Chapter 450 God Vein Owner

Xiao Yu naturally knew that the young man was following behind, but the distance between the two was a relatively safe distance. He didn't react too much, but was secretly on guard.

"Have you been locking me with the air machine?" The mysterious young man felt the faint hostility from Xiao Yu, and thought to himself, "This guy is so vigilant!"

The two walked closer and closer to the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison.

With every inch he entered, Xiao Yu felt the power of the thunder go berserk. When he got close to the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison, he already felt an extremely strong sense of oppression. jumped out.

The so-called Nine Heavens Thunder Prison is actually a space filled with violent thunder. This space is self-contained and incompatible with the surrounding environment. There are almost no foreign objects, only the endlessly coiled lightning arcs raging in it.

"This is the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison!"

Xiao Yu fixed his eyes and stopped in his tracks.

The young man was out of position with Xiao Yu, and slowly came forward.His eyes finally moved away from Xiao Yu, and looked at the scene before him.

"It's finally here! Whether it succeeds or not, it depends on this time!"

There was an extremely fanatical light in his eyes, as if he was eagerly looking forward to something.

Xiao Yu glanced at him, and secretly guessed in his heart.

"This person is obviously coming for the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison. What does he want to do?"

The Nine Heavens Thunder Prison is a forbidden place for almost everyone on the Shenwu Continent. Even the peak of the Broken God Realm would not dare to set foot in it, but the strength of the person in front of him is far beyond the peak of the Broken God Realm, and it is unfathomable. Never easy.

"Brother, I really want to know, what are you going to do here? Can you tell me?"

The mysterious young man gave Xiao Yu a friendly smile and asked.

Xiao Yu glanced at him and said indifferently: "Look for something!"

"Oh?" The mysterious young man suddenly became interested, "What are you looking for and you have to come to the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison?"

"Find medicine!"

Xiao Yu obviously didn't want to spend too much time talking with him, both of them came here with a certain purpose, after entering it, they just went their separate ways.

The mysterious young man was a little helpless towards Xiao Yu's indifferent attitude. He had already let go of his figure, and he would hardly talk to people in such a friendly way on weekdays, but Xiao Yu still had that indifferent appearance.

But he really couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart, and continued to ask patiently: "My brother, I don't know what medicine you are looking for? Maybe I can help?"


Hearing this, Xiao Yu raised his brows immediately.The mysterious young man in front of him obviously came from an extraordinary background, otherwise he would never have such terrifying strength. He didn't believe that there was another alien like him in this world.

Since this young man has quite a background, his knowledge must not be too bad. If he can really help him, it will be a good thing.Although Xiao Yu has always been proud, but at this critical moment of saving lives, he would not care too much about accepting help from others.

"I'm looking for Shensoul Jade Chips, do you know something?"

Since he wanted help from others, Xiao Yu was naturally more polite in his words.He could feel that the young man in front of him was indeed not malicious.

"Soul Soul Jade Chips?" The young man was taken aback for a moment, and his expression became a little strange.

"What a pity, what a pity!"

The young man shook his head and sighed repeatedly.

Xiao Yu's heart tightened, he was very worried that the young man said that there is no soul jade crumbs in Jiutianlei Prison, so he would not be wasting precious time in vain.

"Could it be that there are no soul jade crumbs in the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison?"

Xiao Yu's complexion was a little ugly.

Seeing this, the young man waved his hands again and again and said: "Brother, don't be nervous, I don't know if there are any pieces of spirit jade in Jiutianlei Prison, but I have some, but I was in a hurry when I went out this time, and I forgot to bring the space ring. The crumbs are in it, otherwise I can give you the soul jade crumbs directly."

"Do you have soul jade chips?"

Xiao Yu was overjoyed, and looked at the young man eagerly, if what the young man said was true, then he could find medicine to cure Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu without risking entering the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison.It's really the best of both worlds.

"Yes, I do have it, but I didn't bring it with me. It's a pity!"

Only now did Xiao Yu realize that what the young man said was a pity, so he hurriedly asked: "I wonder if you can go home to get the medicine and give it to me to treat my friend. After it is done, I, Xiao Yu, will definitely repay it!"

"Xiao Yu?" The young man was startled, and looked at Xiao Yu with burning eyes, "You are Xiao Yu, the arrogant and crazy god who has been uploaded all over the Shenwu Continent?"

"Not bad!"

Xiao Yu replied.

"No wonder, no wonder!" Now the young man finally knew why Xiao Yu dared to come to Dongjun alone, where the shadow of death was extremely strong.

"Brother Xiao, my name is Yuntian, and I apologize for what happened before!" Yuntian clasped his fists at Xiao Yu again. For young heroes like Xiao Yu who started from "grass roots", he likes to make friends the most. He continued He said, "Of course I can offer you the soul jade crumbs, even as an apology for my previous behavior, but it may take more than a month for me to go home and return to the Shenwu Continent. I wonder if you can wait?"

"More than a month?"

Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed, and his face turned pale with disappointment.

"Brother Yun's kind intentions, I appreciate it, but I can't wait for more than a month. My two friends' souls are damaged, and the medicinal materials must be delivered within half a month before they can be cured, otherwise even the gods will not be able to protect them!"

Xiao Yu sighed, it seemed impossible to place his hope on Yun Tian, ​​he could only focus on the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison.

"That's right." Yun Tian was silent for a moment, before replying, "Brother Xiao, don't worry, if there are soul jade crumbs in the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison, I will definitely get them for you."

"Thank you!"

Xiao Yu clasped his fists at Yun Tian and said gratefully.Through the conversation with Yuntian, he had a good impression of this mysterious young man who suddenly appeared. It stands to reason that at this age, he has strength far beyond the peak of the Broken God Realm. Even if he is not crazy, he is definitely extremely arrogant, but Yuntian None of these things appear, let alone domineering.

"It's easy to say, there is no place in the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison that needs Brother Xiao's help!"

Yun Tian waved his hand, looking at Xiao Yu with a gleam of splendor in his eyes.

At this very moment, Xiao Yu also felt a sudden sensation in his heart, he felt that the divine pulse of the Holy Lord in his chest, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly felt something, and it began to feel hot.

"This feeling is"

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, he had never felt this way before.

Little did he know that Yun Tian in front of him was even more surprised, his heart beating wildly.

He didn't expect that he would meet the owner of the divine vein in a ghostly place like Dongjun.

(End of this chapter)

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