Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 449 The Unprecedented Strongman

Chapter 449 The Unprecedented Strongman

The quaint but yet brilliant long sword slashed at Xiao Yu, and a ray of light like a bright moon poured down.

Xiao Yu opened his eyes sharply. At this moment, he felt that his surroundings were surrounded by sword energy that was hard to see with the naked eye.This is an indescribable feeling, the young man obviously just slashed out with a sword, and Xiao Yu also knew that only one of the sword lights was real, but he couldn't help being wrapped in that boundless sword intent.

This is how Xiao Yu feels about this move.

He didn't know why the young man shot at him, but this was not the reason why he didn't dodge. The violent sword aura had already torn his clothes, cuffs, chest, and hem of the robe, all were cut open by the vertical and horizontal sword aura.This is just before contact, if it comes into direct contact with that tyrannical sword energy, I don't know what it will be like.

Xiao Yu stepped on the sole of his foot, and a burst of light blue divine power erupted from the ground, slightly delaying the approach of some sword energy.His eyes quickly scanned among the thousands of rays of light, and finally found the entity in it when the sword energy was approaching.


Xiao Yu let out a cold snort, and his body spun around rapidly, retreating while turning, the sword energy was not far or near, it was always a few feet away from Xiao Yu, and it seemed that it could break through this critical point at any time.


Finally, Xiao Yu stepped on the ground again, his tyrannical divine power erupted, he swept out with one leg, and collided with the sword energy.


Xiao Yu's whole body trembled when he first came into contact with it. The powerful force contained in this sword energy made him extremely astonished.Generally speaking, the power of a sword move like this that can transform into thousands of sword shadows is not too terrifying, because it is extremely difficult to control power while pursuing surprise, but this young man One sword is a combination of two extremes.

Xiao Yu let out a muffled snort, the soles of his feet rubbed against the ground, and he was blasted hundreds of feet by that force before he stopped.

The sword light was blocked by Xiao Yu's tail, and it was also blown away.

There was a hint of surprise on this mysterious young man's face, and his eyes shot out a very curious light.

His sword, however, contains the artistic conception of the supreme sword comprehended by his own innate talent, and it is coordinated with the Yuntian sword art created by himself.At the beginning, he didn't try his best, but intended to cut Xiao Yu and expel him from Dongjun, because the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison was definitely not for people with Xiao Yu's level of strength to come. Retire, lest you lose your life in Jiutianlei Prison.But halfway through the sword move, he saw how extraordinary Xiao Yu was.

How sharp his eyes are, when Xiao Yu found the most real blow from thousands of sword shadows, he had already noticed it.

He never thought that someone on this continent could see through his sword moves.

But the facts are in front of him, and he can't help but not believe it.

He temporarily changed his strength and increased his strength from three to seven.

What happened next surprised him even more. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu still took this move.

"The strength I used is difficult even for a master of the first level or even the second level of the God Breaking Realm. This person is only at the second level of the God Breaking Realm, but he resisted it. It seems that he has not suffered any injuries. No wonder he dared Come to the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison alone!"

The young man nodded secretly in his heart, and became more and more curious about Xiao Yu.He was able to achieve today's achievements, not overnight, his talent is important, but it cannot lack the support of countless resources in the family, not to mention the place where he is, the aura of heaven and earth is dozens of times stronger than that of Shenwu Continent, and the speed of cultivation is faster It is more than ten times faster than the people on the mainland.He really wanted to know what Xiao Yu relied on to get to this point. According to the martial talent and cultivation speed of the Shenwu Continent, it should be the limit to be able to reach the state of concentration at this age.

Xiao Yu stood up with an incomparably dignified expression.The young man in front of him gave him an extremely dangerous feeling. Just based on the sword just now, he could conclude that the strength of the young man must far exceed his own.

Countless thoughts flashed through Xiao Yu's mind, he couldn't figure out when such a number one person appeared on the mainland.Although Xiao Yu usually doesn't care about the No.1 title of the mainland's younger generation, in his perception, there is indeed no one among the mainland's younger generation who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him, and he is convinced of this Yes, but the appearance of this young man shattered his idea.

"Sure enough, there is a sky beyond the sky, is there someone beyond the human world?"

Xiao Yu calmed down and put those messy years behind him.

His eyes gradually turned cold. At this time, in this place, meeting an enemy who is a little more terrifying than the twin fairies is really the worst thing, but no one can shoot him for no reason, even if this person is more terrifying The same is true for twin fairies being stronger.

He can die standing up, but he can never live on his knees. He is Xiao Yu, the arrogant and mad god, and no one can despise him wantonly.

Sensing the killing intent gradually rising from Xiao Yu's body, the young man was also greatly astonished, and his complexion changed.It was the first time he felt that pure and aggressive killing intent.

He knew that his actions just now had aroused Xiao Yu's anger.


He suddenly threw the long sword into the sky, and after a few rounds, the long sword was inserted straight into the scabbard, returning to the original silence.

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, and the killing intent that was already strong before dissipated a little, and he felt that this young man had no fighting intent.

"This brother!" The young man suddenly cupped his fists and said, "I just wanted to force you back and let you leave Dongjun. I didn't have any malicious intentions. Please don't be so nervous, okay?"

Xiao Yu saw that his expression was sincere, and his words were extremely easy-going, and he didn't seem to be fake, so he lost his aura.

For him, at this moment, finding the soul jade scraps to treat Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu is the top priority, and the rest can be put on hold for now.No matter why this young man attacked him, as long as he has no intention of continuing to attack, Xiao Yu will not chase after him.

No one wants to fight for no reason, let alone a bitter fight that may pay a heavy price.


Although he didn't do anything anymore, it didn't mean that Xiao Yu would give this person a good face. He still had a grudge against the sudden sword strike before.He snorted coldly, ignored the young man, and walked towards the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison, which was filled with thunderous thunder.

"This man is very interesting!"

The young man smiled lightly, looking extremely free and easy.He was not dissatisfied with Xiao Yu's attitude, but anyone would feel resentful towards this inexplicable attack, even him.

"What is he going to do in Nine Heavens Thunder Prison? Is it the same as me?"

The young man stood there without moving, he was guessing the purpose of Xiao Yu's coming here.

"Hey, since you can't figure it out, let me see what's going on. The Nine Heavens Thunder Prison is not a good place. If something goes wrong with him, it's good for me to help!"

Thinking of this, the young man smiled lightly, and followed Xiao Yu not far behind without haste.

(End of this chapter)

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