Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 425 Orchid Mountain Gate

Chapter 425 Orchid Mountain Gate

That was the sound of chains snapping.

Long Bo reached out his palm and was about to insert it into the saint's chest, but he suddenly felt that his palm was firmly held.


He was terrified, the holy body, whose eyes were closed, opened them, exuding a sea-like evil spirit, and the ever-changing colors of the eyes made people shudder.

A sly smile appeared on the corner of Holy Body's mouth.


With a soft sound, Long Bo's eyes suddenly opened wide. He looked at his chest in disbelief. A palm had pierced through his chest like a stone rotted into his back.

"how is this possible!"

These were the last words Long Bo said. His eyes were gradually dimming, and the strength in his body continued to flow away, but the holy body seemed to have received some kind of tonic, and became extremely excited.

Long Bo's thin body shrank rapidly as if he had lost water.All kinds of rays of light in the Holy Body's eyes were generous, and a sound like the roar of a wild beast came out of its mouth, and went straight to the ground through the underground palace.


This sound shook the heavens and the earth, and the thundercloud rolled, carrying a terrifying power.


Xiao Yu, who was rushing towards the Orchid Gate, was suddenly taken aback, and an extremely dangerous feeling swept over his body.

"What is it?"

His eyes cast towards the far north, but the feeling was only fleeting and never appeared again.

He didn't believe that he felt wrong. There was indeed a soaring evil spirit just now, but it didn't last too long, so he couldn't sense it anymore.

"What is such an astonishing evil spirit?"

Xiao Yu stood on the spot, staring at the north for a long time, his fists clenched slowly, the power in his body swept up to the sky in an instant, directly tearing the blue sky apart, and a surge of unparalleled fighting spirit went straight to the sky.


The holy body in the far away place also felt this earth-shattering fighting intent, and a strange roar came from his mouth, but he did not show his power again, but fell into silence.

He has not yet reached the peak state, and needs time to adjust and practice.

"What a powerful fighting spirit!"

Fu Cangsheng and the others at the side all felt it.

"Who will it be?"

Fu Cangsheng was also a little frightened. He had never seen such a terrifying fighting spirit in his life.

"I don't know!"

The rest of the people also shook their heads, only Xiao Haoyun felt in his heart that the person who showed such a shocking fighting intent was Xiao Yu who beat him to a serious injury and almost killed him.

"Between Xiao Yu and the Holy Body, who will be stronger?"

Xiao Haoyun thought to himself.

Xiao Yu in the distance withdrew his shocking fighting spirit and returned to calm again.

There was a cold light in his eyes, and he murmured: "No matter what you are, don't block my way, otherwise, kill!"

He plundered again and headed towards the Orchid Gate.

The Orchid Sect is located in the Haimiao Empire, one of the four great empires, but the Orchid Sect is different from the Liufeng Sect, it is not the royal family of the Haimiao Empire, they are just the purest sect.

But the power they possess is absolutely terrifying. The entire Haimiao Empire is almost centered around the Orchid Sect. implement.

The location of the Orchid Gate is not in the center of the Haimiao Empire, but in an Orchid Mountain to the west of the Haimiao Empire.The orchids on the mountain are in full bloom, and the orchids of various colors are endless and bright, so it is called Orchid Mountain.

According to legend, the Orchid Gate was created by a woman named Lanhua Fairy thousands of years ago, and her strength was only a little lower than that of Panlong Zhanhuang and Blood Fiend Emperor who were all over the continent at that time.The Orchid Sect was definitely among the top forces at the time.This is also the reason why the Lanhua Sect was able to destroy it with a thunderbolt under the attack of the powerful sect driven by the "dark prison". The thousand-year-old sect, which has been passed down to this day, is naturally not comparable to those emerging first-class forces.

There is also an iron rule in the Orchid Sect, that is, only female disciples can be accepted in the sect, and men are never allowed to be accepted in the sect. Moreover, the Orchid Sect has very high requirements for its disciples, requiring women not only to have excellent talents, but also to have good looks. If it is one in a million, because of this, men on the mainland rush to find disciples in the Lanhua sect as their partners.

In Haimiao Empire, ten miles away from Orchid Flower Mountain, a few people were gathering on a small hill. Their eyes swept towards the direction of Orchid Flower Mountain, shooting out hatred.The first person was dressed in a python robe and a feather crown. He was a luxurious old man.

"Elder Xu, the sect master died at the hands of the master of the Lanhua sect. Finally, there is a chance to avenge this revenge!"

One of the men said to the old man in the lead, his tone was extremely respectful.

"Hmph, it is indeed God! The master of the Orchid Sect and the old hag Huali are not in the Orchid Sect. No one in the Orchid Sect is our opponent."

The old man in the boa robe smiled sinisterly, with a lustful light shining in his eyes.He was greedy for money and lustful all his life, so he was expelled from the sect by the first teacher in the school. Now these middle-aged people have brought him back, and it is because they have nothing to do.

"Since this is the case, let's leave immediately, otherwise things will change later, Elder Xu!"

A middle-aged man next to him clasped his fists at the old man in the python robe.

"Well, you are right, let's go!"

The old man in the boa robe waved his sleeves and rushed out first. These people all looked happy and chased after him wildly.The few people were extremely fast, and rushed towards the Orchid Gate, but they didn't know whether they were lucky or unlucky.

Xiao Yu had already landed outside the gate of Lanhua Mountain. He was about to tear the space and enter directly when he stopped suddenly.

"This Orchid Sect is full of girls. If I enter it directly, I won't be discovered by them. But if I want to solve the problem of the fountain of holy power, it will inevitably cause great disturbance. At that time, they will think that I am bringing a It will be a little troublesome to come here maliciously."

After a short while in Xiao Yu's fourth village, he still gave up the idea of ​​entering directly. He walked under the Lanhua Gate, and was soon stopped by eight female disciples guarding the gate.

"Stop, who is coming!"

One of the women stretched out her palm and stood in front of Xiao Yu.These women are all beautiful and beautiful, and they are all beautiful.

The leading woman is even more glamorous, like the holy snow lotus on the iceberg, exuding a cold and arrogant aura that rejects people thousands of miles away.

This woman is also a superb stunner.

The most important thing is that this woman's strength has reached the first level of Concentration Realm.

"Since when is the strength of the first stage of Concentration Realm used to guard the goal?"

Xiao Yu glanced at the other girls, and found that they were all of the strength of breaking the original state, and they were all talented people among the first-class forces.

Xiao Yu's glance made the faces of the girls turn cold.

(End of this chapter)

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