Chapter 453 Human face
Xiao Yu and Yun Tian are both the top geniuses in the world, and each of them has unrivaled heroism. Although they are in a dangerous situation, neither of them will back down.They came here with their own goals in mind, and they will never give up until they achieve their goals.

Even if the front is Asura Purgatory, they still have to make a breakthrough.

Xiao Yu and Yun Tian looked at each other and smiled, a kind of arrogance of fighting against each other rose in their hearts, they hadn't had this feeling of fighting side by side for a long time.

After Xiao Yu came out of the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, he has always fought against the enemy alone. No matter how many people are around him, he has never sought help from others. No matter how many enemies he faces, he will fight alone. .

This is true in the field of the Emperor of War, it is true when the five major families besiege him, it is true when rescuing Rufumen, and it is true when rescuing those possessors of special physiques captured by the "Dark Prison", whether it is one-on-one or outnumbered Everyone, he has never teamed up with anyone.

The same is true for Yuntian, he has been vigorously cultivated by his family since he was a child, and his strength is far beyond that of his peers, and he has directly caught up with the masters of the older generation.Although he has a family background, he has never used it when encountering problems, and has always relied on himself to solve the troubles. To a certain extent, he is very similar to Xiao Yu.

But in this strange place, the two formed an alliance without any warning, and there was no sense of rejection in their hearts.

Everyone says that geniuses and geniuses compete with each other, but sometimes, heroes and heroes are sympathetic to each other.

"It's an honor to be able to fight side by side with Aotian Kuangshen of Shenwu Continent!"

At this time, Yun Tian still did not forget to chat with Xiao Yu.

"Judging from Brother Yun's tone, you don't seem to be from the Shenwu Continent!"

At this time, Xiao Yu also asked the question in his heart in a timely manner.

"Hey, let's talk about this later!"

Yuntian didn't deny it, nor did he answer directly.Xiao Yu knew that he must have his own difficulties, so he didn't ask.

The two opened a little distance to expand the induction circle without delaying their mutual rescue.

Although they are proud, in this case, they don't have full confidence to continue the attack from the mysterious existence.

This is like two ordinary adults of similar strength, one is full of wine and food, and waits for work, while the other has been hungry for a few days, and his mental state is also in a slump. If the two are fighting together at this time, it is obviously a The former has a great chance of winning.

But both Xiao Yu and Yun Tian are people with a lot of variables, especially Xiao Yu, it is common for him to leapfrog and kill opponents in his disabled state.Whether it was the blood evil emperor back then or the twin fairies not long ago, they were all victims of his heaven-defying ability.

"Jie Jie!"

The originally stern and miserable smile turned into a cold and strange smile, which came from all directions.


Xiao Yu sneered, and punched out, attacking a black arc of lightning on the left side of his head.

He has been paying attention to the black lightning arc since just now, and he found that every time a sound appears, it will be accompanied by black lightning arcs of different degrees, so he guessed that the black lightning arc and the sound should have an inseparable relationship Segmented associations.


The black thunder arc was struck by Xiao Yu's fist, only a very strange sound was heard, the black thunder arc suddenly jumped up, the space around Xiao Yu and Yun Tian also wriggled strangely, and suddenly, the thunder was chaotic.The ground they were on was stirred by the thunder, cracking countless cracks.

Seeing this, the two jumped on their tiptoes at the same time, leaving the previous ground.


The land in front of them sank directly, and a larger black arc of lightning rose directly from the ground, lifting the entire piece of land into the air, and under the scorching of lightning, the scorched earth filled the sky.

Neither Xiao Yu nor Yun Tian moved, both of them focused on the huge black lightning arc rising continuously.In this lightning arc, there is an evil and cold fluctuation escaping outward.

"Jie Jie, I never imagined that you, a kid who is no more than the second level of the Broken God Realm, would be able to discover the real body of this seat!"

The familiar voice came from the huge black lightning arc, Xiao Yu and Yun Tian's eyes were fixed.

"The Lord has finally appeared!"

There was a cold light in the eyes of both of them. If they didn't force this existence out, it would be difficult for them to deal with it, but if they let it show up, then things would be much easier.

"What is sneaky, get out quickly!"

Yun Tian's tone was neither angry nor complaining, but it was filled with an indescribable power.

Xiao Yu's divine power was already in the palm of his hand, he didn't have too much time to waste here, as soon as he showed his real body, he would directly attack.


The black lightning arc suddenly exploded, and the surrounding lightning was affected and stirred crazily. Tens of thousands of lightning arcs were entangled together, exuding terrifying coercion. The faces of Xiao Yu and Yun Tian, ​​whose strength had been greatly weakened, became dignified.

A pitch-black air mass appeared hundreds of feet in front of the two of them, and a human face slowly appeared in the center of the air mass. It was the face of a middle-aged man, surrounded by thunder and lightning, stirring constantly, as if respecting him as the king.

"Powerful Punch!"

Xiao Yu stomped the sole of his foot, and before the man could speak, his figure shot out with lightning, and instantly bullied the man, his fist wrapped in a light blue air mass suddenly blasted out.


There was a weird smile on that face, Xiao Yu was startled, those lightning arcs wrapped around the face suddenly changed direction, turned into a long whip of thunder, and swept towards Xiao Yu's fist.


Xiao Yu's whole body went numb all of a sudden, and his brain fell into a blank state for an instant. In just a moment, he was already awake, but his figure was involuntarily knocked out.

"Brother Xiao!"

Yun Tian was about to rescue him when suddenly thousands of thunderbolts fell from around him, forming a thundercage and trapping him inside.


Xiao Yu turned upside down, with the soles of his feet on the ground, his body slanted against the ground and shot backwards. Thunderbolts fell in front of him continuously, bombarding every inch of the ground.

When he retreated, he retreated tens of thousands of feet, and those thunderbolts stopped chasing just now.He squinted and saw that the entire right sleeve had disappeared, and his right arm had turned into scorched black.

"What a violent thunder!"

Xiao Yu felt dark in his heart.


The sound of the sword sounded again, and Yun Tian's figure transformed into hundreds of afterimages, each of which maintained a movement of swinging the sword. In an instant, countless sword shadows directly tore the cage apart like a meat grinder.Yun Tian was able to get out of trouble, and appeared beside Xiao Yu in a flash.

"Brother Xiao, are you okay?"

He looked at Xiao Yu's completely scorched arm, and said in a deep voice.

"I'm fine!"

Xiao Yu shook his head, his arm trembled, those scorched parts were turned into pieces and peeled off, revealing the brand new skin.

The blow just now didn't really hurt him.

(End of this chapter)

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