Chapter 45
"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Are... the two adult purple-gold horned lizards dead?"

"how can that be?"

A series of shocked gazes looked at Xiao Yu, most of them came from Diling City branch sect and Tianyun Academy, and the people from Tianwu City branch sect were already mentally prepared, so they were not too shocked.

Xiao Yu looked at the only remaining juvenile Purple Golden Horned Lizard, without any pity in his heart, he appeared on the head of one of them, and punched it down.


A tyrannical elemental force swept away, releasing a powerful and unparalleled air wave from Xiao Yu's fist, and the hard head of the purple-gold horned lizard was blasted into pieces under the air wave.The other purple-gold horned lizard was also doomed, flames rose from Xiao Yu's hands, and a pillar of fire gushed out from its feet, instantly scorching it black.

"He is so strong?"

Liu Piaoxu was the most shocked one. Three years ago, Xiao Yu had just stepped into the Yuan Condensation Realm. Unexpectedly, after three years of absence, Xiao Yu actually walked in front of her. Cultivated to surpass her.

Looking at Xiao Yu's stern expression, Liu Piaoxu felt a throbbing in his heart, it was an inexplicable feeling.

"I'm Mu Feng from Tianyun Academy. Thank you, brother, for your help. You are also a member of the Duanyun sect. I don't know how to call you?"

One of the men at the sixth level of the Broken Yuan Realm from the Tianyun Academy was the first to break away from the shock, and cupped his fists at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu glanced at Mu Feng but didn't answer, instead he stood aside and regarded himself as an outsider.Mu Feng was extremely embarrassed. Xiao Yu didn't seem to take him seriously. Lin Feiyun hurried out, clasped his fists at Mu Feng and said, "It turns out that he is Brother Mu Feng, one of the twin stars of Tianyun Academy. I have admired him for a long time. I It is Lin Feiyun, the captain of the Tianwu City branch sect of Duanyun Sect, and this is Xiao Yu from our branch sect."

"Oh, it turned out to be Brother Lin. Brother Lin's name has been passed down in our Tianyun Academy for a long time!"

Mu Feng also said politely to Lin Feiyun. At the same time, he glanced at Xiao Yu and said in his heart, "Xiao Yu? Why have you never heard of such a number one person in the sect of Duanyun Sect?"

"I'm Hu Bin from Tianyun Academy!"

Another man from the sixth level of the Broken Yuan Realm also stepped forward and introduced himself. Liu Piaoxu naturally introduced himself politely. Xiao Yu stood alone on the side, without the slightest intention to communicate with them.

"Since we all have the same goal this time, why not go forward together, this Death Canyon is full of dangers, so we can take care of each other. What do you two think?"

Lin Feiyun said to Mu Feng and Hu Bin that these two are the strongest and the leaders of Tianyun Academy.

"Of course it's good!"

The two immediately readily agreed, but their eyes secretly turned to the beautiful Liu Piaoxu. The moment they saw Liu Piaoxu just now, they were astonished as heavenly beings. Now they have the opportunity to walk with the beauty. It could not be better.

Liu Piaoxu smiled, but seemed a little absent-minded. Her mind was still on Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu's performance today undoubtedly gave her another strong blow to her self-esteem. She looked down on Xiao Yu before, and once thought Xiao Yu It's trash, but it was such a person who frustrated her continuously, and in the most outrageous and unreasonable way, which made her unable to calm down for a long time.

"Oh, Wu Jingfei, I'm afraid I can't be saved!"

Mu Feng and the others glanced at the frozen figure, and they all sighed secretly. Even Xiao Yu did not expect that the unlucky person who was frozen into ice was taught by him in Tianwu restaurant. Wu Jingfei.

"Let's go, everyone, we can't delay our business."

With a wave of Lin Feiyun's hand, the team of 39 people continued to march towards the direction where the golden light scattered. Along the way, several female students of Tianyun Academy looked curiously at Xiao Yu who was silent. Just now, Xiao Yu killed Zijin with thunder. The horned lizard family, saving them from the dire straits, heroes at this age are the most likely to attract the attention of girls.

"Hehe, it seems that Xiao Yu is quite popular with girls!"

Li Yingyu smiled and joked to Xiao Yu.Yang Xiruo also covered her mouth and laughed.

Xiao Yu turned a deaf ear and walked unhurriedly, but his senses had been put to the maximum, always paying attention to the wind and grass around him. The terrible reputation of Death Valley had to be treated with caution.

After walking for half an hour, the people in front suddenly stopped, and everyone looked forward in surprise.


Lin Feiyun froze on the spot, a very strange thought appeared in his heart.

Liu Piaoxu parted her red lips slightly, and murmured, "It's so beautiful!"

Appearing in front of everyone is a sea of ​​flowers, the flowers inside are colorful, each one is very gorgeous, and the flowers are extremely huge, about the size of an adult's palm, and there is no end in sight when you look at it. In the sky far away from the sea, a golden light kept flickering, and it was obvious that this place must be passed through.

"It's so beautiful, I didn't expect there to be such a beautiful place in Death Canyon!"

Yang Xiruo and Li Yingyu are also in a good mood, they are full of murderous intentions along the way, and it is rare to see a beautiful scenery now.

Xiao Yu scanned the sea of ​​flowers, but his brows were wrinkled. This sea of ​​flowers gave him an extremely depressing feeling, but he couldn't see anything wrong. Every plant was very normal, except for those on the branches. Apart from some thorns, there is nothing suspicious.

"Maybe I'm worrying too much!"

"Let's go, if you want to get to the location of the strange treasure, this is the place you must pass!"

Lin Feiyun, Liu Piaoxu, Mu Feng, and Hu Bin walked into the sea of ​​flowers first.

"Let's go!"

Everyone followed one after another, Xiao Yu asked Yang Xiruo to walk in front of him, he always felt that this sea of ​​flowers was indescribably weird, and he dared not be careless.

All 39 people entered the sea of ​​flowers and walked towards the depths of the sea of ​​flowers.No one noticed that the road behind them was slowly closing, and the plants behind them trembled slightly. There was no wind here, so how could the plants move?
"Xiao Yu, look at these flowers, how beautiful they are!"

Yang Xiruo and Li Yingyu looked around along the way, even picked some flowers and danced around.

Xiao Yu was immersed in his own thoughts: "These flowers look normal, they are all ordinary flowers, and nothing happened to the two of them picking them. Could it be that I am really worrying too much?"

There were also many people picking flowers in front of them like Yang Xiruo and Li Yingyu. The whole sea of ​​flowers was filled with laughter and joy, and they completely forgot about the danger before.

The flower picked by Yang Xiruo and Li Yingyu just now had only a bare receptacle. After everyone walked away, a flower bud suddenly appeared on the bare receptacle. The bud opened quickly, and a bright flower appeared again, not only that , Other picked plants also re-grow flowers, this scene is weird and horrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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