Chapter 470 Darkness Comes

Long Xiaotian naturally felt the huge pressure coming from outside, and he snorted coldly, his divine power was shocked, and he pointed at the place where he was hit.


The divine power pierced through the barrier and bounced the divine power light gun back into the sky.

"Good come!"

Fan Liangji, the patriarch of the Gun Sect, changed his previous timidity and showed a sly smile. With a flash of his figure, he grabbed the divine light gun that was shooting backwards with one hand, and stabbed it down suddenly.

"Dragon Slaying Sword!"

Long Xiaotian flipped one hand, and a domineering long sword appeared in his hand, it was the world-famous Dragon Slaying Sword.He stepped out in a flash, approached the divine power barrier, and stabbed Fan Liangji straight with his sword.


The divine power spewed out, the sword light suddenly rose, and a little cold glow appeared in the air. An orange-yellow sword energy protruded from the divine power barrier, and collided with the long spear stabbed by Fan Liangji.


Long Xiaotian was shocked all of a sudden, and spat out a mouthful of blood.In the confrontation with Fan Liangji, Long Xiaotian was completely at a disadvantage.

A cold light flashed in Fan Liangji's eyes, and the light gun in his hand shone even brighter. Just as he was about to continue chasing, the divine power barrier suddenly closed.


He shot at the barrier of divine power, and the barrier of divine power condensed by twenty god-shattering masters produced a huge shock, his body trembled, and he flipped into the air.

"We're going too!"

The rest of the God-shattering masters who participated in the siege swarmed up, and everyone displayed their tyrannical martial arts skills, overwhelmingly blasting at the divine power barrier formed by the masters of the God-shattering alliance.


Dozens of attacks slanted down, and the strength they possessed could be heard from the dull sound. The divine power barrier fluctuated violently. Huali, Zhanwang and others below all gritted their teeth and endured the wave after wave. attack.

"I'll see how long you can last!"

Fan Liangji's eyes became darker and fiercer, he rushed down again with a light gun in his hand, and joined the attacking ranks.

"Hmph, this so-called alliance's vain attempt to remove our power is nothing but a dream!"

Not far away, twenty figures stayed in the sky, looking at Fan Liangji and others.All of them had extremely strong evil spirits, and judging by the fluctuations in their bodies, they were more powerful than Fan Liangji and others.It is not difficult to hear from their tone that they are all people from the "dark prison".

"It's really interesting to watch these so-called first-class forces in the mainland compete with each other!"

"Indeed, this kind of dog-eat-dog situation is rare!"

Each of them is the source of provoking first-class forces to attack each other, and behind them stands a first-class force dominated by the "dark prison".

This encirclement of Long Xiaotian and others was also jointly initiated by them.Fu Cangsheng and others have disappeared, but this does not mean that the "dark prison" will remain silent forever.Each of them has their own mission, and to firmly control the first-class forces is the mission given to them by Fu Cangsheng.

"Looking at it like this, Long Xiaotian and the others won't be able to hold on for long. After finishing them off, we'll go straight to Liufengmen, the headquarters of the alliance, and raze that place to the ground!"

A man in black with a hoarse voice said coldly.

"No!" The other person suddenly said, "Don't forget what His Holiness told us before he left. He told us not to touch Liu Fengmen easily!"

"Why?" The black-robed man was a little puzzled, "Long Xiaotian and others are the top forces of Liufengmen, as long as they are all solved, there will be only one Longxiu left in Liufengmen, and there will be more people left at that time." Who can stop me from waiting?"

"Idiot!" Another person shouted, "Don't forget how the three ruthless, righteous and moral ambassadors died."

Hearing these three names, the black-robed man was stunned. He thought of an extremely terrifying enemy. That person and their "dark prison" were real enemies. I don't know how many masters of the "dark prison" have died in the "dark prison" In his hands, according to inside information, even Yun Sha, one of the four great masters, was defeated by him.

"Arrogance and madness?"

The man in black immediately dismissed the idea of ​​attacking Liufengmen. They had received news before that Xiao Yu had left Liufengmen, but no one could guarantee when Xiao Yu would return. Yu, I'm afraid they don't even know how they died.

Their encirclement and suppression operation this time has actually violated the taboo of "dark prison", and they have violated His Holiness' order.Although they have the mission of controlling first-class forces, when the Four Great Venerables and Fu Cangsheng left, they had ordered them not to make any big moves on the mainland until they came back. , It is also because they really can't see the top-notch forces managed by the first hand being pulled out by the alliance, so they made their own claims and initiated the alliance.

"We should hurry up, deal with Long Xiaotian and others, and then leave this place quickly. For some reason, I have an ominous premonition!"

The person who spoke before frowned slightly, feeling very uneasy.

The black-robed man didn't dare to be negligent when he heard the words, he immediately waved his sleeves and wanted to strike.

"No need, you have no chance!"

An indifferent voice suddenly appeared next to their ears. The 20 people were all startled. They all looked around in horror, but they didn't find any trace of anyone.

They immediately raised their vigilance, and none of them thought that they had heard wrong just now.


A sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves filled the world. Whether it was the 20 people in the "dark prison", Fan Liangji and others who were attacking the protective shield, or Long Xiaotian and others hiding in the hinterland of the mountains, all eyes were darkened. , losing any sense of the surrounding environment.

"Ah? What's going on?"

Everyone was shocked, and they didn't understand the sudden situation.

"Could it be that they used some kind of secret attack?"

Long Xiaotian and the others' hearts sank. Under such circumstances, it was difficult for them to even launch a defense, and an unprecedented sense of fear swept over their bodies.

"what happened?"

Fan Liangji and the others in the sky couldn't see their fingers, and they stood in the distance, not daring to act rashly. They also thought that Long Xiaotian and the others used some secret technique, but they didn't expect that neither of them was the main character performing this trick .


A scream came, followed by screams one after another.

Long Xiaotian and the others heard it clearly. At first they thought that their troops were being attacked, but after listening carefully, they realized that the screams came from the top of the mountain range, that is to say, the screams were caused by Fan Liangji and others besieging Issued by a master.

"Someone come to the rescue?"

Long Xiaotian was overjoyed, and immediately guessed who came to the rescue.Being able to use such a method is on the side of their alliance, and there is no other person except Xiao Yu.

"It's saved, everyone, let's stay calm!"

There were more and more screams in the sky, and Long Xiaotian and the others below could already smell blood.

(End of this chapter)

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