Chapter 471


The god-breaking masters in the sky didn't understand it at all, so they had to deploy the divine power defense in their bodies, but one after another attack still fell on them, the perfect defense in their eyes was useless.

There were more and more screams, one more tragic than the other. In the darkness, no one knew what happened, but Fan Liangji felt more and more uneasy in his heart. When he was hit hard on the chest, he finally understood his own pain. source of unease.

He didn't know who killed him so easily until the moment he died.

The 20 people in the "Dark Prison" didn't have any chance to breathe, but in an instant, they had turned into twenty entities with a little warmth, and they fell on the mountain.

The screams disappeared, and the sky gradually revealed light and began to clear up.Long Xiaotian and the others looked at the sky, Xiao Yu was standing with his hands behind his back, a strong bloody aura surrounded him, and those masters of the God Breaking Realm had long since disappeared.

"Hero Xiao!"

When Long Xiaotian and the others saw Xiao Yu's arrival, they were overjoyed immediately, and completely dissipated the barrier of divine power. They knew very well that the moment Xiao Yu arrived, it meant that they were safe. Take action against them, unless it is the master of the God-shattering Realm who hasn't appeared for a long time.

Little did they know, two remnant souls who had reached the level of God-shattering Realm had already died in Xiao Yu's hands.

"Everyone, are you okay!"

Xiao Yu looked at Long Xiaotian and the others with a smile on his lips, as if what happened just now had nothing to do with him.


Long Xiaotian and his party of more than [-] people flashed towards the sky, leaving only one person in the hinterland of the mountain range, who was the one without any energy fluctuations.

"Hero Xiao, where are those people?"

When Long Xiaotian came in front of Xiao Yu, regardless of the injury just now, he just clasped his fists.In any case, Xiao Yu saved their lives again this time.


Xiao Yu pointed his finger downwards, everyone looked down, and their expressions changed dramatically.

There are figures in disorder below, some hanging on the branches, some lying on the stone slabs, in various positions, all of them are not breathing, except for the 60 people who attacked them, there are [-] others they have never seen before. people.

The eighty corpses, either with sunken chests or detached heads, were all killed by one blow without exception.


Everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and a chill hit their hearts.These corpses were all genuine god-breaking masters, considered the top masters in the mainland, but now they were slaughtered like pigs and dogs, and the instigator of this incident was the man with a smile on his face youth.

Zhan Wang's expression was even more embarrassing. At the beginning, he fought Xiao Yu ignorantly, but he was punched unconscious and seriously injured.At first he thought that Xiao Yu had tried his best, but now he realized that in the eyes of others, he was like a cat or a dog.


At this time, Xiao Yu turned his eyes and looked towards the hinterland of the mountain range. There was a figure there, which made him feel familiar.


After waiting to see the face of the person below, Xiao Yu's heart was shocked.

"It's him? How come?"

Xiao Yu ignored the people in the sky, and appeared in front of that person in a flash.

"Hero Xiao, long time no see!"

When the person below saw Xiao Yu, he smiled wryly, and clasped his fists at Xiao Yu.

"How will you be here?"

The surprise in Xiao Yu's heart was indeed not small, this person was none other than Ao Wuqing who was taken away by the people from "Dark Prison" in Huoyun Empire back then.

Xiao Yu really didn't expect him to appear here, and he was still with Long Xiaotian and others.

"Oh, it's hard to say!"

Ao Wuqing showed a look of vicissitudes, as if he had a lot of words hidden in his heart.

"It's okay, let's go back and talk slowly!"

Xiao Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart, reached out with his palm, and grabbed Ao Wuqing's shoulder.

When he grabbed it, he was taken aback again.Ao Wuqing didn't have the slightest vitality in his body. When he was captured, he had the strength to break the Yuan Realm, but when he saw him again after a few months, he had lost his cultivation.

Xiao Yu didn't ask any more questions, and with a wave of his palm, a divine power flew into the air with Ao Wuqing.

"Everyone, let's go back to the Liufeng Gate!"

Everyone nodded and followed behind Xiao Yu.

Ao Wuqing stared at Xiao Yu's back, his palms trembled slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In the Lansimogao Empire, the Liufeng Gate is exploding.Many disciples heard the news that the sect master and others were trapped, whether it was the Liufeng sect or the disciples of the other sects, they clamored to rescue each other, but the elders of each sect suppressed them.

These disciples rely on the blood in their bodies, but blood can't solve any problems. Facing the god-breaking masters, and there are a terrifying number of god-breaking masters, no matter how many people they go to, they will never return.

Among the disciples, two figures were particularly conspicuous, they were two women.One of them has long ice-blue hair and a fairy-like face that makes people feel ashamed when they look at it.The other one with black hair curled up, with a frosty face, his proud figure is enough to attract everyone's attention, and a pair of bright eyes exudes a unique style that is different from others.

"Zixuan, what do you think about this matter? Do you think they can return safely?"

Lin Qingbing is a little worried. After all, the alliance has just been formed and the foundation has not been completely laid. If it loses [-]% of its top combat power at this time, it will definitely be a devastating blow to the alliance.

"Don't worry, Qingbing!" Ao Zixuan smiled sweetly, looking at the male disciples around her with straight eyes.

"Brother Xiao Yu will rush over as soon as he receives the news, but no one can stop him."

These words reveal the incomparable trust in Xiao Yu.

"I just don't know if he has received the news!"

Lin Qingbing naturally knew how powerful Xiao Yu was. Even Patriarch Da Huanxi, who was at the peak of the Broken God Realm, died in his hands. He naturally didn't care about these characters at the second or third level of the Broken God Realm.

Whenever thinking of Xiao Yu's fierce battle with Da Huanxi Patriarch for herself, Lin Qingbing felt very happy. No matter where Xiao Yu put her in his heart, it was definitely extremely important.As long as this is the case, she feels enough.

If she wanted to fight for something, she would not tell Ao Zixuan the truth on the day of Ao Zixuan and Long Zhantian's wedding.

"All we can do now is stick to the headquarters and wait for their news!"

Ao Zixuan took Lin Qingbing's hand, during this time the relationship between the two of them became more and more intimate, like good sisters, and they don't know what the two whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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