Chapter 43
"It's such a terrifying power. The power just now is comparable to the shopkeeper I met in the post station, and even a little bit stronger. This treasure must not be simple, otherwise it would not alarm the Duanyun Sect and the Tianyun Academy. top power."

Xiao Yu was secretly startled.The vitality in the body circulated silently, and the body immediately felt a lot more comfortable.The rest of the people also managed to recover.

"Brother Xiao, what should we do now?"

Lin Feiyun asked.

"Of course it is heading in the direction of the golden light."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he strode away. Yang Xiruo followed him like a brown candy, and on the other side was the girl Li Yingyu, who was full of beauties. Looking at Xiao Yu.

"What kind of ability does this guy have to make a beautiful woman so attractive? Is it because of his face?"

"Hmph! I think so too!"

Several people were whispering to each other when Liu Piaoxu heard her, she glanced at her eyebrows, wondering when Xiao Yu became so popular with girls, looking at Xiao Yu's tall and straight back, Liu Piaoxu was slightly taken aback, at that moment She had an illusion that as long as there was this figure, she would not be afraid of any emergencies.

"Strange, how could I have such an idea!"

Liu Piaoxu shook her head and followed in the middle of the team.


A group of people had advanced only a few hundred feet, and suddenly a loud roar resounded through the sky and earth, making people's eardrums hurt.


Everyone was shocked. At this time, they were already in panic. Even the slightest noise was enough to make them tremble with fear, not to mention such a terrifying beast roar.


Before everyone came back to their senses, there was another scream, followed by the sound of fighting, and faint fluctuations in vitality.

"It's over there!"

It was only at this time that everyone realized that someone had been attacked by a spirit beast, and it was not just one person, it should be a team.

Xiao Yu's face remained unchanged, his ears were so sharp, he had already heard the strange movement in the distance, but he didn't want to go over to see what happened.

"Brother Xiao, us?"

Lin Feiyun glanced at Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu knew what he was going to say and shook his head.

"You mean don't care?"

Yang Xiruo glanced at Xiao Yu, and a look of disappointment flashed across her eyes. Someone was clearly in danger over there. In this murderous canyon of death, friends of the same kind are friends. Someone in danger over there, she thought Xiao Yu should It was right to go to the rescue, but Xiao Yu's attitude made her extremely puzzled.

Seeing Yang Xiruo's eyes, Xiao Yu's heart was a little turbulent, but he didn't explain anything. This Death Canyon is full of dangers. He promised Li Guoxiong to protect this group of people. He didn't want the trouble caused by others to be involved Come on them.

"Hey, what are you thinking? Someone is in distress over there, shouldn't we help? What if it is someone from our head sect?"

At this time, Xu Tao stood up and spoke. On the surface, he said righteously, but in fact he had his own plan. He thought that if he was a member of the main sect over there, he would definitely get their protection after reconciling with them in the past. With him like this A character who is greedy for life and afraid of death will not rush to save people in danger.

"That's right! We will be safer if we have one more companion in Death Canyon. I think we should go there!"

Liu Piaoxu also agreed with Xu Tao's words this time, of course she didn't know what Xu Tao had in mind.Seeing that the people in the branch sect of Tianwu City had no intention of leaving, she waved her arm and said loudly: "Go, our branch sect of Diling City will go and save people!"

"Hmph! Greed for life and fear of death!"

The members of Diling City's branch sect naturally obeyed Liu Piaoxu's instructions and ran towards the direction of the fighting sound. Xu Tao snorted coldly when he passed by Xiao Yu's group.

"Brother Xiao, this..."

Lin Feiyun looked at Xiao Yu with a perplexed expression on his face. Liu Piaoxu is the woman he likes. Seeing that Liu Piaoxu and his group are going their separate ways, and they are very likely to face danger, he feels uneasy for a while. , just want to follow to help.

Xiao Yu didn't answer, but Yang Xiruo looked at him expectantly.Xiao Yu breathed out from his nostrils, and finally nodded.

"Okay, let's go too!"

Hearing what Xiao Yu said, Yang Xiruo's big watery eyes narrowed into crescent moons, Xiao Yu is not the kind of heartless person after all.

