Chapter 42 Coercion
"Wu Xu!"

Liu Piaoxu's eyes were about to burst. This Wu Xu entered the Diling City branch sect at the same time as her. Although the relationship between the two could not be said to be too close, they were still good partners.

"How many ghosts are there?"

Lin Feiyun was terrified in his heart. He looked at Xiao Yu. The coldness on Xiao Yu's face became heavier, but a pair of black eyes were deep and calm, as if possessing endless confidence. This made Lin Feiyun feel at ease. Li Yingyu and Yang Xiruo also Xiao Yu's expression calmed down a little.

"Everyone follow closely, try to stick to the team as much as possible, don't leave alone!"

Xiao Yu shouted loudly, the sound was so loud that the sand grains on the ground trembled slightly. He stretched out his right hand, and the strange flame in his hand was burning fiercely, and everyone around felt a terrifying temperature.

"Hmph, I don't care how many of you there are, if one comes, I'll kill one!"

Xiao Yu's murderous intent had already arisen in his heart, and the imperceptible aura he exuded made the sand puppets hiding in the sand start to retreat in fear, and they all retreated to the distance in unison, away from the team.

"Look, there is a forest ahead!"

After walking for half an hour, Yang Xiruo saw that the desert in front of him had reached the edge, replaced by a continuous stretch of mountains. These mountains were strangely shaped, and they looked like a human being. They were arranged in a semicircle, and one of them happened to be exposed. Not a big gap, here is Death Canyon.


Xiao Yu saw quite a few footprints before that gap, and according to his judgment, there were at least dozens of different footprints here.

"It seems that it's not just people from the main sect who entered here, it seems that people from Tianyun Academy and the main academy have already taken the lead."

Lin Feiyun also noticed the footprints on the ground, he said in a deep voice.Xiao Yu didn't express his opinion, his sight had already been fixed on those human-shaped mountains high above.There were exactly four of these human-shaped mountains, and when his eyes swept over one of them, a strange feeling flashed through his heart, and his chest suddenly became very hot.


A sharp pain went straight to the bottom of his heart, Xiao Yu slightly bowed and covered his chest, cold sweat poured down his forehead.

"Xiao Yu, what's wrong with you?"

Yang Xiruo noticed something was wrong with Xiao Yu, and immediately supported Xiao Yu, her face panicked, Xiao Yu was the biggest support of this group of people, if something went wrong with Xiao Yu, they couldn't even imagine it.


Li Yingyu screamed, and found that Xiao Yu's chest was glowing with gold, and an extremely thick line appeared on his chest, like a meridian.

Xiao Yu shook his head, the expression on his face was even more painful, for some reason, the sacred veins in his body came out to make trouble at this time.

"Xiao Yu?"

Seeing Xiao Yu's state from behind, Liu Piaoxu frowned. Could it be that Xiao Yu was also bewitched by some kind of magic spell?This death canyon is very strange, it is really hard to guard against.

She was about to step forward to have a look, but Xu Tao taunted: "Hmph, pretending to be a ghost, with a ball of flames in your hand, you are not like a dead dog now!"

"What did you say?"

When Lin Feiyun heard Xu Tao's words, his eyes widened instantly. Xiao Yu was considered their savior, so he was naturally unwilling to have Xu Tao insult Xiao Yu now.

Liu Piaoxu hurriedly came out to smooth things over and said, "Don't make noise, the most important thing is to see what happened to Xiao Yu first."

Lin Feiyun nodded, suppressing the anger in his heart.The severe pain in Xiao Yu's body became more and more severe, and he felt that he could not bear it anymore. At this moment, a white light that was invisible to the naked eye shot down from the top of the mountain range that Xiao Yu glanced at. Head penetration.


In the severe pain, Xiao Yu suddenly felt a terrifying energy entering his body forcibly. Before he could stop it, this force had already filled his limbs and bones. The pain is decreasing dramatically.

"Xiao Yu, don't scare me!"

Yang Xiruo held Xiao Yu tightly with her pair of jade hands, fearing that something might happen to him.

Xiao Yu waved his hands, slowly stood up straight, and his brows gradually relaxed. After that force entered his body, the severe pain in his body disappeared.

"Huh!" Xiao Yu exhaled and said, "I'm fine!"

"Ah, you really scared me to death just now!"

Yang Xiruo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Xiao, what happened to you just now?"

Lin Feiyun said with concern.

Xiao Yu shook his head, he himself didn't know what was going on, now there was a huge change in his body, that powerful force was scattered in his limbs, and it was closely integrated with his body, he thought If you want to force it, you can't force it out.

"What exactly is going on!"

Xiao Yu tried a few more times, but it was still useless.

"This energy doesn't seem to have any intention of invading or destroying my body, but it can't get out, damn it!"

"Brother Lin, is Xiao Yu okay? How about we continue walking?"

Liu Piaoxu was a little anxious. Two of her team members had already died, and now she only wanted to go to the Death Canyon to reunite with the team from the headquarters as soon as possible, so that the safety of her team members would be guaranteed.

"Brother Xiao, look..."

Lin Feiyun glanced at Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu nodded.

"Okay, let's move on!"

The group changed from the original 21 people to the current 19 people. Xiao Yu walked at the forefront of the team. Just as he stepped into the Death Canyon, a strong death energy rushed towards their faces. They felt that the vitality in their bodies seemed to be affected. There are some blocks, and the operation is much slower than usual.

"This place is too dangerous. Now it's not like your usual trial. This is life-threatening at any time. Xi Ruo, follow me closely and don't leave half a step away!"

Xiao Yu told Yang Xiruo again, now even he can't guarantee that he can protect Yang Xiruo's Zhouquan steadily.Needless to say, Xiao Yu, Yang Xiruo has always been by his side. Although Yang Xiruo is one of the top ten masters of the branch sect of Tianwu City, she has never experienced any life-and-death fights. This is the first time she has been in such a dangerous place. It's not just him, everyone else is the same, their hearts are full of heaviness.

"Look, it's golden light!"

Several people were searching for the way in the dense forest. Suddenly Xu Tao, who had been silent all the time, screamed, and the rest of the people looked in the direction of his finger. Sure enough, a golden light flashed in the distant sky and shot straight into the sky. An inescapable power spread out, and everyone felt that their bodies were heavy, as if they were being pressed hard on their shoulders.

Xiao Yu was fine, still not moving slightly, but the rest of the people stepped into the hard ground under the power of the golden light, and Li Yingyu, who was the weakest, sank half an inch into it.

"Ah! What's the matter!"

Feeling the terrible pressure on his shoulders, Li Yingyu's face was extremely ugly, and the others were also gritted their teeth and persisted. Xiao Yu himself was not easy, he was completely resisting the coercion.

Just when everyone felt extremely uncomfortable, the golden light in the sky disappeared, and the coercion on their bodies disappeared. Everyone felt their bodies lighten and let out a long breath.

(End of this chapter)

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