Chapter 424

In a dark purple underground palace, a middle-aged man in a golden dragon pattern robe was holding a ball of light in his palm.

The colors in the ball of light are constantly changing, and there are actually hundreds of different colors.

"It's finally condensed, it's great!"

The middle-aged man held this bead containing a hundred colors, with a strange smile on his face.He is the master of "Dark Prison", Fu Cangsheng.

"The original energy of my special physique has been absorbed into this exquisite bead, and then it can be transplanted into the body of the holy son. Once the holy body is born, I will see who can stop me from the 'dark prison'."

He raised his head and laughed wildly, his laughter was shrill and crazy.


He suddenly turned his head, facing a stone wall, and with a wave of his palm, a tyrannical divine power swept out, directly tearing Nuo Da's stone wall apart.


The stone wall cracked, and a man bound by iron chains appeared in sight.Darkness enveloped his face, making it hard to see clearly.This is the "Holy Son" chosen by Fu Cangsheng, the carrier for transplanting the Linglong Pearl.


Fu Cangsheng let out a low cry, his fingers changed into claws, and he grabbed it from the air.


His claws pierced through the space and grabbed the man's chest directly, tearing the whole chest to a bloody mess.A divine claw penetrated into it and withdrew abruptly.


The man let out a scream and suddenly lost consciousness.

The divine power claw was slowly drawn out, holding a beating fresh heart on it.


Claws together, crushed that heart.Fu Cangsheng didn't show any mercy at all, he flicked his fingers repeatedly, and bursts of divine power shot out, tearing the man's chest open a little bit, and the internal organs inside were clearly visible.

"go with!"

The Linglong Orb in his hand shot out directly, only a soft sound was heard, the Linglong Orb had already entered your body, it was right where his heart was before.


Fu Cangsheng clasped his palm lightly, his divine power tore at the flesh and blood, and pulled the man's chest together again.

"Raw lotus, come!"

He grabbed the palm of his hand to the side, and his divine power rushed out. He held a human-shaped medicine in his hand, and rubbed his hands together.

A piece of medicinal material the size of a palm was instantly ground into powder by him. In a flash, he had already appeared in front of the person, and the palm with the powder was directly printed on the person's chest, walking back and forth, constantly circling.


The man groaned in pain again, and the huge gap in his chest began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.It can be seen how magical the medicinal powder is.


Above the underground palace, clusters of thunderclouds suddenly appeared for no reason, and the thunder and lightning fell violently, causing the space to shatter continuously, as if some evil thing that would destroy the world was about to be born.


The person who had been transplanted into the Linglong Pearl suddenly opened his eyes.The pupils in the eye sockets are extremely strange, presenting hundreds of different colors, constantly changing, making people feel that their minds will be absorbed in them just by looking at them.


Thunderbolts fell from the top of the underground palace and struck the man's body, but they couldn't hurt him at all, instead they gradually increased his body's strength.He looked at Fu Cangsheng with a very respectful expression.

"Now you are the ultimate holy body, the special power you possess, even the four great veins cannot surpass you, so nourish yourself well, after 49 days, we can turn the world upside down ,Ha ha ha ha!"

The entire underground palace was filled with Fu Cangsheng's extremely arrogant smile, and the entire continent was about to face an unprecedented shock.


Four people suddenly appeared in the underground palace. When they saw the man bound by chains, they were shocked.

"Has the Eucharist been cultivated?"

They are the four great masters of "Dark Prison", and one of them is Xiao Yu's father, Xiao Haoyun.

"There is still a long way to go!" Fu Cangsheng said proudly, "But that day will not be too far away. We can start the final operation in just 49 days. This continent will not escape our 'dark prison' after all. ' hand."

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

The four clasped their fists together and said respectfully.

"Hahaha, in the future when we rule the world, the benefits of the four of you will definitely be indispensable. That will definitely be under one person and above ten thousand people in the entire continent!"

Fu Cangsheng laughed wildly, and suddenly his expression changed.


A figure indistinguishable to the naked eye penetrated soundlessly from the space, this is the means only masters of the Shattering God Realm can possess.


One of the four great venerables, an old man in gray robe stepped forward with a single step, and his tyrannical divine power reached the top of the underground palace from under his feet, forming a huge protection.


There was a muffled sound in the void, and two powerful forces collided, and the entire underground palace was affected.

Fu Cangsheng reached out with his palm, and divine power gushed out like a tide, directly enveloping the entire underground palace. The terrifying energy diffused and hit the underground palace without causing any damage.

"call out!"

A figure took the opportunity to come out from the shattered space, breaking through the energy barrier created by Earth Sha, his speed was like a ghost, if Xiao Yu was here, he would be secretly startled.Even if he tried his best, he would only be on the front line faster than this person.

"Hmph, Long Bo, you are courting death!"

Although he broke through Earth Sha's defense, one person stood in front of him again, and that was Tian Sha among the Four Great Masters.

He slapped the person who came and went, but this God-shattering powerhouse who dared to attack secretly was actually Long Bo, the patriarch of the Long family that Xiao Yu and others met in the independent space.

"Get out of here!"

Long Bo's arm trembled, and his powerful divine power turned into a divine dragon, rushing towards Tiansha.


Violent explosions continued to spread, Yunsha Xiao Haoyun, whose strength had not reached the God-shattering realm, and another Fengsha retreated together, and stood beside Fu Cangsheng.

Fu Cangsheng raised his eyes slightly, his face was expressionless, and he was not at all surprised by Long Bo's arrival.

Long Bo seemed to be fighting desperately, and he did his best when he came up. Although Tiansha's strength was not weaker than him, he was caught off guard and was knocked back by dozens of feet.


Long Bo, who was about to continue attacking, stomped his feet, changed direction instantly, and rushed towards the other side.And his target turned out to be the Eucharist that had just been successfully transplanted.

"The Eucharist will never be completed, I will destroy you!"

Long Bo rushed in front of the holy body, poking his palm towards his heart, intending to take out the Linglong Pearl and destroy it.The four great venerables all had their eyes wide open. No one thought that Long Bo's purpose was to destroy the Eucharist, and now it was too late to stop it.

None of them noticed that Fu Cangsheng stood peacefully by the side, with a strange smile on his face, which seemed to be disdain and pity.


With a crisp sound, Long Bo's eyes froze immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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