A group of 11 people from the branch sect of Tianwu City immediately unfolded their movements and followed the branch sect of Diling City.

Not long after, the two groups of people had already seen the scene not far away. Six people were besieging a huge spirit beast. The spirit beast was covered in black scales. It has a single horn, and its eyes are like bronze mirrors used by women to dress up. A blood basin exhales extremely cold breath while breathing heavily. Wherever the breath passes, all the vegetation is frozen into ice cubes.There were six people around it fighting endlessly, jumping up and down to avoid the icy breath, and from time to time, an attack would hit its body, making it howl again and again.The clothes of the six people were the same, and they were all from the Tianyun Academy. Two of them were the strongest, and they had reached the sixth level of the Shattering Yuan Realm, which was on the same level as Liu Piaoxu and Lin Feiyun.

In addition to this huge spirit beast, there are three other spirit beasts similar in appearance, but much smaller in size and much weaker in attack power. siege.Not far from the battlefield, there was a figure falling down. At this time, his whole body was covered with ice, as if he had become an iceman.

"Counting the one lying on the ground, there are a total of 20 people. It seems that these are the two teams of the Tianyun Academy, but I don't know why the team of the Tianyun Academy is not here."

Xiao Yu already understood the situation on the field at a glance, he looked around, but did not find any traces of other people.

"That spirit beast is a purple-gold horned lizard?"

Lin Feiyun glanced at the most massive spirit beast, and said solemnly.This purple-gold horned lizard is a third-order high-level spirit beast. The strength of an adult purple-gold horned lizard is comparable to that of a strong man at the seventh level of the Yuan Yuan Realm, and its defense is amazing. The master of the sixth level of the Broken Yuan Realm and four strong men of the fifth level of the Broken Yuan Realm dealt with him, and the situation was not too bad.And the three surrounding spirit beasts are all juvenile purple-gold horned lizards, but their strength is also comparable to those of the fifth level of the Shattering Yuan Realm.

"Friends of Tianyun Academy, we are a branch of the Duanyun Sect, and we are here to wish you a helping hand."

Liu Piaoxu and Lin Feiyun exchanged glances, and flew out at the same time, joining the battle circle against the adult purple-gold horned lizard.When the four men and two women from Yunxue Academy saw the two joining, their eyes were filled with surprise. This purple-gold horned lizard was extremely difficult to deal with. They couldn't find a way to defeat them at all. Now there are two more people from the sixth level of the Shattering Yuan Realm. They are naturally overjoyed at the strong support.

"Thank you both, I'll thank you when I'm done with this matter!"

One of the handsome youths politely said to the two of them, and immediately accelerated the attack. The sledgehammer in his hand turned into a shadow of a hammer, and it hit the purple gold horned lizard firmly on the back.


The purple-gold horned lizard roared in pain, and its body shook. The young man felt his arm go numb, and the sledgehammer almost fell out of his hand.Naturally, Lin Feiyun would not lose the reputation of the branch sect, so he rushed forward with a pair of iron fists, attacking the side of the purple golden horned lizard violently, after more than ten punches, he felt pain in the bones of his hand, but the purple golden horned lizard only moved a little bit.

"What a powerful purple-gold horned lizard!"

Lin Feiyun's heart trembled. At this moment, Liu Piaoxu screamed coquettishly, and suddenly stretched out his hand to wipe it from his waist. A fiery red whip rushed towards the purple golden horned lizard like a poisonous snake coming out of its hole. The long whip transformed into a red shadow in the air, Liu Piaoxu's figure also became illusory, and the whole body of the Purple Gold Horned Lizard was filled with Liu Piaoxu's figure.

"This is the top-level movement technique of the branch sect of Diling City, and it is snowing all over the sky?"

Not far away, Yang Xiruo and Li Yingyu were slightly surprised. It is indeed a well-deserved reputation that this Liu Piaoxu can become the No. 1 branch sect of Diling City.

"Her strength has also improved a lot in the past three years!"

Xiao Yu couldn't help thinking of Yang Shuqi's defense of him in every possible way three years ago when Liu Piaoxu was called the first genius of the sub-zong hall of Fanyun Town.

(End of this chapter)

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