Chapter 477

The two stepped into the void, the mysterious man seemed not to want to start fighting with Xiao Yu at this height, stomped the sole of his foot, and his body exploded again, flying straight into the sky like a rocket.

Xiao Yu naturally did not lag behind, forming two parallel trajectories with him, heading towards the sky.

"Here, I should be able to kill you without anyone noticing!"

The mysterious man grinned, revealing a serious smile, that unreal face made people shudder.

"Kill me?" Xiao Yu said disdainfully, "It depends on whether you have that ability!"

The mysterious man stopped making a sound, and waved his palms repeatedly, and a divine power containing hundreds of colors gushed out from his body, which looked extraordinarily gorgeous in this dark night.Xiao Yu's heart trembled, from this divine power, he actually felt hundreds of different powers.

"Thousand Colors Kill!"

The divine power of the mysterious man poured in and turned into a thousand-colored arch bridge in the air, like a rainbow of changing colors, and the other end fell on Xiao Yu's head.

"Glacier fissure!"

Xiao Yu handed over his hands, raised a light blue shield of divine power, and slammed it down, hitting the rainbow divine power.


There was a loud noise, a beautiful firework bloomed in the dark sky, and a huge colorful mushroom cloud of hundreds of thousands of feet erupted in the sky.


The Qi and blood in Xiao Yu's body churned, his body turned upside down, the soles of his feet wiped out a track in the void, and he retreated hundreds of feet.

The mysterious man was also shaken, and the soles of his feet stepped on the air repeatedly, making colorless ripples, and he was also blasted back hundreds of feet.

"Aotian Kuangshen really deserves his reputation. Let's come here first today. In the future, I will have fun with you!"

The mysterious man rubbed his arms, and his figure flashed, taking advantage of the moment when the impact had not dissipated, he disappeared directly into the darkness.


Xiao Yu secretly thought something was wrong, stomped the sole of his foot, and went directly through the mushroom cloud whose temperature was enough to incinerate gold and stone, but the mysterious man had disappeared, not even a breath left behind.


He searched around, but there was indeed no aura reappearing, and his heart was very solemn.

He had already shown killing intent to the mysterious man just now, but this was the first time since he became famous that he let the enemy slip away when fighting someone.


The wind blew violently, he rolled up his sleeves and flew towards the Liufeng Gate.

Amidst a black cloud in the distance, a gaze exuding a gloomy light appeared.

"Xiao Yu, now is not the best time to fight with you. In a short time, I will definitely let you know what despair is! Hehehe!"

The laughter gradually faded, the black clouds drifted away, and the people had disappeared.

"Report to the sect master that none of the disciples in the sect had any accidents, and the other sects are still being counted."

A law enforcement disciple of Liufengmen bowed to Long Xiaotian.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, you go down first!"

Long Xiaotian nodded, and the disciple retreated in response.

"Elder Supreme, who the hell is that person who has such terrifying strength?"

Long Xiaotian looked at Long Xiu who was at the side, feeling a little terrified.That terrifying divine power was definitely the first time he had encountered it.

"That's true!" Long Xiu said in a deep voice, "In the alliance, I am afraid that only Yu'er can fight him. It is really terrifying!"

When Xiao Yu was mentioned, everyone else became a little worried. Xiao Yu was indeed strong, but the strength of that mysterious man was also extremely terrifying. When the two met, it was extremely difficult to predict who would win.

"I don't know what happened to Xiao Daxia, should we go out and look for it?"

Succubus, the master of the Charm Gate, said.

"I am back!"

There was a sound of breaking wind, and Xiao Yu had already landed in front of everyone.

"Hero Xiao!"

Everyone showed joy, and Xiao Yu didn't seem to be injured, which meant that that person couldn't do anything to Xiao Yu. This was great news.At least there are still enough masters in the alliance.

"Yu'er, where is that person?"

Long Xiu asked.

"He got two moves right with me, and then ran away, instead of fighting me head-on!"

Xiao Yu replied.

"How is that person's strength?"

Xiao Yu said solemnly: "Very strong, if I didn't fight with my life, I am not sure that I can take him down!"

Everyone was silent. They had just escaped from the siege, and now a mysterious person with extraordinary strength suddenly appeared, which made them a little breathless.

