, she asked herself that she would rather die than forget Xiao Yu, and Ao Zixuan must be the same, so she came down while Xiao Yu was asleep, To wake up Ao Zixuan's memory.In this way, it is more fair to Ao Zixuan.It's just that she didn't expect that Long Zhantian would voluntarily give up getting married, and Ao Wuji and Long Jingxin would stand up at the same time to help Ao Zixuan recover her memory.

"The top of the mountain, the top of the mountain!"

Ao Zixuan finally regained some sanity, looked at the sky, the sun had already set halfway to the west, and her peripheral vision was not enough to illuminate the world.

"It's almost evening, I must hurry!"

Ao Zixuan flashed out of the square and headed towards the peak of Liufengmen.

"Zixuan, you finally remembered him!"

Looking at the direction in which Ao Zixuan disappeared, Lin Qingbing sighed in her heart, she felt relaxed all over, and the suppressed feeling was swept away.Regardless of the outcome, she did what she thought was right.

Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian already understood the whole story, Long Xiu raised his head, looked at the gradually dimming sky, and fell into memory.

When he was young, he and his wife were also so unforgettable and connected.

With a gloomy expression, Long Xiaotian walked towards Long Zhantian step by step.Long Zhantian's heart skipped a beat, he knew that what he did today was to discredit Liufengmen and damage Liufengmen's face, it was absolutely normal for Long Xiaotian to be angry.


With a soft sound, Long Zhantian didn't feel the burning pain, but a generous palm landed on his shoulder.

"Zhan Tian, ​​you did the right thing about this!"

Long Xiaotian's slightly relieved voice came, and Long Zhantian raised his head in bewilderment, facing Long Xiaotian's approving eyes.

"Dad, don't you blame me?"

Long Zhantian said shyly.

"Blame you?" Long Xiaotian smiled and shook his head, "Why should I blame you? Seizing someone's love is not something that members of the Long family do, let alone a woman who loves others deeply. , Only then can you grow up, you have overcome your own desires, you are worthy of being my son of Long Xiaotian."

Long Zhantian was immediately moved. He knew that Long Xiaotian was comforting himself, but this kind of comfort was really heart-warming.


Long Zhantian's voice was a little choked up.

"It's okay, next, let me and your father give an explanation to everyone!"

Long Xiu came over and gently stroked Long Zhantian's head.

Long Zhantian's heart was completely relieved, it would be great if Long Xiaotian and Long Xiu went to explain to the guests.

In fact, there is no need for Long Xiaotian and the two to explain, the people present have already understood the general idea.None of them felt that Liufengmen had lost face, but felt that Liufengmen had made a very correct decision.

What they knew about Xiao Yu and Ao Zixuan was very limited, but from Ao Zixuan's heart-piercing and crying performance at that moment, each of them could feel the unforgettable feeling.

This incident also made everyone recognize Xiao Yu clearly again.The name of Aotian Kuangshen spread throughout the continent, the most important of which is of course Xiao Yu's strength, and because of this, almost everyone thinks that Xiao Yu is a cold-blooded bloodthirsty person, until today, they just understand Xiao Yu is A real man with a sincere heart.

"Sun, sun!"

Ao Zixuan's figure flashed across the mountain quickly, wishing she could climb to the top immediately.Looking at the gradually setting sun, she became more and more anxious.

Xiao Yu is a man of his word, if he said to leave in the evening, he must leave in the evening.


Ao Zixuan finally landed on the top of the mountain, the tears in the corners of her eyes had dried up, she was stunned on the spot when she glanced away.


A cool wind blows, blowing some fine gravel on the stone.But above the stone, there was no one.

"Xiao Yu, brother!"

Ao Zixuan suddenly felt dizzy, and suddenly collapsed beside the stone.

Xiao Yu promised her that he would leave after she got married and never appear in her life again, since he said it, he will do it.In the future, Xiao Yu would never appear by her side again.

Thinking of this, Ao Zixuan suddenly felt that the whole world had lost its vitality, and her beautiful eyes dimmed instantly.

"He's gone and he doesn't want me anymore."

The breeze blew by, Ao Zixuan's hair instantly floated up, a trace of icy blue appeared at the root of her hair, and the icy blue continued to spread to the tip of her hair, but in an instant, her long, black and beautiful hair instantly turned into an icy blue .

Her tears have dried up.Cry, it seems that I can't cry anymore.

She held her icy blue hair in her hands. She remembered that Xiao Yu said that her favorite color was blue.

"Brother Xiao Yu. You must like my long hair. Why, why did you leave me?"

Ao Zixuan sat beside the stone in a daze, sometimes giggling, sometimes whispering, only the swaying tree shadows around her and the raging wind on the top of the mountain accompanied her.

"Is this where you stayed for the last time?"

Ao Zixuan came back to her senses, climbed up the stone, and lay down gently.Her fingers caressed the stone that still had a trace of warmth, and she was full of thoughts.

"Brother Xiao Yu, you have done too much for me."

Ao Zixuan closed her eyes, and just lay quietly on the stone, as if she had become one with the stone.

Xiao Yu, where are you?
(End of this chapter)

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