Chapter 46 Fear
Among the vast sea of ​​flowers, the team of 39 people seemed extremely small, like a small snake swimming in it.

"It seems that this sea of ​​flowers is so beautiful that even those dangerous things can't bear to desecrate it!"

Yang Xiruo felt refreshed and said with emotion.This sea of ​​flowers is filled with a faint fragrance, which is refreshing.

Xiao Yu subconsciously immersed himself in this relaxing atmosphere.

"not good!"

Xiao Yu was startled suddenly and shook his head.

"I have experienced life and death in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range for three years. My state of mind should already be as firm as gold and iron. How could I suddenly have such a relaxed state of mind?"

The tip of Xiao Yu's nose moved slightly, he sniffed the fragrance around him vigorously, his face changed slightly.

"There is a slight rancid smell in this aroma, but it is very faint, and ordinary people cannot distinguish it at all."

Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed, and he looked around again.

"This sea of ​​flowers is weird, Xiruo, throw away the flowers and don't touch them again!"

Xiao Yu said to Yang Xiruo.

"Weird? What's so weird, this flower is so beautiful, I won't throw it away!"

Yang Xiruo was not happy, but put the flower on the tip of her nose and sniffed it, with a joyful expression on her face, Li Yingyu was the same, she couldn't put it down.There was coldness in Xiao Yu's eyes.

"Brother Lin, when did Xiao Yu enter your branch sect in Tianwu City?"

Liu Piaoxu, who was walking in front, ignored the frequent gazes of Hu Bin and Mu Feng, and asked Lin Feiyun.

"Brother Xiao, he is a branch sect that just joined! Elder Li Guoxiong personally called the name."

Facing his sweetheart, Lin Feiyun naturally knew everything and said everything.

"I think you guys from the Tianwu City branch sect weren't too surprised when he killed the purple-gold horned lizard just now. Have you seen his strength before?"

Liu Piaoxu asked curiously.

"Indeed, we have seen Brother Xiao make a move before, and we met Lu Changtian on the way to Death Canyon. At that time, Lu Changtian was going to kill us in one fell swoop, but at a critical moment, Brother Xiao shot and beheaded Lu Changtian."

When Lin Feiyun said this, a look of respect appeared on his face. He was indeed convinced by Xiao Yu's strength.

"Lu Changtian?" Liu Piaoxu covered her red lips lightly, and asked, "Lu Changtian, one of the sixteen sons of Tianzong? Was he killed by Xiao Yu?"

"Yes, Brother Xiao put Lu Changtian to death with just a few tricks. This is the first time I have seen someone with such strength among my peers. I am afraid that only the top figures of the younger generation of Tianyun General Academy and the younger generation of our main sect The top figures in the world can be compared with him."

Liu Piaoxu was startled, a little lost.

"I didn't expect Xiao Yu to grow to such an extent!"

Just when Liu Piaoxu was in a trance, she suddenly felt a slight tingling pain on the back of her left hand.


Liu Piaoxu raised her left hand and found a tiny red spot on the back of her hand.

"Strange, something stabbed me!"

Liu Piaoxu looked back subconsciously, and was surprised to find that many people in the team had joyful expressions on their faces, looking very intoxicated, and these people basically held a flower picked from the sea of ​​flowers in their hands.

"What's going on here?"

Liu Piaoxu felt very strange, and was about to ask, only to hear a loud shout from behind Xiao Yu.

"wake up!"

Those who took the flowers were all shocked, and the flowers in their hands fell to the ground.

"Huh? What's going on? Why do I feel as if I fell asleep?"

"Yeah, I just seemed to be dreaming!"

"Strange, wasn't I practicing just now?"

Everyone came back to their senses one after another, with very strange expressions on their faces.

"What happened to me just now?"

Yang Xiruo and Li Yingyu finally recovered and muttered to themselves.

"Just now you fell into some kind of illusion!"

Xiao Yu said coldly.The two were shocked, how could they enter the illusion?

"Be careful, there is something wrong with this sea of ​​flowers!"

Seeing Xiao Yu's serious expression, Yang Xiruo and Li Yingyu nodded.

"Brother Xiao, what happened?"

Lin Feiyun asked after hearing Xiao Yu's shout just now.He knew that Xiao Yu couldn't do such a move for no reason.

"The fragrance of these flowers and the pollen on the flowers will make people fall into illusion. Everyone should stop touching the flowers, even the plants. Move quickly and leave the sea of ​​flowers as soon as possible!"

Although Xiao Yu's voice was not loud, everyone could hear it clearly. Everyone knew that the person who spoke was the one who killed the five purple-gold horned lizards just now, and they all chose to believe it. Law.

"Huh? Why can't my vitality be mobilized?"

"Strange, me too!"

"What's going on? Yuan Qi doesn't listen to my command."

The rising and falling voices filled the sea of ​​flowers, and there was a hint of fear in these voices. Fortunately, the vitality that had been cultivated for more than ten years did not listen to their mobilization at this moment. Nothing scares them more than this.

Lin Feiyun noticed that Liu Piaoxu's face was very ugly, and immediately asked, "Miss Liu, what's wrong with you?"

" vitality can't be mobilized anymore, it's all huddled in the dantian."


Lin Feiyun didn't expect Liu Piaoxu to be one of so many people.

"Xiao Yu, my vitality is out of control!"

"Me too, what should I do?"

Yang Xiruo and Li Yingyu also encountered the same situation.


Xiao Yu stepped forward and grabbed the wrists of the two, and his vitality swam around the two of them.

"The vitality in your body is all shrunk in the dantian, which seems to be caused by some kind of medicine."

Xiao Yu turned down the palms of the two of them again, and found that there was a tiny red spot on the back of their hands.

"what is this?"

"Ah, I was stabbed when I was cauliflower just now."

"Thorns? It seems that the thorns on these flowers are poisonous. This toxin can suppress the vitality in your body and make it impossible for you to mobilize."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he secretly thought that he was careless. He had already sensed that something was wrong when he first came in, but he didn't tell Yang Xiruo, so that now they have all become ordinary people with no strength. Without the slightest resistance.

Xu Tao is naturally one of them. The vitality in his body can't be lifted at all. Just as he was frightened, he suddenly felt something entangled his ankle. He looked down and found that it was a vine as thick as an arm.


Xu Tao only had time to scream, and the vine pulled him suddenly, dragging him into the flowers.Before everyone around him could react, Xu Tao's screams were getting farther and farther away, getting smaller and smaller.

"Xu Tao!"

One of the branch sects of Diling City yelled, he didn't pick flowers, and he wasn't stabbed, and the vitality in his body was still flowing freely. He was about to catch up to rescue Xu Tao, but the surrounding plants suddenly shook violently.

(End of this chapter)

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