Chapter 472 Doubt
"Come back, door master and the others are back!"

Hearing this news, Liufeng Gate was erupting immediately, disciples rushed out and rushed to the gate of the city.

A group of 23 people were striding over from the gate of the city, and the leader was the absolute idol in their hearts—Xiao Yu.

"He's back!"

Both Ao Zixuan and Lin Qingbing were overjoyed, they stood together, watching Xiao Yu silently.

It's just that Xiao Yu is a little absent-minded at the moment, his eyes are scattered, as if he is thinking about something, his brows have already frowned.

"Hero Xiao, Hero Xiao!"

There were waves of cheers everywhere, these disciples all understood that their sect master and the Supreme Elder must have been saved by Xiao Yu, looking at the entire alliance, Xiao Yu was the only one who could do this.

Ao Zixuan's eyes fell on a person behind Xiao Yu, her delicate body shook, revealing an expression of disbelief.

"Zixuan, what's wrong?"

Lin Qingbing noticed the changes in Ao Zixuan, and said strangely.

"Second uncle?"

Ao Zixuan fixed her eyes on Ao Wuqing, she wondered if she was wrong.She had learned from Xiao Yu and Ao Wuji that Ao Wuqing was captured by the "Dark Prison" and his life and death were unknown, but today he appeared in Liufengmen at the same time as Xiao Yu and others. What hurt too much.

"I have to go and tell my dad about this!"

Ao Zixuan turned around and ran towards the place where Ao Wuji and the others lived. Although Lin Qingbing didn't know the situation, she still followed behind Ao Zixuan.

"Yu'er rescued them, it's really great!"

Xiao Maifei, Xiao Xuri and others stood on a hillside and could see clearly.They were extremely proud in their hearts. This kind of hero who was highly anticipated by everyone came from their Xiao family and was a member of their Xiao family.

"However, Yu'er's complexion is a little bit bad, could it be that she was injured?"

Xiao Xuri noticed Xiao Yu's expression and said worriedly.

"Injured?" Xiao Maifei shook his head, "Looking at his appearance, he doesn't seem injured. Besides, who can hurt him? He should be thinking about something."

"What's bothering him so much?"

Everyone secretly guessed, but they didn't have a clue.

When Xiao Yu and others arrived at the square, he stood aside, continuing to think about his own affairs, Ao Wuqing stood with Xiao Yu, his expression dull.Long Xiaotian and the others sat down cross-legged and adjusted their internal breath.They all had some injuries more or less, so naturally they needed some recuperation.

The disciples were all watching outside the square, no one came in, they naturally knew the etiquette.

"Second brother!"

"Brother Xiao Yu!"

Two familiar voices came from the left side, Xiao Yu turned his head subconsciously, and saw Ao Zixuan and Ao Wuji who were coming anxiously, and behind them was Lin Qingbing with a strange expression.

Like a naughty swallow, Ao Zixuan threw herself into Xiao Yu's arms.Not seeing each other for more than ten days, she felt as if it had been more than ten years.

"Brother Xiao Yu, you are finally back!"

Ao Zixuan doesn't care about other people's eyes, almost everyone here knows her relationship with Xiao Yu.

"Xuanxuan, what's wrong? Are you crying?"

Looking at the tears in the corners of Ao Zixuan's eyes, Xiao Yu's brows that were originally tightly furrowed relaxed, and his face immediately became infinitely tender.He gently wiped away Ao Zixuan's tears, and hugged her gently.

"No, I'm just so happy to see you!"

Ao Zixuan shook her head and leaned on Xiao Yu's shoulder.

"Second brother, it's great that you're back!"

Ao Wuji walked up to Ao Wuqing, and patted Ao Wuqing heavily on the shoulder.

"Big brother!"

Ao Wuqing smiled at Ao Wuji, revealing a smile.Ao Wuqing has not heard from Ao Wuqing for several months, and he does not know whether he is alive or dead, but Ao Wuji, who is the eldest brother, is very worried.

Now in the entire Ao family, only him, Ao Zixuan and Ao Wuqing are left. People who are connected by blood should be cherished even more.

"It's good to come back. During this time, it's really easy for me to find!"

Ao Wuji never gave up looking for Ao Wuqing, but there was no news. Today Ao Wuqing came back with Xiao Yu, he was really moved.

"Brother, let you worry!"

Ao Wuqing was very moved.

"Xuanxuan, take your second uncle down to rest, I have something to do, I'll go find you later!"

Xiao Yu suddenly thought of something, gently rubbed Ao Zixuan's hair, and said softly.


Ao Zixuan is very obedient, in front of Xiao Yu, she is a little daughter-in-law.She and Ao Wuji headed towards the residence with Ao Wuqing.

"How are you recently?"

Xiao Yu looked at Lin Qingbing who was at the side, and smiled slightly.

"As long as you're fine, of course I'm fine!"

Lin Qingbing showed a smile, and the ice was untied, and there were all kinds of amorous feelings.

Xiao Yu touched his nose in embarrassment. When Ao Zixuan completely forgot about him before, he originally wanted to stay together with Lin Qingbing, but then things changed beyond his expectation. Now he has Having taken Ao Zixuan's virginity, he naturally wants to stay together for life, which makes him dare not face up to Lin Qingbing's feelings, after all, in his heart, there is still the modern concept of monogamy.

"That's good, then I... go ask some questions first!"

Xiao Yu's bewildered look made Lin Qingbing secretly laugh, but she didn't show it, she nodded, turned and walked away.


Xiao Yu shook his head, feeling more and more troublesome things, this emotional debt is indeed the most difficult to deal with.

He looked at Long Xiaotian and the others, noticed the gradually weakening fluctuation of divine power, and knew that their healing was nearing completion.

Not long after, Long Xiaotian opened his eyes, and Xiao Yu appeared directly beside him, and said in a low voice: "Master Long Xiaotian, take a step to speak!"

Long Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, seeing Xiao Yu's expression, it seemed that the matter was very important, he nodded, and walked aside with Xiao Yu.

The release of Xiao Yu's divine power isolated him and Long Xiaotian in a separate space, and the sound could not be transmitted to the outside world, so the conversation between the two was truly top secret.

"Master Long Xiaotian, I want to know how that person is with you?"

Xiao Yu asked.

Long Xiaotian knew that what Xiao Yu was talking about was Ao Wuqing, and immediately replied: "We rescued him, when we attacked the Liuxian Gate, we rescued him from a 'dark prison' master who controlled the Liuxian Gate. , we saw that the 'Dark Prison' master attached great importance to him, so we thought about bringing him back to Liufengmen before making plans, but we didn't expect to be besieged by thirty first-class forces."

"Saved from the master of 'Dark Prison'!"

Xiao Yu pondered for a while, but said nothing.

"It's strange, they took him away, why did they put him in the 'Six Strings Gate', and how did his cultivation base be abolished? I couldn't find any damage to his meridians just now, it's really weird !"

Xiao Yu had many doubts in his heart, no wonder he thought so.Ao Wuqing didn't have any damaged meridians, but his vitality disappeared for no reason. This was the biggest question in Xiao Yu's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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