Chapter 448 Mysterious Youth
According to rumors, once a strong man from the ancient times occupied the body of a master who strayed into the middle of the East County and was able to return to the mainland.

This immemorial strongman was ambitious and stirred up many winds and rains, which caused chaos in the mainland. Later, the top masters on the mainland mobilized all their strengths and finally killed him, calming the situation in the mainland.

From this we can see how dangerous the remnant souls of these powerful men from the ancient times were.It is also because of this incident that the central part of Dongjun County has become a forbidden area. If it is not for those brave and powerful experts with high skills, absolutely no one will venture into it.

As for the interior of East County, there is absolutely no trace of people.Because that is where the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison is located.

Standing on the outskirts of Dongjun, Xiao Yu felt a little surprised by the extremely chaotic spatial power in Dongjun.This remnant of the ancient battlefield was more terrifying than he had imagined.

In the deepest part of East County, an extremely violent thunder force is escaping outwards, and with Xiao Yu's extraordinary perception, he can naturally detect it.

That kind of thunderous power was so pure that it made one's heart palpitate, and now he was at least ten miles away from Xiao Yu, and he could feel the muscles on his body trembling slightly.

"Nine Heavens Thunder Prison, well-deserved reputation!"

Xiao Yu calmed down, stepped forward, and slowly walked into Dongjun.

The reason why he chose to walk was because he didn't want to disturb the remnant souls among them.If he releases his divine power and the remnants of his soul are scattered everywhere, although he is confident that nothing will happen, the consumption along the way is huge. If he reaches the depths of Dongjun and faces the extremely dangerous Nine Heavens Thunder Prison, his condition will plummet .

Maintaining the peak state at all times is the most basic vigilance of a strong man.

Only the most peak self will have the strongest explosive power.

The East County was eerily quiet, only the slight sound of Xiao Yu's footsteps.His eyes have been fixed on the front, but the rest of his senses have already been opened, paying attention to the movement around him.

A slight negligence in this kind of place is likely to be beyond redemption.


The surrounding weeds and dilapidated buildings looked very bleak, and the breeze blew by, bringing the sound of whining wind, like the howling of ghosts.

Every step Xiao Yu took was very steady, with light and elegant steps.In fact, his steps secretly contain the ultimate truth, if there is a slight change in his body, he can react as quickly as possible.


Xiao Yu had already entered the middle of Dongjun County, when suddenly there was a sharp roar from the left side, his ears moved slightly, and he punched out along the left side.

A remnant soul whose strength had reached the peak of Concentration Realm was directly blasted to pieces.

Xiao Yu didn't care about these remnants of souls, because killing remnants of souls would not allow him to improve his strength, and he knew this from the time he killed the remnants of the twin fairies at the Orchid Gate.According to the normal situation, Fairy Twins is at the peak of the God-breaking Realm. If he kills her, he can at least rise to the first or even second level of the God-breaking Realm, and let his strength reach the third or even fourth-level of the God-breaking Realm, but In fact, his strength has not improved at all, except that his divine power has become more condensed, and his realm is still above the second level of the Broken God Realm.

If killing the remnant soul can make him improve his strength, maybe he will unleash his divine power wantonly in this East County, attracting countless remnant souls to come and kill them.

After he scattered the lifeless remnant souls, those remnant souls who had been peeping at Xiao Yu for a long time all fell silent. They already understood that the person who broke in suddenly was definitely not an ordinary person.

Xiao Yu walked forward for several hundred meters, his gaze suddenly froze, and his eyeballs moved slightly downward.

He already felt that two remnant souls whose strength had reached the broken god level were emerging from under his feet, trying to attack him from below him.


He didn't evade, and the divine power passed directly from the soles of his feet to the ground, penetrating into it.The two remnant souls of the Broken God Realm could still react, and they were shocked by Xiao Yu's astonishing divine power.

"This place is indeed extremely strange. If ordinary people enter it by mistake, they will definitely die!"

Xiao Yu had a personal experience of the dangers of the East County.

Along the way, Xiao Yu still encountered some remnant souls of different strengths, but after a remnant soul whose strength had reached the fifth level of the God Breaking Realm was killed by him with one punch, no remnant soul dared to show up again.

He overcame thorns and thorns all the way, and finally approached the interior of Dongjun.

At this moment, he has come to an extremely wide open space.

The violent thunder power became more and more intense, and a feeling of extreme danger came to his heart. This feeling was stronger than that given to him by the twin fairies who performed the blood sacrifice technique.

He raised his head, looked into the distance, his face changed slightly.

In the distant sky, there are already huge thunders constantly entangled, and the lightning flashes, and even the air is full of irresistible thunder power.

Xiao Yu stretched out his palm, turned his divine power, and was able to see a tiny arc of lightning on his palm.Under the guidance of these lightning arcs, the divine power in his body began to agitate.

This is unprecedented.

"It's so strong?"

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the restless power in his body, and continued to move forward.


As soon as he took two steps, he frowned, looked to the right, and immediately focused his eyes.

A young man also in a white robe was standing on a blue stone slab.He carried a simple long sword on his back, and the bangs on his forehead couldn't cover his eyes that were shining like stars. feel.

Standing there, he gave people an extremely unreal feeling, as if he was in a dream, with the breeze blowing, his long flowing hair was lifted, his handsome face was inlaid with extremely unique facial features, and there was a refreshing smile at the corner of his mouth , appearing very kind.For unknown reasons, there was a faint air of wind and flow around him, making it even more mysterious.

When Xiao Yu saw this person for the first time, besides being shocked, he was still shocked.Because he has never been approached so closely by anyone, and he has never been discovered before. This person is about the same age as him, maybe a little older, but his strength is absolutely terrifying. As for how far he has reached, Xiao Yu himself cannot figure out.


This is the feeling this person gave Xiao Yu.

This young man was also looking at Xiao Yu curiously, he did not expect that there would be someone else coming here.


Xiao Yu was guessing the purpose of this young man's visit, but unexpectedly, this man suddenly drew the long sword on his back.The sword body was small and long, shining like a bright moon, and Xiao Yu felt four kinds of power with different attributes just by swipe it.

That is wind, fire, ice, and air.

Xiao Yu's whole body tensed up, secretly on guard.

Sure enough, the young man's long sword slashed straight down, and the target was himself.

(End of this chapter)

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