Chapter 469 Spirit Mountain

"Seeing that you are all right, I am also relieved. The alliance concerns the entire continent, and I must go!"

Xiao Yu stood up, the softness in his eyes dissipated, replaced by a cold murderous aura.

At this moment, both Liu Piaoxu and Yang Xiruo knew that the cruel and cruel Aotian Kuangshen had returned.

"I'm leaving!"

Without looking back, Xiao Yu directly stepped out of the gate of Huajian Pavilion.

As soon as the real wind howled, he had already soared into the sky.

"He's gone again!"

Yang Xiruo sighed, looking lonely and helpless.

"One day, we will follow behind him so that he can't get rid of us!"

Liu Piaoxu smiled faintly, a smile that was more beautiful than a flower bud.

On a huge mountain range thousands of miles away from the Haimiao Empire, 20 people sat on the ground with ugly faces. They released supernatural power from their bodies, completely covering the entire sky, forming an extremely thick barrier of divine power.

The leader is the head of the Liufengmen, Long Xiaotian, and the rest are all leaders of first-class forces who have formed an alliance with the Liufengmen.These characters, who usually see their heads and tails, are all gathered together at this moment.

They joined together to destroy the first-class forces dominated by the "Dark Prison". At first, they went smoothly and destroyed more than 20 first-class forces along the way, but in a battle against the "Six Strings Gate", they But encountered unprecedented resistance.

In that battle, the god-shattering masters appeared very abruptly, each of them appeared out of nowhere, and there were more than a dozen god-shattering masters in Liuxianmen, which was originally inconspicuous among the first-class forces.

Long Xiaotian led more than 20 god-breaking masters in the alliance to fight hard, and finally crushed them to retreat, and finally crushed the six-string door so hard that they couldn't lift their heads. It was also there that they rescued a people.

Retreating from the Liuxian Gate, Long Xiaotian and his group originally planned to go back to the Liuxian Gate to recuperate before moving on, but on the way, they were besieged from all directions. They carried out an onslaught of devastation.

Fortunately, Long Xiaotian and his group were stronger than the besieging masters of the God-shattering realm, so they retreated while fighting, and slowly retreated into the elf mountain range, which was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Legend has it that in ancient times, there lived a mysterious elf in the Elven Mountain. After his death, his body turned into a mountain, which increased the original area of ​​the mountain. All the blood flowing from his body entered the mountain, making the whole mountain extremely hard. Unless it is an attack by a master of the God-shattering Realm, it cannot cause the slightest damage to the mountain at all.This is also the reason why Long Xiaotian and others chose Elf Mountain to avoid.

They set up a barrier of divine power on the Elf Mountain to resist attacks from the outside world, and a group of more than 20 people could get a chance to breathe.

As long as the barrier of divine power is not broken, the enemies outside will not be able to enter the hinterland of the mountain range. This is where the Elf Mountain is easy to defend but difficult to attack.


Dozens of tyrannical divine power bombarded the divine power barrier they erected, and everyone showed a bit of struggling expression.

"Master Long Xiaotian, if this continues, we will be exhausted. There are too many of them, and we won't last long!"

Elder Huali beside Long Xiaotian said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Long Xiaotian, if this continues, we will really die here!"

The person next to him, with a rough appearance, called Long Xiaotian by name, he was the King of War who was knocked unconscious by Xiao Yu's punch back then.

"I know what you said!" Long Xiaotian sighed, "But now we have no choice. If we leave here, we will die faster. The only way now is to stay here and wait for rescue!"

"Rescue?" Zhan Wang felt a little ridiculous, "Nine out of ten masters in the God Breaking Realm in the alliance, only Elder Long Xiu from your Liufengmen is still in Liufengmen. How can there be rescue at this time?"

Hua Li's eyes suddenly brightened, and he suddenly realized: "Could it be that the rescue mentioned by the Dragon Gate Master is the arrogant mad god?"

Hearing the four words "Aotian Kuangshen", everyone was shocked and felt that they had gained some confidence.

Indeed, if Xiao Yu came, not to mention being able to win the decisive battle with these sixty Broken God Realm, at least he would be able to tear a gap for them, allowing them to escape.

Hearing this name, Zhan Wang also fell silent, Xiao Yu cast a shadow on him too much.Speaking of which, he would rather face the siege of these sixty masters of the God Breaking Realm than face Xiao Yu alone.

"Everyone, calm down and defend. I believe the alliance has received the news that we are under siege, and has found a way to report to Xiao Daxia. As long as we persevere, we can wait for him!"

Long Xiaotian had no choice but to boost everyone's morale and strengthen their defenses.

After hearing this, everyone remained silent, and everyone released their usual 120 strength to defend.

Hearing the words "Xiao Daxia", the eyes of one of them who didn't make any movement lit up.Strange to say, this person was in their protection circle, but he didn't contribute anything. He didn't have any divine power or vitality fluctuations on his body. He seemed to be an ordinary person who didn't know how to cultivate.


Dozens of divine powers smashed on the protective cover again, shaking the entire mountain range, but there was no damage at all. The Elven Mountain really lived up to its reputation.

"Hey, they're not out yet!"

In the sky outside the Elf Mountain, a black shadow stood in the void. They all looked indifferent, and their bodies exuded a faint black air, as if they had been lifted by some kind of substance.

One by one looked fiercely at the solid barrier in the hinterland of the elf mountain, revealing bloodthirsty eyes.

These are all leaders of first-class forces, and all of them are considered first-class masters on the mainland, but now it seems that their sanity seems to be a little different from the past.One of them turned out to be Fan Liangji, the suzerain of the Gun Sect.

He was a completely different person from when he saw the "Halberd Monster" a few days ago, neither his expression nor his eyes were the same person, all he could see was the strong murderous aura.

Among these people, no matter who they were, they were regarded as the respected masters of the generation before, but now they are just like bloody and brutal murderers.

"Continue to bombard and kill them all!"

Fan Liangji's eyes flashed fiercely, and with a swipe of his palm, a divine light gun appeared in his hand.

"Gun flash, burst gun!"

The light gun exploded in an instant, and under the urging of Fan Liangji, it pierced through the space and pierced directly on the divine power barrier.


The divine power barrier trembled slightly, and circles of ripples spread outward from the hit point.

(End of this chapter)

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