Chapter 461

Inside the Orchid Gate, Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu looked like two sleeping beauties, lying quietly on the bed.The room they are in now is the most prosperous in the entire Lanhua Gate.

Ever since they knew about the relationship between the two girls and Xiao Yu, no one in the Orchid Sect dared to belittle or neglect these two, including Bai Lanhua, the founder of the Orchid Sect.

Bai Lanhua's figure was a little more illusory than it was half a month ago. She stood beside the two girls' beds with a blank expression on her face, but she was faintly worried in her heart.Although Xiao Yu is very powerful, the soul jade chips and Xiulong fruit are rare treasures, so it is not easy to find them?If Xiao Yu had a way to deal with it from the beginning, he should have returned by now, but seven days have passed, and there is still no news from Xiao Yu.This shows how tricky it is.

Behind Bai Lanhua, two elders, Red Flower and Green Leaf, are waiting. They are currently the highest ranking people in the Lanhua sect.

"Patriarch, how are the two of them doing?"

They are very concerned about the situation of Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu, because these two people have already obtained the inheritance of Bai Lanhua's skills. If they can recover, they will naturally practice at a rapid pace in the future. After the two of them have achieved great success, Lanhua will benefit the most Door.What's more, there is an extremely terrifying arrogant mad god behind them.

But if the two of them die together, everything will be in vain.

"Their condition is fairly stable. I have used secret methods to nourish their spirits, but if they want to recover, they have to wait until Xiao Yu retrieves the medicine. That is a crucial part."

After Bai Lanhua finished speaking, she suddenly turned her head and looked at the two people on the bed.

Yang Xiruo didn't make any movement, but Liu Piaoxu swayed her head from side to side, her fingers trembled slightly, and there was a trace of anxiety on her face.

"Xiao Yu!"

She parted her red lips slightly, and spit out two words.

Bai Lanhua frowned slightly, poked her palm, and divine power entered Liu Piaoxu's body, sensing it carefully.

She noticed that Liu Piaoxu's spirit fluctuated greatly, and she was shocked. Such a situation was not conducive to the rest of the spirit.


She tapped her fingers lightly, and tapped the six big acupoints on Liu Piaoxu's body back and forth. Liu Piaoxu, who was extremely anxious, finally calmed down, but although her body did not move, she still murmured softly.

"Xiao Yu?"

Bai Lanhua poked her head over and finally heard what she was saying.

"Is she worried about Xiao Yu?"

Bai Lanhua was taken aback for a moment, then thought of a possibility, she immediately stayed where she was.


The shock in her heart was really not small, Liu Piaoxu's performance was enough for that extremely rare telepath.

Spiritual power and soul power are both mysterious and difficult to understand, and they are also something that can be encountered but not sought after.In ancient times, there were also masters of spiritual cultivation, and Bai Lanhua had seen several of them.

Psychics are all born, no one can become a Psychic through acquired training, this is more demanding than a soul power practitioner, and there is no special way to cultivate spiritual power, you can only rely on yourself To comprehend fusion and enhance one's own spiritual power.Therefore, telepaths are also called "people who can't take off".

Because they can't speed up the growth of mental power, they can only progress step by step and leave everything to time.Therefore, almost all the masters of the spiritual sense are old people.But their power is truly terrifying.

When Bai Lanhua thought that Liu Piaoxu might be a telepath, she felt a burst of joy. A girl with such qualifications, as long as she was given time, would definitely grow into a terrifying supreme master.

"She called Xiao Yu, could it be that Xiao Yu is in danger?"

Bai Lanhua immediately thought of the reason here. If Liu Piaoxu is really a practitioner of spiritual power, then she has a very close relationship with Xiao Yu, and it is very likely that she left a trace of spiritual power on Xiao Yu's body unintentionally. When it comes to danger, she will sense it.

"Xiao Yu, everything is up to you!"

Although Bai Lanhua was very surprised that Xiao Yu was in danger, she obviously couldn't do anything under the current situation.The existence that can push Xiao Yu into a desperate situation, now she is just a remnant soul, obviously it is impossible to resist.

"Brother Xiao!"

In the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison, Yun Tian struggled desperately, trying to break free from those thunder arcs, but the harder he tried, the tighter the thunder arcs tightened.

Amidst the smoke and dust, Xiao Yu's aura gradually became silent, and streaks of dazzling thunder light escaped from it.

"Don't waste your energy!" Yuan Bin's voice came from above, and said to Yuntian, "My Lei Juetian Lock, the harder you try to break free, the more you mobilize your divine power, it will only increase their strength. The tighter it binds you."

Yun Tian ignored Yuan Bin, and fixed his eyes on the place where Xiao Yu was. He really wanted to know what happened to Xiao Yu.

"Huh, it's ridiculous!" Yuan Bin sneered, "I can't protect myself, and I want to control others!"

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and a large semicircular crater appeared in front of his eyes. Xiao Yu's clothes were torn, his trouser legs were also slightly damaged, and he fell to the bottom covered in blood.

A trace of thunder arcs were still running around on him, but he remained motionless and did not respond at all.

"Brother Xiao!"

Yun Tian turned pale with shock, such a serious injury shocked even him, he could imagine that if that shot landed on him, his fate would be no better than Xiao Yu's.

"Delusion to attack me? This is the end!" Yuan Bin said coldly, "Do you think you can defeat me by forcing my real body out with the power of your soul? If you can defeat me by such means, then I will You have died thousands of times in the ancient times! Your soul power has not yet reached its peak, how can I be too jealous?"

Yun Tian withdrew his gaze, and looked at Yuan Bin with extremely cold eyes. What Yuan Bin said was right, his soul power has not reached a great achievement, it can only be regarded as a minor success, and he still cannot use his soul power to directly attack At the point where the remnant soul attacks, if it is forced to do so, it is likely to be backlashed, causing damage to its own spirit.

But now he has changed his mind, Xiao Yu has been severely injured, and his life is unknown.He has no choice but to give it a go now.Only in this way can he and Xiao Yu's lives be saved.

He closed his eyes again, and the power of the soul spread out from his body again. He had made up his mind to do everything he could, and wanted to make a dangerous move, using the power of the soul to attack for the first time.

Yuan Bin was secretly happy in his heart, as long as Yuan Bin took the risk of attacking him with the power of his soul, he would be sure to use the thunder here to severely injure his soul, and then he could take advantage of the opportunity to invade his body and gain control of the body.

This battle seemed to have reached a fever pitch, and every step of the way was frightening.

(End of this chapter)

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