Chapter 454 Remnant Soul?

Xiao Yu fixed his eyes on the ball of black gas, and the human face on it kept wriggling, looking hideous and terrifying.

Seeing that Xiao Yu was fine, Yun Tian felt relieved, but then his face became serious.

Just a moment ago, this strange human face actually used the thunder in this space to attack Xiao Yu and block him at the same time. This method can be called terrifying.

"Jie Jie, the two little boys are not bad!"

The huge black mouth of that human face opened and closed, making an extremely eerie sound, and the surrounding thunder continued to riot, exuding a destructive aura.

The power of nature, if it really comes to speed and destructive power, thunder should be the first.

A place like Nine Heavens Thunder Prison, which is filled with the power of thunder, is almost lifeless, and even a small piece of grass on the ground cannot be left.Xiao Yu and Yun Tian were in it, and their divine power and vitality were declining rapidly.

"What the hell are you!"

Yun Tian raised his eyebrows, and the strange lines on his right shoulder trembled slightly, releasing a strange wave, extending along the thunder.

That human face didn't seem to be aware of it. He stood in the air, surrounded by thunders protecting him layer by layer. Under such circumstances, neither Xiao Yu nor Yun Tian could cause substantial damage to him.

"Is it a remnant soul?"

Yun Tian's expression froze suddenly, looking extremely surprised.

Xiao Yu looked at Yun Tian, ​​wanting to get an answer from his mouth.

Yun Tian said in a deep voice: "This thing is a remnant soul, but it is different from the rest of the remnant souls. He has a physical body, and his strength and resistance are hundreds of times stronger than the remnant souls in the middle of Dongjun. It's my illusion, his power seems to have the taste of my divine power."

Xiao Yu didn't question Yun Tian's words. Since Yun Tian said so, he must have a special way to sense this ghost thing. In the dark air mass, Xiao Yu also felt something similar to his own divine power.

"Hey, Xiaowa who is at the peak of the God-shattering Realm, it's really interesting to think that there are such geniuses in today's mainland!"

The human face squirmed again, and said with a strange smile, "Jie Jie, if I occupy your body, then I will definitely restore my peak strength, and then the entire continent will be in my hands, hahaha!"

His maniacal laughter shook the thunder around him, and the thunder roared.

Xiao Yu was slightly startled, even though he had sensed it before, he couldn't help being shocked now.Yuntian's strength has actually reached the peak of the God-breaking Realm, which can almost sweep the entire Shenwu Continent.

"No wonder I thought he was more dangerous than the twin fairies who performed the blood sacrifice!"

Xiao Yu nodded secretly in his heart. Although Yuntian and the twin fairies who sacrificed their vitality to restore their peak strength were both at the peak of the God-breaking Realm, but the twin fairies were remnant souls, while Yuntian was a real person. There must be a gap between the two, so Yun Tian gave Xiao Yu a stronger sense of danger than Twin Fairies.

Not only Xiao Yu was shocked, but Yun Tian himself was also shocked.

"Are you able to see through my strength?"

He originally thought that this remnant soul was just some special method that could mobilize the power of thunder, but he didn't expect that even his eyesight and judgment were so vicious. He could almost conclude that this remnant soul must have been a strong man who surpassed the peak of the God Breaking Realm before he was alive , is very likely to be a genuine Yuanshen Realm legendary master.

He didn't know the specifics of the ancient war, but he could get a glimpse of one or two from the written records. Among other things, the masters in the ancient times were far more advanced than today in terms of level and number.

A legendary powerhouse in the Yuanshen realm, looking at it now, is definitely an invincible existence. Even in his huge family, there are no more than one such master.

Xiao Yu also thought of this point, being able to see through Yun Tian's true cultivation at a glance, how could such an existence be a good match?

"Who the hell are you?"

Yuntian's family is extremely large and powerful, and naturally has many records of powerful people from the ancient times. He really wants to know who is this remnant soul in front of him.

"Little boy, it seems that your background is not simple!"

The face clearly saw Yun Tian's purpose, and said with interest.

"I don't care who you are!" At this moment, Xiao Yu stood up with a cold face.

"I just want to know if there are any soul jade crumbs in the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison!"

The human face paused immediately, and looked at Xiao Yu with a very strange look.

"Spiritual Jade Chips? You came here with a second-level cultivation of the Broken God Realm, just to find the Divine Soul Jade Chips?"

He originally thought that Xiao Yu came here to find that thing, but Xiao Yu didn't know the existence of that thing at all.

He suddenly understood that although Xiao Yu and Yun Tian were on the same side, their goals were completely different.

"Do you know the existence of the soul jade chips?"

Xiao Yu's eyes were scorching, and the divine power in his body was already agitated uncontrollably.

"Spiritual Soul Jade, I don't know!" The man said with a smile, "But I have a piece of Divine Soul Jade here, what a coincidence!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a faint purple light suddenly burst out from the pitch-black air mass, and an item containing extreme aura was separated from it, Xiao Yu and Yun Tian could see it clearly.

"Soul Soul Jade?"

Xiao Yu's face showed joy. The Shensoul Jade drawn on the blueprint that Yao Wang gave him was the same as the object floating in the air. He had read it dozens of times and would never admit his mistake.


Xiao Yu's figure flashed, and he had already appeared beside Shenpoyu, and he reached out with one hand.Yun Tian also made a wrong step, leaving only an afterimage on the spot, which appeared around Shenpoyu together with Xiao Yu.Although the thing he is looking for has not yet been revealed, but he promised Xiao Yu that if he sees the Soul Soul Jade, he will definitely help him get it. He is a man like Yuntian, and he will never break his promise.

Just when Xiao Yu was about to grab the Soul Jade, there was a sudden thunder.


Rolling thunder struck from all directions, and the protective power of the two of them was squeezed in an instant, and the circular circle of divine power was immediately compressed into an oval shape.

"The waning moon!"

With a low shout, Yun Tian swept his long sword across, and a crescent-shaped sword light swept out, resisting all those violent thunders.Xiao Yu also punched hard with his left fist, blocking the thunder coming from his side, while his right hand still grabbed at Shenpoyu.


At this moment, Shenpoyu seemed to be drawn by some kind of force, and flew out automatically, dodging Xiao Yu's palm, and flew directly back into the pitch-black air mass.


Xiao Yu snorted coldly, stepped on the void with his feet, turned upside down in the air, and pointed his palm at the face.

"Secret shot!"

A light blue light beam shot straight out from Xiao Yu's palm, the speed was so fast that people couldn't react.

(End of this chapter)

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