Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 452 The Strange 9-Day Thunder Prison

Chapter 452 The Weird Nine Heavens Thunder Prison

"Brother Xiao, did you notice it too?"

Yun Tian admired Xiao Yu's keen perception very much. Many masters are brave but not resourceful. They only have courage, but they don't know how to think about problems and find solutions. Xiao Yu is obviously not this type of person.

"Indeed!" Xiao Yu nodded, "Our divine power is consumed too quickly, this is not in line with common sense!"

The two of them felt something was wrong at the moment just now.Because the power of thunder here is too strong, their physical bodies are not yet strong enough to resist the nine-day thunder, so they both use their divine power to form their own protection.Doing so consumes a lot of divine power, but there is a limit to the speed of consumption, but just now they each felt that the divine power in their bodies was constantly leaking out like flowing water.

Before, because they were all focused on finding things and defending against Thunder, they all ignored this point.

"In this space, something strange is devouring our divine power!"

Xiao Yu said coldly.

Yun Tian didn't speak, but he knew what Xiao Yu said was right. Although the thunder in this place has existed for a long time and has produced spirituality, it is not so terrifying that it will automatically devour people's divine power. All of this is obviously something behind the scenes secretly manipulating.


The two of them were concentrating on each other, one person was in charge of the other, searching for all suspicious things, when suddenly a very shrill and terrifying laughter came.

The laughter was extremely gloomy, like a ghost hissing miserably, slowly drifting out from the depths of the dark Nine Heavens Thunder Prison.

Xiao Yu and Yun Tian looked at each other and nodded.In such a weird place, if they work together, the chances of winning will be much higher. The most frightening thing is that now they don't even know whether their opponents are human or ghosts.


A [-] zhang-sized thunderbolt suddenly fell, bigger than the rest of the lightning arc, and bombarded towards the divine power protection of the two of them. The destructive aura was enough to smash an ordinary God Breaker to pieces.

Just as Xiao Yu was about to make a move, Yun Tian stepped forward, his back shook slightly, and the simple long sword flew out automatically, landing on his slender palm.

He slashed obliquely with his sword, the tip of the sword trembled continuously, and instantly pulled out several sword flowers, which burst out.


The sword flower protruded from the divine power defense, and instantly became larger, forming a huge golden lotus flower.The thunder arc fell and was hitting the lotus.


The lotus rotated violently, and the violent thunder power was completely blocked at the other end.

"Break it for me!"

With a finger of Yuntian's long sword, divine power was poured into it, and the sword energy shot out directly through the golden lotus flower.


With a crisp sound, the mighty thunder was smashed to pieces by this sword energy.

"What a domineering force, this person's comprehension of swords and sword intent is indeed terrifying!"

Xiao Yu looked sideways slightly, the power of this thunderbolt was already equivalent to a full-strength blow by a master of the ninth level of the God Shattering Realm, Yun Tian was able to crush it so lightly, his strength was evident.

Yun Tian blocked the thunder, and he didn't show any joy, on the contrary, his expression was more dignified.

"Brother Yun, what's wrong?"

Xiao Yu realized that something might be wrong with Yuntian, so he hurriedly asked.

"Just now, my divine power loss has accelerated!"

Yun Tian said in a deep voice.

"What?" Xiao Yu was startled, "Could it be that using divine power to attack here will increase the speed of loss?"

"Most likely!"

Yuntian has no other explanation.

The two of them changed color at the same time, and in this way, they were the real danger. Even Yun Tian, ​​who was extremely powerful, felt great pressure.This space seems to be more oppressive to powerful people, and his divine power loss is several times faster than Xiao Yu's.

Just in this half an hour, his strength has been greatly reduced, and even under this extreme environment, he can't exert [-]% of his usual strength.Before Yuntian came here, although he paid great attention to the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison, he never thought that he would encounter such a strange situation in it.

"This remnant of the ancient battlefield is indeed unreasonable."

Yun Tian smiled wryly in his heart, but he was not pessimistic. He and Xiao Yu were the same kind of people, no matter what the situation, they would never lower their proud heads.

Xiao Yu's situation is also not optimistic. Although his divine power is flowing much slower than Yuntian's, it is still flowing outwards and has a huge impact on him.

The two are at an absolute disadvantage now, but they don't even know the reason for the loss of their divine power, let alone what unknown things exist in this space.

Both Yun Tian and Xiao Yu were secretly angry. They were also the top geniuses in the world, experienced in many battles, but this was the first time they encountered such an aggrieved situation.

When Xiao Yu fought against the twin fairies who performed the blood sacrifice technique, although his strength was absolutely suppressed, he didn't feel any disturbance, but the current situation made him feel like he had nowhere to focus his punches.

"I don't believe it, I can't force this hidden thing!"

For the first time, Yuntian's eyes showed coldness, and with a twist of the long sword in his hand, it swept across the top of his head.


The resonant sound of swords overwhelmed the sound of thunder and thunder. For a moment, thousands of sword shadows flew out, and each sword shadow was actually an entity, exuding unparalleled power.

The thunder in the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison was struck by the sword energy, and countless thunder arcs exploded directly, making the deafening bang.


Yun Tian slashed three swords before he stopped. He scanned his surroundings, but he still didn't notice any changes.

"Hmph, if you don't come out, then come again!"

Yun Tian raised his hand and was about to continue attacking, when Xiao Yu stretched out his hand and stopped him.

"Brother Yun, you can't!" Xiao Yu said in a deep voice, "The other party wants to use the power of the thunder here to force us to attack the thunder and consume our divine power. If you continue, it will be exactly what you want."

Yun Tian also calmed down when he heard the words, there was no way out of him to make such a move, he intended to force that hidden thing out.


The eerie laughter came again, Xiao Yu concentrated his listening and listened carefully, Yun Tian also paid attention secretly.

Yun Tian looked at Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu shook his head, just now the voice came from deep in the space, but now it seemed to be coming from all directions, he couldn't distinguish the direction of the voice at all.Moreover, the voice was sobbing and complaining, even men and women could not be distinguished.

"This time, I really encountered big trouble!"

Yun Tian smiled slightly, even though he said so, there was no look of fear on his face.

"Brother Xiao, shall we retreat?"

Yun Tian asked, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Let's go?" Xiao Yu grinned, "Brother Yun's answer should be the same as mine, so why ask again?"

The two looked at each other and laughed out loud at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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