Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 462 Those who block the way, die

Chapter 462 Those who block the way, die


The invisible power of the soul soared into the sky, and Yuntian had mobilized all the power of the soul to form a translucent spiral object.


The thunder rolled, and Yuan Bin was surrounded by thousands of thunders, staring at Yuntian coldly.

"Little boy, don't think that you are still standing, that is your ability, I just took a fancy to your body that knows how to use the power of the soul, that's why I kept you, otherwise, your fate will definitely be worse than yours. The one next to it is even more miserable, hahaha!"

Yuan Bin laughed unscrupulously, without Xiao Yu's assistance, he thought that Yun Tian alone could no longer pose a threat to him.

"Hmph!" Yun Tian closed his eyes, but he was very clear about his contempt for Yuan Bin.

He thought to himself: "You will definitely pay the price for your conceit!"

Yun Tian suddenly opened his eyes, and the spiral object was spinning rapidly and was about to fly out.


A soft sound came from beside him, both Yun Tian and Yuan Bin were startled, they both looked into the pothole at the same time.

A blood-stained palm was already on the ground, and Xiao Yu slowly got up amidst the horrified expressions of the two.

He was covered in blood, and his handsome face was so soaked in blood that he couldn't see his original face clearly. His slightly trembling body showed that his body was overwhelmed and seemed to fall down at any time.

But his eyes exuded a terrifying aura like a peerless beast, very fierce.

"Brother Yunyun! Stop!"

It was extremely difficult for Xiao Yu to even lift his arms, his voice was intermittent and reached Yun Tian's ears.

Yun Tian's heart trembled violently, Xiao Yu turned his head, with a stubbornness in his eyes, he said in a low voice: "Give him to me!"

Yuan Bin was also speechless by this scene, Xiao Yu's tenacity was really beyond imagination.Anyone who has witnessed all of Xiao Yu's battle experiences will be familiar with it. Whether it is the blood fiend, the siege of the five major families, or the terrifying twin fairies, none of these have really knocked Xiao Yu down. Pass.He will always stand up again at the most critical moment and stand tall in this world.

"Brother Xiao, you."

Yun Tian was greatly shocked by Xiao Yu's firm eyes, and the power of his soul also sank down and retracted into his body.

Although he didn't know if Xiao Yu had any means, but just this look was enough to make him respect Xiao Yu's decision, even if Xiao Yu would die in the end, he would still let him fight Yuan Bin first, This is respect for the strong.

No matter what Xiao Yu's strength is, this look alone is enough to bear all the respect.

"I see!"

Yun Tian nodded, he made up his mind that if Xiao Yu died, he would definitely avenge Xiao Yu, even if he paid his own life.This young man who had known each other for less than a day had already left a deep imprint on his heart, and he had already regarded Xiao Yu as a life-and-death friend in his heart.

"Thank you!"

A smile appeared on Xiao Yu's blood-stained face, he stretched out his hand, and wiped away the blood covering his eyes, those chilling eyes looked at Yuan Bin.

After the shock, Yuan Bin finally came back to his senses, and when he heard Xiao Yu's words, he showed a strange smile.

"I really have to admire your courage, little boy, you can't even stand upright now, and you still want to fight me?"

Yuan Bin's tone was a little contemptuous, but it did not have the naked mockery before. For Xiao Yu's perseverance, even as an enemy, he also developed admiration.

"No one can block my way!"

Xiao Yu supported the ground with one hand, and put the other hand on his thigh. A strange wave went from his feet to the top of his head. A powerful light burst out from his body. Healing, its aura that has fallen into the clouds is also slowly picking up.

"This is."

Both Yuan Bin and Yun Tian were horrified. Neither of them had seen such a speed of recovery.


When Xiao Yu's injuries were completely healed, he let out a low cry, and a light blue light burst out from his body again, and his divine power recovered [-]% in an instant.


This time, both Yuntian and Yuan Bin showed a dull expression, their brains were a little unable to function.

The energy between heaven and earth is mostly aura, and it is precisely because people can absorb aura that they can produce martial arts. The aura enters the body, and it is transformed into vitality at the first stage, and then it will become more pure divine power .

Everyone absorbs spiritual energy at different speeds, so the speed of cultivation is also fast and slow, this is the so-called talent.As for the recovery of vitality or divine power, it also depends on the speed of its absorption of external aura.Those who are faster will naturally recover their strength earlier.

But everything has its limit, and the speed of absorbing aura is the same. Some special exercises can increase the speed of absorption and restore aura quickly. Some pills can also achieve this effect, but no matter what it is, it is impossible to Xiao Yu probably recovered [-]% in an instant.


At this moment, Yun Tian only had this evaluation of Xiao Yu in his heart. There were too many secrets about Xiao Yu that made him look sideways, and the existence of the Divine Vein of the Sacred Venerable came after him.

"how is this possible?"

Yuan Bin is well-informed, but he has never encountered such a thing.

Xiao Yu raised his head, and there was fire in his eyes, as if a ball of flames were burning in his eyes.

"If you stand in my way, you will die!"

Xiao Yu's indifferent voice came out slowly, echoing in this space, Yun Tian firmly believed in these words.

Yuan Bin's human face was slightly distorted, and he said coldly: "Big words! Little boy, don't think that you can compete with me if you recover [-]% of your divine power. As long as these thunders are under my control, you will still die after all." inside."

"Hmph!" Xiao Yu grinned, revealing a stern smile, "What you said is indeed true, but what if these thunders are out of your control? Then do you still have the right to fight with me?"

"Out of my control?" Yuan Bin was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly, "It's really funny. Can Lei Ting, which I, General Lei Yuan Bin has already controlled, be captured? It's ridiculous!"

However, Yun Tian frowned slightly and looked at Xiao Yu. He knew very well that Xiao Yu would never target the target indiscriminately. He naturally had his own means when he said so.But he also had some doubts in his heart. Logically speaking, under such circumstances, Yuan Bin's control was impeccable. He really wanted to know what method Xiao Yu would use to seize Thunder.

"Really?" Xiao Yu said noncommittally.

(End of this chapter)

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