After half an hour, disciples from all sects came to report, and there was no shortage of manpower.

"That's weird!"

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, as a result, he was somewhat confused about the mysterious man's intentions.

"Is he just trying to lure me out?"

Xiao Yu immediately dispelled this thought. If the mysterious man really came for him, why did he choose to leave after luring him out?

"Everyone, go back and rest, let's put this matter aside for now!"

Xiao Yu waved his hand and left first.Ao Zixuan is still in his room, he can't stay outside all the time.


Xiao Yu pushed open the door, Ao Zixuan was sitting vigilantly by the window, when she saw Xiao Yu coming in, she was overjoyed.

"Brother Xiao Yu, you are back, what happened?"

Xiao Yu sat by the window, frowning.

"Meet a good opponent, but let him escape!"

Ao Zixuan was taken aback: "A good opponent?"

She knew very well that Xiao Yu was definitely one of the strongest people in this continent, and since he said he had met a good opponent, the opponent was definitely too strong.

"It's okay, let's rest first!"

Xiao Yu didn't think about it any more, and fell on the bed with Ao Zixuan in his arms. This night, neither of them had any intention of being intimate, so they slept like this until dawn.

In the extreme south of the Shenwu Continent, there is a long outlying island. Beyond the long outlying island, there is a vast ocean, boundless and endless.

A group of four people were sitting on a large boat. They were three middle-aged men and a young man with a handsome face.This young man stood at the bow of the boat, with a long sword on his back, a white robe and long hair, very chic.

This person was Yun Tian who had parted with Xiao Yu for two days, and the three middle-aged men were his accompanying domestic slaves.

"Young master, we can change to a huge ship when we get to Changli Island. This ship can no longer support us back to the Sanctuary!"

One of the middle-aged men said to Yun Tian.


Yun Tian smiled and nodded, his calm and breezy appearance was somewhat similar to Xiao Yu when he was calm.

Half an hour later, several people landed on Changli Island.Although Changli Island is an island, its size is comparable to the territory of an empire. They must travel from the north end of Changli Island to the south end before they can change to the large ships they need.

The four walked through the vast woods of Changli Island, and when they reached the depths of the forest, Yun Tian suddenly stopped, and the three house slaves behind him became vigilant when they saw this, they knew that their young master had a strong sense, and they In this state, something has been sensed.

"Wow! Wow!"

All the crows in the forest suddenly flew into the sky, making ugly calls, and the forest that could still see the sun shining down on it was suddenly pitch black.

Yun Tian didn't make any movements, his mind sank, and he expanded his perception to the surroundings.


Suddenly, the black wind howled, and a black shadow crossed the sky, and the powerful pressure crushed the towering tree to pieces.

A streak of black air descended from the sky, carrying a strong and cold aura. Wherever it passed, even the air was frozen into ice cubes and then shattered.


Yuntian's eyes flashed brightly, his divine power spewed out, and the golden divine power exploded from the top of his head, completely blowing away the black air with a gloomy aura.

The huge black shadow in the sky flashed again, the huge wing-like object cut off all the tree trunks, and an invisible force swept towards Yuntian and the others.

"No fun!"

Yun Tian smiled slightly, the palm of his hand flashed with golden light, and he suddenly clenched his fist.

"call out!"

Countless golden lights shot straight into the sky, illuminating the entire forest.

"Tiangang Burst Fist!"

Yun Tian swung his fist, and the original golden light suddenly changed into an extremely rich blue. In the wind of the fist, flames burned, tongues of flames flew wildly, and the temperature between the sky and the earth suddenly rose.

A huge fist imprint containing blue flames collided with the wing-like thing.


The terrifying power dissipated, the forest turned into ashes in an instant, and all the green grass on the ground was burned. The entire Changli Island trembled under this blow, and those people far away felt it As the terrifying forces collided, they all showed shocking expressions.

Yun Tian did not move at all, slowly withdrew his right hand and put it on his back, looking calm and relaxed.

The pitch-black wing-shaped object was blown backwards, the huge figure flickered, and the black figure shrank suddenly, forming a red-haired young man with a strange face and wings.His face was ashen, and he had obviously lost the wind under the confrontation just now.

(End of this chapter)

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